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Lost my soul mate


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I lost my husband and soul mate suddenly in a car accident on Nov. 28th of this year. We met when I was 14 and married when I was 16. We were married for 13 years and had 2 beautiful little boys together. They're 12 and 10 now. We were a very close family. We did absolutely everything together and I mean everything. My husband and I were fortunate enough to spend almost every waking moment together and never got tired of each other. I was always excited to see him and talk to him. I was always wrapped in his arms or holding his hands. I just don't know how to live or function without him. This terrifies me because like I said we have 2 boys together. I know I have to be strong for them and keep it together, but this is the hardest, most painful thing I've ever even imagined. Please tell me how to make this pain even a little better. I'm so lost now and no one seems to be able to relate or understand. 

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Infinity, I am so sorry for your loss - so recent, you poor love. I am six weeks into my loss, and I still don't know how to live without my Ken, but I think maybe I'm getting a handle on survival. Key for me is talking to trusted people and do make sure you talk to your husband too. You are absolutely right, this is the hardest thing you may ever do. I do find that worrying too much about the future makes it seem too big and not doable. Right now, perhaps it's better to focus on each day as it comes. I certainly do relate - the loss of the love of your life is SO devastating at so many levels.

Can I offer you a (((((hug))))))?

Keep posting here too, should you find that it helps.

Louise xo

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i am right there with you. its only been 2 weeks for me but feels like a lifetime since I held my wife. she was everything to me. each day I woke up I feel in love with her all over again. there is nothing anyone can do or say because the only thing we want is our spouse back. I to feel like no one understands simply because they don't. Ive already gotten tired of the cliché comments. I'm not going to give advise because there is none to give. just want you to know I'm there with you.

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All of us here can relate and understand. No one else that I know outside this forum has lost a significant other, so therefore how can they relate? Nothing takes away the pain, the  loneliness, the empty void. The process of grief is hard work, the effort we put into continuing somehow. My personal advice is to avoid alcohol. I've tried that to dull the pain and to sleep. Due to alcohol being a depressant, it made things much worse for me. A lesson learned. Have to meet the emotions head on, let them have their way by crying, screaming, punching pillows, pushing through to have release. Just try to get through each day. Don't think about the next day, next week or next month, it's way too overwhelming.

Prayers and hugs to all of you.

  • Moderators

There are two posts the same by the poster, I wrote to the moderator a long time ago and asked them to merge them but haven't received response.
Poster has not responded since.


This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies.

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