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Clever Pennywyze

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Yesterday Wasn't That Bad



With yesterday having marked 2 years since Jeremy died, it wasn't that bad. I kept myself busy working on my novels, and by the time I realized that it was April 9, it was already 12 almost 1 in the afternoon. No tears were dropped. 

Steve and I are doing better. He was really great, yesterday. He knew what day it was, and he did his best to help keep my busy. I know I have made it seem like Steve is some kind of radical jerk, but y'all have to realize that I was in relationship with someone who didn't argue or fight with me for 10 years. He worshipped the ground I walk on, and I'm just not used to being yelled at when I yell at my partner. 

I love Steve. He's not abusive. He has never hit me, and only starts to yell at me when I'm yelling at him. 


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