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He Was Here, Today

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About this blog

I'm the type of woman who "reads signs".  Like if the same set of numbers comes up, I have "good luck" that day.  Or when my gut "tells me" something's not right, I typically listen to my instincts.  It's been a long time since I "got a sign", but I got one loud and clear, earlier this morning.  I had to get a verification code to reset my password on Facebook, and when the code came to me, it was 054701...those are all of the numbers of Jeremy's social security number except the last 4; 05470...were his beginning numbers.  When I saw that, I said, "Hello, my love.  You came to visit, today".  As quickly as I felt his presence, it was gone.  I love you, Jeremy James Atwell...4evr & alwayzz. 

JEREMY & PENNY.jpg Easter weekend, 2016; we were such a beautiful couple.  We accentuated each other very well, I might add.

Entries in this blog

I Never Had a Clue

I never had a clue as to how deeply I would be affected by the sight of a screwdriver, until somewhere around 20 to 30 minutes ago.  The craziest thing occurred over the last couple of years that I wasn't aware of, as well. And as well as that comes the blindsiding reality that I had not even been around anyone that had a screwdriver (for whatever reason) in the last 2 years.  When Steven picked up a screwdriver about 30 to 35 minutes ago, I said, "Don't f*ing show that to me. Babe that's not fa

Clever Pennywyze43

Clever Pennywyze43 in Who Knew????

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