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Lost my Great Grandmother


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She was a light in my world. I was very close with her and she got sick very quick and very fast. Within three days she fell sick and passed. She was ripped from my family. I feel guilty that I didn't see her enough or that I didn't show her enough love. Everytime I go to visit my Great grandfather and see her chair, It brings me to a feeling is disbelief that she is gone. She was so happy and Strong. I knew it was going to come, she was 93 and had a lot of minor health issues. But it came and went too quick. It's been over half a year now and I still can't get passed it. I just need someone to help me get on the right path and help me through this.

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Dear Ibramigk,

I'm so sorry for your pain and sorrow. Losing a beloved grandparent is very hard. We always think we have more time. It is a terrible shock. All your thoughts and feelings are natural and normal. Grief can be a long journey. If you want to, consider talking to a grief counsellor or joining a support group. I also find these websites helpful in understanding my grief What's Your Grief and The Grief Healing Blog.

Please know you are not alone. We are all here to listen and support you. Take care.


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