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I was wondering if anyone had tips for coping?
Anything that they enjoy in particular, hobbies, music, gardening, friends, films, art, whatever helps to grieve and accept death?
I used to listen to music but I don't find it the same anymore. I might have to look for new artists, though I still like this mortal coil.
I appreciate your responses.

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Dear new133,

Thank you for asking this question. I know everyone is so different. I have the following suggestions:

  1. Talking to a counselor
  2. Joining a support group
  3. Joining a church
  4. Learning a new hobby
  5. Taking a new class for painting

No matter what we do, I think the most important thing is to keep talking with friends or family or posting to the forums, its good to get the emotions out.

Take care and thanks again for asking this question.

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