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I had death premonitions leading to my boyfriends fatal car crash


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About a week before my boyfriend died in a car accident, I had a disturbing vision of a violent impact, much like what it would be like to collide with another car. It wasn't very clear, but it was so powerful I almost passed out. After that I had feelings of impending doom and dark dreams with my boyfriend in them. I honestly thought I was going to die. But then a week later, it was him. And I didn't even know until a day later. I don't know why I had these visions but couldn't feel his passing. It is all very painful and confusing. 

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I am so very sorry you had to experience first the dark, disturbing vision then the actual tragedy. I know nothing about any of this, but I can certainly understand how it could be painful and confusing.


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Jesse David & Taylor Mom

I am sorry to hear of the loss of your boyfriend. I had the same with premonitions and knowings -- I did not know what they were at the time. I learned since that premonitions, knowings, (and the identification you wrote of those last moments) -- do happen to people. These events can happen to individuals who are close at heart to the person leaving. 

Here is a grief counselor, Carol Kearns, who wrote a piece on this subject. She was mentored under Elisabeth Kubler-Ross.


Also, there is a book written by Bonnie McEneaney named Messages: Signs, Visits, and Premonitions from Loved Ones Lost on 9/11. Her husband knew he was going to pass before he was killed in 9/11.


Sending gentle thoughts.


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