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My son my hero went to heaven on thanksgiving day

Keagin's Mommy

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Keagin's Mommy

Not sure how this works but I need help 

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Soooo sorry for your loss... Losing a child - most painful. How he has died?

You can find the www.compassionatefriends.org in your area, so you can meet the people with the same losses.

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Keagin's Mommy

Keagin was 5 years old and the doctors think he had a massive seizure he had epilepsy 

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Your little angel at peace now on heaven.


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keaginsmommy i am so sorry for your loss. noone ever has the words to say that will give you comfort. Losing a child is a pain too terrible to bear but here you are not alone. We feel your pain and recognize it because we have all been there. i f you believe in a God then feel comfort that keagin is with him. if like me you don;t believe in God know that keagin is still always with you, just you can't see him for now.


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Keagin's Mommy I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my handsome 3 year old son Blake on Dec.   22, 2016.  


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Hi all I hope you are doing ok and managing to keep on going. This time of year is especially tough with the world celebrating and being joyous and excited when we bereaved parents just look on thinking life will never be the same again. True it will never be the same again but eventually it will not be so raw and we can all celebrate our child's memory in positive ways and look to a different future.


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