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High anxieties


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Today marks the fourth month since I lost my dad.... I thought I would be ok when I woke up this morning... but it's not the case.... that day keeps replaying in my head. My anxieties are high and and my body hurts and I feel dizzy... it's hard... I just wanna be ok already.. I can't cry when I think about my dad... I only hurt bad inside... and I don't know how express how I feel to my husband and I don't know how to react in front of my kids... 

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I feel for you and here along side you. It is the anxiety that is getting to me as I try and keep going for the sake of my family. I wish there was an answer to this or a quick fix but there isn't unfortunately. It is a case of one day at a time putting one foot in front of the other and keep talking. Hugs.

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Dats like this will happen. You just need to get through it as best you. Breath in and out and put one foot in front of the other. Survive. That's all we can do. Hugs to you. 

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Dear Sandra,

I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through. Grief does take a toll on our minds and bodies.  Try to be as kind and gentle with yourself as possible.  I know its very hard.  Almost 7 months since my father passed I still have more bad days than good. Its only natural for minds to keep going over and over what happened. It will take time.

Please continue to posts and let us know how are you doing. Thinking of you. Sending you all my thoughts and prayers.

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Thank you all so much... as much as I hate the situation we're all in, it does feel better to know that I'm not the only one going through the crazy symptoms and emotions. For awhile before I joined this forum I thought I was the only one and that there was something wrong with me. I know the rest of the family is grieving too but I felt very alone. Hugs and love to you all....

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