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Unfounded Envy of People with Both Parents


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Whenever i see kids with both their parents, I just get a pang of anger and annoyance because why do they get to have both parents? Those kids complain about their families, saying their Mom does this, and their Dad does that, and its just infuriating because their parents are still together. Im not belittling their problems, though- im just expressing my frustration at their insensitivity. Its strange why I get frustrated, however. I get annoyed when other people with both parents give me pitiful looks whenever i mention my Dad, but i also hate when they dont regard that i have one parent: like they'll say "do your parents allow you to go for the trip?" Its horrible that they'll just disregard how i feel when they say that- its minor, i know, but sometimes its the little things that count.

Does anyone else feel that? Or am i just being irrational?

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Dear captainkirk,

I hear your frustration and anger. I think people don't know what they have till its lost. They don't know the pain of losing a parent and can be cavalier about complaining about their parents who are still alive. I know it hurts because we miss our parents so much and would give anything for them to still be alive. To have them here to fight with and complain about. I know its not easy.  I miss my dad horribly. I too get angry, I think its a part of the grief journey. Please know you are not alone in your feelings. It will take us all a long time to come to terms with our loss. Thinking of you.

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