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Loss of a step sister


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I lost a step sister 4 years ago,Lynn.We were very close since we met through my step dad.It was 6 years ago she was diagnosed with cancer and went through a battle with it for 2 years.I loved her a lot and she was good to me.I would help her out in anyway and she was a mom of two,a son and daughter.I don't have kids in my life since I can't get pregnant and told her I would take her kids in if she did pass away.Her kids were glad I decided to take them in and did sign paperwork with a lawyer on hand to do this.Her son was 11 and her daughter was 13 at the time when this happened.It was 3 weeks before Thanksgiving she passed away 4 years ago.She was only 32 years old when she passed and would of been 36 this year.Her kids are good to me and been living with me now at 15 and 17 years old.Lynn was loved by everyone in her life and she never did any harm to anyone.Her funeral was packed and she has one request before she passed away,play the song, Sissy's Song by Alan Jackson at her funeral.It is this song she requested, 


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I am so sorry about the loss of Lynn. She sounds like a dear, sweet person. 

We will be here with you,



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