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Both parents died last year


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My parents died within five months of each other last year. My mother was expected to pass, she had been ill for several years, but my father's death was unexpected. I am doing OK most of the time, but sometimes I have bad dreams and don't function well the next day. I watched both of them die in the hospital over a period of days. I would be interested to hear from people with a similar experience and how they are coping. Thanks.

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Lisa morgan

This happened with my little sister also. First off, sorry for your loss. My grief started in 2004 and hasnt ended since! Its like a black cloud over my head. Lost husband, little brother, mother, and little sister. But i can relate with you when it comes to my sister. She died at 40 of metastatic lung cancer. Its hard to watch them in the bed just lying there and i felt so helpless. I begged my higher power to switch places with her. But i still jave work to do here. Grief is a complicated thing, i wish there was a way just to make it go away. You know what i did? Ive just recently got on the barnes & noble site and ordered workbooks. That you write down feelings memories and you LEARN the proper way to handle grief if there is such a thing. That way in time you can look back and see how your feelings have changed or differ. Thats what im doing besides counseling.

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Dear griever,

I'm so sorry for your pain and sorrow. Losing two parents so close together is a terrible shock. I too lost my father in the hospital. Its been 7 months since his passing. Grief is a long and terrible journey. I hate it. I have tried everything I can to manage my thoughts and feelings. One day I feel like I can carry on and then the next day I hate the whole world. Maybe its too soon for me.

I know everyone is different. Keep trying things and see what works for you. I have tired counselling, grief support groups, reading, taking an art class, and journaling. Yet still I struggle.

Be kind to yourself. Day by day my friend.

Thinking of you. Sending you all my thoughts and prayers.


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