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Loss of my boy cat


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2 years ago on July 2nd, 2015 an angel came into my life. I had had cats my entire life but this one was unlike any I'd ever known. I rescued him from a horrible situation-he had a broken leg and was scarily malnourished. He was under a month old. I raised money to pay for his surgery on his leg, I nursed him back to health, and I took him back East with me for my senior year of college. He was my best friend. In college I was depressed, lonely, isolated, and angry. But he was there with me through it all, helping to make my life easier. I got him another kitty to spend his days with, and she loved him as much as I did. They were my children, my angels, my best friends, and best friends to each other. They spent 9 months with me in college, and then moved back home with me when I graduated. Everyone loved him, though. She was a sweet kitty, but he was special. I named him Lumière, because he was the light of my life. We live in a coyote populated territory. But they loved the outdoors more than anything. I didn't want to deprive them of a life they enjoyed. So I allowed them access to the outside world, and they had the most amazing life. She's still with me, but she's not the same. We're both trying to cope. He went missing exactly a month ago. I can't cope. I feel guilty every second. I feel like a part of me is gone. I haven't talked to anyone about this because people judge it being a pet, but even typing this I feel a little better. I'm not a good mother, I should never have let him outside. He was too slow, too friendly, too domestic. I should've been smarter. I can't deal with this pain. I will never feel whole again.

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I'm so sorry for your loss of Lumiere.  There's different schools of thought about letting them outside, some vets say not to, but when they're already used to it they won't be happy being contained in the house.  I also lost my Miss Mocha to a predator June 3rd, I don't know what got her but I know something did, she'd never leave home, she was happy and healthy.  I'd had her 10 1/2 years, when I got her she was unknown age adult that had been spayed.  I think someone dropped her off out here in the country, she started living in my garage until I realized she didn't have a home and then I let her inside and she was mine ever since.  It's hard, you miss them they're unique and special and nothing makes up for that empty gaping hole in our hearts.

Instead of blaming yourself, try to realize how happy you made him, the one who loved him completely and gave him a good life for the time he had.

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You were a great mother to your boy. I'm truly sorry for you loss.

I lost my baby boy on Saturday and the pain is excruciating. I hope over the last month your heart has felt a bit of peace. 

And I know what you mean about people judging...I turned to this site because I had no one to talk to about the loss of my cat Tommy. He was my best friend. I miss him so much. I'm here if you need anything.

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