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I had a dream a couple nights back I don't normally remember very many but I remember this one more vividly then anything I've experienced when I've been awake. Do mind I am not as religious as I should or would like to be but that's besides the point. I was on this train and I remember seeing everything as bright white and the doors opened to the train and I got out as if I knew where I was going I was in a city with tall buildings and people I didn't recognize all around me walking as if they couldn't see me I walked further on and there he was standing there smiling at me it was my dad we talked for a while nothing about where we were or how it was for him to gone we just talked about how we were as if we were out fishing like we liked to do and then he became said as if he knew our time was up I told him It was okay and I boarded the train and then that was it I was awake again in my bed I don't know if that was a gift from god cause he knew how much I'd had need to see him or if it was my brain trying to cope with a traumatic experience but every Night I fall asleep I hope to have that dream again....


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