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Is husband with miscarried child?


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Last night, I had a dream of my husband who passed a way a little over a month ago hanging out with a little boy who looked just like him and was around the age of three. The little boy was a little bigger than our daughter he left behind who is also three. After I miscarried the next month I was pregnant again and had a baby girl in August of 2013. 

In the dream, my husband was coming from somewhere on a bicycle towards the little boy. When I woke up, I was really confused and wondered, why is there a little boy with him and the boy looked just like him. It didn't dawn on me until I recalled the miscarriage we had before our daughter. Is it possible that he is with our son now? I was blaming him a lot that he left me with our daughter to care for on my own and that night I went to sleep, I had that dream. 


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