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"SNAP" Carol.  Posted the same time.....How are you doing?  Hope Ralph is keeping the faith as Friday approaches.....Trudi

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hi today to all, i hope all beyond indigo doing well, today we have a ceremony in the school of my son, he was an "A" student everyone love him very much here are some pics, here i am giving thanks to the teachers

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hi today to all, i hope all beyond indigo doing well, today we have a ceremony in the school of my son, he was an "A" student everyone love him very much here are some pics, here i am giving thanks to the teachers

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hi today to all, i hope all beyond indigo doing well, today we have a ceremony in the school of my son, he was an "A" student everyone love him very much here are some pics, here i am giving thanks to the teachers

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Rodolfo - I hope you will try to repost your pictures!  How did the day at the school go for you?  Was it comforting, even though it was painful?

Trudi - I love the wedding picture of your mum and dad!  Nat King Cole is one of my favorites.  I, too, have fond memories of my mother singing and dancing around the house (before we were put in foster homes).  She loved Loretta Young...and, together, she and I would watch her movies.  I can still hear her singing to Dean Martin!  Good memories!

Betsy - How did today go?  Well, yesterday, now...

Carol - Did you say how Cathi is?  I went through the posts and am not finding anything.  Could be "reader malfunction".  At any rate, I continue to hold space for you and your family!

Lorri - The butterfly release in honor of Kourtney's angelversary sounds magical! 

Kathy - I'm glad you and Tavian had a good day together.  Good memories for him to cherish!

My heart hurts for all the life being affected by the oil spill!  Louisiana has had more than it's share of hard times.  I don't know what else to do but pray! 

Yesterday I pondered the signs Stephanie was able to give us immediately after her passing.  The wild bird landing on my shoulder (at midnight. under a roof.  while I held a cigarette in my hand.) The owls. 

I think I am most grateful for the dream I had the week after she died.  She was standing in front of me, looking in my eyes, smiling.  We were both standing in front of my house, on the red rock walk (say that real fast three times)....The pain inside me was evident.  She just kept smiling.  I couldn't reach her.  I didn't even try.  I just longed for her and she just smiled.  Then, she began to ascend backwards into the sky.  Her gaze never left me.  Her smile didn't fade.  As she ascended she began to glow.  The further away she got, the brighter she became, until I couldn't make out any of her features, but I knew she was still there.

That dream brings me the most comfort, now.  Three hawks circled us yesterday.  The day she died, we were all outside and five hawks circled the yard.  One for each of us!

We are told this life is only a blink of an eye in eternity, but it sure feels like forever!

Love you all,

Susannah/STephanie's mom

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Lorri - Your Kourtney's 2nd angelversary is 2 days before my Brian's.  You have it so together.  Sounds like a wonderful time.  As for us, we have not planned anything.  It is Father's day weekend - a tough one for Scott.  Next year, Father's Day and Brian's angel day are the same.

Rodolfo - Thank you for sharing your time at your son's school with us.  I was not able to view the pictures, but sounds like he left a HUGE, positive mark on all who knew him.  We are all thinking of you during this most difficult time.

To my Indigo friends,  This week seems tough for me.  It is weird how the days leading up to Brian's death and his birthday (23 days apart) are so much harder.

For me, his birthday is the worst.  All I do is think about "What should have been"  Cannot seem to dig out of that hole.

Thinking of you all as we go down this road together.  Without you, I would be in a funny farm bouncing all the walls.

Colleen, Brian's Mother Forever

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I also gained about 60 pounds when I was pregnant with Joey. I looked like a stick figure with a basketball under my blouse. I barely got rid of the baby fat before Patrick came along a year and three days later. :o

Colleen, I have never done anything big for any of Joey's dates. Every day is just as special as another, in my opinion, because he was here and part of my whole life every day. Those dates on the calendar that are his anniversary dates for being born and leaving are harder when I try to make them more. There are so many more dates that I have to endure without him here, and I just don't want to magnify that. It has helped me to heal by making more of what is still here.....like yesterday, celebrating the birthday of a little orphan boy, or like when Marcia was here and we went to the butterfly house and visited other areas of overwhelming natural beauty. When I can do stuff like that, the memories of "celebrations in Joey" become part of everything I do, and it brings warmth and healing to my heart. I can't really explain it, except to say that one person's way of coping and honoring is not the same for another, and none are greater or less than another. Each is significant, no matter what we choose to do or not to do. XOXOXOXOXO

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No wiser words have ever been spoken.

Brian was a socialite.  He was with his friends all the time (he had alot of them).  It is the days that I know he would have been here that hurt me the most.

You are right, that is living in the past - I can go down that road, but I cannot stay there.

All - I am still waiting for that alternative universe The Discovery Channel was telling me about.  In my alternative universe, all our angels are alive and with us.  That alternative universe is not that far off - it is called HEAVEN.


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My little bit of joy today was witnessing the pride Jasmine had in her choice of clothing for school.  She wore a bright yellow and black animal print top; a green and pink flowered skirt; black tights with bright pinks dots and her brown Hannah Montana boots. 

When my kids were young I would never allow them to leave the house unless they matched.  Today I know it's not a big deal.  There was no way I was going to break her heart!

We have sun!!!  Gonna go enjoy it!  Oh.  Mariah corrects my language every time I say "gonna".  "Going to, Grandma.  Not gonna".  :)

Much love,

Susannah/Stephanie's mom

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Betsy:  You put such loving thought into your Mother's Farewell.  I'm sure family and friends appreciated it all and could feel your Mother's presence all around.  I think your words have prompted us all to think of our Moms.  Mine passed in 1992.  She had lost her Mom to brain cancer at 10 and her father, a great man, had to raise 7 children on his own.  My Mom used to enter Charlston competitions in the  20's! And in her 70's would do the occasional Irish jig!  We lost our Dad in 1985 so she had 7 lonely years without him and had healed well and was enjoying life again when she was stricken with cancer.  She was very brave and faced her impending death with amazing courage

Trudi:  Love the photo of your parents! All this talk about our past lives and loved ones prompt me to think of Claudia's words.

Claudia:  The past does hold such precious memories for us as well as the painful, torturous ones!  If I've learned anything from losing our babes it is how very important living in the moment is.  I think the past is there for us to revisit now and then to bask in the glow of happy moments and learn from the difficult ones.  Three and a half years down the road I'm learning that if I revisit the torturous moments too often I am losing what could be a very good moment now as small and insignificant as it might seem in the present. By going back to the tragedy that took my beloved children over and over again  I'm allowing myself to live in moments that don't exist any more but are causing me excruciating pain!

Yes, every day I have moments of 'celebration' of Pippa and Kieran and Andrew! But I can also be acutely aware of their absence here on earth.  I'm often presently surprised, like when I held my granddaughter for the first timem, only a few hours old and  I had an overwhelming feeling of their presence.  They were holding her with me and I could feel the warmth of their love.

Carol:  I love the photo of you and Cathi !  So special Mom and daughter.  I too am praying the meetings with the docs will be positive and they will have some solutions for Ralph's condition.  With you all the way Carol!

Lorri:  Your Kourney's Angel Day, June 17, is my Pippa's Birthday!  She would have been 33 this year.  The first birthday after we lost her was Father's Day.  We released baloons that day.  The butterflies are so appropriate and I'm sure will give everyone a very tender moment when they are released.  Since then all we do is get together with my son and his wife, Pippa's best friend and anyone else who wants to celebrate for a meal and a drink.  I would like to do a fundraiser for a local charity in 2011 for their 5th Angel Day.

Dee:  Loved the flower photos!  Such a gorgeous time of the year, if you can stand the heat.  Must say I prefer the heat to 20 below!

Colleen:  Glad to see you got your furnace fixed....sorry about the blow to the wallet!

Susannah:  Those moments with Jasimine and Mariah are just the moments I was referring to previously.  Such delightful new memories.

Rodolfo:  I hope the celebration of your son at the school gave you some moments of joy and pride in your boy's achievements.  I know those emotions come wrapped in a package with lots of pain as well.

I'm attaching one of our favourite photos of my young and frisky Mom and Dad :)

Love Peace and Patience to you all



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Betsy----My thoughts & prayers are with you today. It is nice that your will

carry out your beloved mom's wish to have her ashes spread at Wildwood, NJ.

Thanks for the pics of your parents.....so nice. Strength & tranquility, friend.

Dee---Too bad that all your good ideas for the sweltering rooftop at the school

were all turned down. I hope school is out for the summer real soon. We have

raspberries and roses, among other things to plant this eve. when the hear of

the day is over. Had coffie this a.m. on my front porch, and heard a few chickens

cackling off in the diatance....(laying eggs, no doubt). The rooster crows at about

6 a.m.:D   My mom (age 90 ) fell on the sidewalk while walking her little dog in her

town. the ambulance was called, and she refused to go to the hospital, so they

 evaluated her, and conceded to take her home....only 1 block away. She now has

2 black eyes and bruised all over her face & head. When I saw her today, I said

"Mom....you look like you've been a fight".....she said "You should see the other

guy".....I asked her if she was ok, and she said "Yep, just black eyes, and a

bruise or two".  She's a tough one, my mom.:)

Susannah----How I wish I had had your wisdom when my youngest daughter was

in school. I would make her "match" clothes. You're right......it's not a big deal now,

and I'm so glad Jasmine could wear her chosen outfit to school. Bless her.

 I will be off BI site for a few days.....Going to visit relatives 4 hrs. away for a

couple days or so. 

 Peace & comfort to all here on BI.

             Davey&Lisasmom,  Sherry



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Betsy----My thoughts & prayers are with you today. It is nice that your will

carry out your beloved mom's wish to have her ashes spread at Wildwood, NJ.

Thanks for the pics of your parents.....so nice. Strength & tranquility, friend.

Dee---Too bad that all your good ideas for the sweltering rooftop at the school

were all turned down. I hope school is out for the summer real soon. We have

raspberries and roses, among other things to plant this eve. when the hear of

the day is over. Had coffie this a.m. on my front porch, and heard a few chickens

cackling off in the diatance....(laying eggs, no doubt). The rooster crows at about

6 a.m.:D   My mom (age 90 ) fell on the sidewalk while walking her little dog in her

town. the ambulance was called, and she refused to go to the hospital, so they

 evaluated her, and conceded to take her home....only 1 block away. She now has

2 black eyes and bruised all over her face & head. When I saw her today, I said

"Mom....you look like you've been a fight".....she said "You should see the other

guy".....I asked her if she was ok, and she said "Yep, just black eyes, and a damn

bruise or two".  She's a tough old bird, my mom.

Susannah----How I wish I had had your wisdom when my youngest daughter was

in school. I would make her "match" clothes. You're right......it's not a big deal now,

and I'm so glad Jasmine could wear her chosen outfit to school. Bless her.

 I will be off BI site for a few days.....Going to visit relatives 4 hrs. away for a

couple days or so.  Peace & comfort to all here on BI.

             Davey&Lisasmom,  Sherry



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Sherry - you mum sounds like she's made of tuff stuff.  I guess they lived in another time where it took a plague to keep them down.  You just picked yourself up and dusted yourself off and start all over again.

I remember mum had a fall.  Just a small one (her words).  But I noticed her walk slowed and she favoured one leg.  Tenacious woman (no idea who she's like), she finally conceded to letting me look at her lower back.  The bruise was black as night, the symmetry of her pelvis and lower back was out.....One x-ray later....#pelvis, crush # to sacrum, L3, 4, 5.  The pain must have been extruciating, but she had paracetamol!!!

Lorri & Colleen - Angelversaries are tough.  I send Mike a balloon to let him know I miss him.   I get an sms from my baby brother and a call that day or the next from Melissa and Steven to find out 'how I'm doing'.  They don't actually mention the Mike, their just checking in. 

I prefer to release party balloons on the 4th of June to celebrate the arrival of the one person who totally altered my perceptions, challenged my abilities and taught me the meaning of unconditional love....I also get a tattoo (lol).   My birthday is the other end of the month so I light candles for Mike that day too....

Muttley is for a trim today...too cold for the short back and sides cut, a puppy cut is in order.  Walked early today, before the weather turned colder.

Sunshine to you all.....thoughts to those whose coastline is awash with oil slicks...hope BP come up with something real soon....   Trudi

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Deb - Those 'frisky'  youngester!

When Mum went into care I put together an album for her.  It had pics of her and dad (I'm sure they were frisky), us as kids, grandies and great grandies. 

After I posted yesterday I went back through it - no tears just smiles and imaginings..

They lived above the stores at 80 & 82 Chapel St Windsor with their parents.  This one is in the laneway behind the stores.   Mum walked down Chapel St to the church the morning she married dad. 



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Love the pics of the "folks"...such precious memories.

Thanks Dee - Tavian really did need the day away from school and I needed to be with him....it was a "perfect" day except for....................

Rodolfo - please try to repost the pics as I would love to see them. Hope you are holding up as best as you can. Prayers to you and your family.

Lorri - sounds beautiful, Kourtney's angelversary will be as special as she is and gathering all together sounds wonderful, sad, tearful.....oh, this road we walk is so hard.

I had a bad moment today....I was sitting outside watching the fish in our pond as they were feeding and jumping around, when suddenly I had the awful thought that I could not remember what Jessica's voice sounded like....it sent me into a panic and the tears came....I long to hear her, see her, hug her, feel her, talk with her..... I have her cell phone and I am going to take it to Sprint and see if they can retrieve her voice message for me...........

HOT today, 95 degrees, sunny and that beautiful blue sky again.......wanted to go to the beach again with Tavian but did not get home from work until 7 so it was to late. Tomorrow after work we will go down and let him swim or fish.

I love you all, sad tonight.   Peace and love, Kathy

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fish in our pond as they were feeding and jumping around, when suddenly I had the awful thought that I could not remember what Jessica's voice sounded like....it sent me into a panic and the tears came....I long to hear her, see her, hug her, feel her, talk with her..... I have her cell phone and I am going to take it to Sprint and see if they can retrieve her voice message for me...........


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Hi Everyone,  I was a super busy woman today and could not hang out at all, but now, on my way to bed, a quick hello and a hug. Greg and Dan, how are you guys?

Rodolfo, I think that the school has shown you how dear your Sweet Son is adn always will be. While I know that it is a very difficult time, this day will always be with you reminding you that in his short time, HE made Big impressions. His life matters.

Everyone does it differently, the angelversaries, the birthdays. After Eri's funeral, (July 18,2003)we asked folks to follow us back to our house to sit together in the yard, have some time to just be together, take in a meal, have a drink of something cold or a glass of wine, share some stories, and out of that was born Eri-Fest. By the time Eri's birthday came round, in April of 2004, we had already set up the Fund in Eri's name to be used for Kiddos at our school. So her first birthday gone was a day that many sent money in her memory for the fund. My Sisters and nieces and nephews came over, some close friends, and of course Jon and Michael. I so love her birthday, 4-4-84. And her day of leaving was so extremely sad but it too held magic, because Eri showed us that day that she was heading heavenward.So her dates are important to me to acknowledge in the ways we do, the day that brought her, the day that she went home, but of course, each day in between those, holds its own magic, adn I tend not to live in the past, learned some years ago just how detrimental that can be. I have always known the importance of right now, though at around the 2 year mark, I had a hard time with 'now.'

I love all the photos of Moms and Dads, the memories of them. SO nice to read about the different lives.

Sherry, give your Mom a hug from me, she is one tough cookie. My goodness, and Trudi, the high threshold for pain in your Momma. Sounds an awful lot like a short beautiful woman I know.

Love and good dreams to all,


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Sitting outside, yesterday afternoon, my mind began to wander back to August 9, 2009.  Before yesterday, that usually meant a couple of days of intense pain and sadness would follow. 

Thanks to your share, Debbie, yesterday I recognized what was happening quickly and forced myself back into the moment.  I literally talked out loud, reminding myself of the correct date and time and where I was and what I was doing.  I then began saying, out loud, what I was grateful for IN THE MOMENT.  Then without much effort, before I realized it, I was smiling (literally) and still talking, but in less of a panic...I found myself thanking Stephanie for the many beautiful signs and manifestations she sent right after her death...I found myself thanking God/Creator for the birds, for the trees, for the green grass.

I know it sounds silly, but it was intense.  What has proven to be a very painful experience in the past became a beautiful experience instead.

I don't know that I have the ability to treat her birthday or the day she passed as just another day. I've not had the first angelversary yet.  I know the special day we had for her birthday really helped her children...and, truth be told, me.  It was harder on me than I expected, but being free to express that pain and accept comfort from my family was healing for all of us.

Every Sunday at 10:55am (the time of her death) I find myself looking at the clock.  I don't lose my breath anymore, but I still notice.  The 9th of every month, so far, is etched in my heart and memory.  It's not been that long, but I notice sometimes it comes with an ominous dark shadow.  However, there have been a couple of times it's hit with "Wow! I made it this far!" 

Anyway...good morning, Indigo's.  Coffee's calling!  Sherry, I gasped when I read about your mother's fall.  I SO remember those days!  She sounds like a real fighter!

Love you all!

Susannah/Stephanie's mom

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Good morning Indigo's

Hello to my friends.  This will be a tough day today.  25% of our company is being laid-off.  I do not think I am one of them, but we will see.

Loosing my job is certainly not the worst thing that has ever happened to me.!$#%

Scott and I both have off tomorrow, we are going to spend the day together - Scott is my best friend - I am very lucky that way.

Saturday, I am taking my daughter shopping.  She did great her sophmore year at UWM (Milw.).  She is studying nursing.

AJ and I are getting ready for our cruise.  There seems to be a dress code in areas of the ship.  AJ loves those stupid basketball shorts.  We will have to talk.

Thinking of our angels - always

Colleen, Brian's Mother Forever

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Good morning, thank you all for keeping us in your prayers and thoughts. My mothers service was " nice". My nephew and his wife were able to arrange a luncheon before the service and also other local arrangements.The pictures,music, cd's, dvd's were a combined effort via email and phone.   I never lived in my Moms town so having people that knew who to contact was good. Not the usual "after" event but the lunch turned out to be great timing. My poor Aunt, my Moms sister, she lost her husband a week before, she drove up with my cousin as did the rest of her family, 4  children and a new baby, so the lunch was perfect after a long 5 hour drive. the VFW did all the cooking. My Mom must have whispered in the ears of the VFW ladies, " baked macaroni, ham, salad, cake,pie ". and much more. A nice surprise, my other nephews friend sang at the service. I didn't care if he sounded like an American Idol want to be but,,,surprise,surprise..he has a beautiful voice and sand " Diamond in the rough" Johnny Cash , he said.


This is the first extended family gathering since Rich died. I found myself looking for him in the faces. My cousin kept tabs on me, somehow she knew.


After reading of BI Moms, I think we all have tuff Moms. Sherry, your poor mom, and Trudi, I guess your Mom thought she'd just "brush it off".


Susannah, Debbie, Colleen, Kathy,Dee.. everyone, thanks.


Lots of driving last week. I have to say one thing though, I believe my mom kept this cancer to herself . I spoke to her doctor. She never wanted to worry her kids, she did anyway but I understand why she did this.



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Betsy: Sounds like your day was 'nice' and it must have been heartwarming when your nephew sang.  What a lovely surprise.  I remember how comforting it was to have all our friends and family around when Pippa and Kieran died.  Sharing our grief seems to  help us feel no so alone for a little while.

Colleen:  Sorry all the cutting is going on in your job.  I do hope you aren't one of the targets!  But I'm sure seeing others being given their marching order won't be pleasant either.  The cruise sounds like fun! 

Susannah:  How I remember my first year!!  I know that I was in shock and absolute agony all of the time and everything around me felt so surreal.  On Sundays I had spoken with Pippa and Kieran, sometimes on the webcam, and the weekend they went to the wedding she had emailed me to say she would call me when they returned from Cape Town on Sunday night.  Instead, at 10am our time, 4pm their time in South Africa, I got a call from her father with the tragic news.  So Sundays for the longest time were very difficult for me.  That void seemed to be gaping in every aspect of my life!  I still react to music and events that remind me of them.  Just hits me out of the blue sometimes.  I still have moments when it hits me that they are really gone and that feeling of terror comes, momentarily but nothing like it did in the early days.  Like you, I try and think of all the wonderful things they did and were in their lives and more and more I'm able to not collapse at the thought! I think the anniversaries will aways be difficult.  Mainly the days leading up to the date. 

You really have made it a long way on this difficult journey, Susannah!

Sherry:  Your Mom sounds amazing!  I find it difficult to picture myself being that tough and still having her sense of humour at that age!  I bet you hope you've inerited her genes.

Trudi:  What an adorable photo of your folks!  Isn't it great that we can now smile at the memories....theirs and our book of life!  I think releasing balloons is lovely....to watch them floating upward into a clear sky gives the feeling we're sending our hearts up to meet our precious babies.

Kathy:  I do hope you can retrieve Jessica's voicemessage.  I'm so grateful I have videos, lots of them, with Pippa's voice and when I play them it's as if she's standing next to me, chatting away.  In one of them she's waving for me to come and join a photo and is calling "MOM"!  That one little clip is the most precious.  Music to my ears! I also have a couple of Kieran.  I'm sure you'll have moments, Kathy, when something will trigger a memory of her voice, something she said that will bring it back to you!  I think sometimes we get 'blocked' and lose some of the data in our brains temorarily.  I know that happens to me too.

I have a busy day ahead of me so must get this old bag of bones moving!  Such a BEAUTIFUL day!

Love Peace and Patience to you all, dear BI friends



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Trudi - I'm sorry I missed reading about your mother's fall (?).  I want so badly to comment to each of you and let you know you're important to me, but I still have a hard time remembering details.

I love you all!

Susannah/Stephanie's mom

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Sus, and Alll,

I did have to coach myself as to how to change my view, my moments by talking myself through the times that I wanted to revisit the night that the phone call came and changed the world. For quite sometime I stayed in the day, reliving, reworking, doing the what-if stuff we do, the magical thinking, and then when I was ready, and everyone is ready at their own time, I started saying, NO, I am not going to do that now, I am going to draw a picture, or make a phone call, or go on a bike ride, or whatever it was that would change the habit, and change the moment back to NOW. It was hard but also empowering, and the thing that scared me most about it is what I am always telling new to this site, that once we are ready for this change in our grief, we make more room for the remembering the glorious day to day of their lives rather than only enough space for the tragic. A world of difference. But oh yes, almost 7 years later out of the blue comes tears and missing and I am quite comfy in knowing that that is okay, that that is my normal. Life does go on, but the rhythm and some of the melodies do change.

Good luck Colleen, hope that they are able to hang on to you/ have fun shopping.

Betsy, so glad for the way that your family and twnspeople came together to honor the life of your Mom.

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Good morning to all my wonderful BI friends:

I too wish I had time to comment to all of you...so many posts over the last day or so...we are leaving in an hour for our appointments for tomorrow...it is a 100 mile drive and the first appt is at 9 am, so we thought it best to drive up there today and be rested when we start out in the am.  We called ahead to make a reservation and they told us they had a "medical discount" for those with appts at the hospital...however, it turned out it was cheaper to be old than to be sick, so we took the senior discount instead...:)

Today is a truly beautiful day...yesterday was so very, very hot and we had to go around gathering some last minute hospital records, etc., so were exhausted when we got home...had to keep Damon last night, so getting home was late, but worth being with him, of course.

Today is simply beyond description for beauty in the weather...sunny, bright, blue sky, cooler, and dry.  Ralph got a reassurance from Mike first thing this morning...we were doing a last minute load of laundry, and Ralph had had a gauze bandage wrapped around his arm for a couple of days because he had a contusion on his upper arm...nothing serious, but we wanted to protect his shirt.  Somehow the bandage got into the laundry, and when we took the clothes out of the dryer this am, the first thing that fell out was that bandage, all wadded up into the perfect shape of a heart!  Yesterday, as we were leaving the hospital after picking up some records, Ralph chose to go out the back road (not our usual route) and there was a yellow punch buggy parked on the corner as we drove down that road....always an encouraging sign for him... 

Today is also beyond description for how I feel about tomorrow...tense, anxious, hopeful...you name it, it's there.  (Ralph is on a roller coaster, also)  I know you are all holding us close in prayers and thoughts, and for that we are truly, truly thankful.  Yes, we can only take a moment at a time and treasure each moment for what it is...as Mike often said "There's always something good you can find in it," and we will look for that something.  (BTW, Cathi is doing great!)

I really enjoyed all the pics of your folks...don't have any of mine when they were younger, but have one of them dancing at my brother's wedding...will share when I get back. 

sending love and peace....Betsy, so glad the services for your mom were nice, and we all understand about your looking around for your sweet Rich...I am glad your Aunt was watching out for you...Colleen...I hope you are not one of those pink-slipped, but as Debbie said, I know you will be hurting for those who are.  Dee:  getting towards the end of the year and a summer of rest for you...

Sherry:  so glad your mom is okay!    I have a similar story of my mom falling off a bike when she was 76!

love to all, carol mikesmomrs

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Hi Dee and All!  This really is a 'process' this grief thing, isn't it.  We do move from one phase to another then back again and so on and so forth!  I think in the early days we have very little contol over ourt thoughts and feelings and reactions but as time passes we are more able to make choices as to whether or not we are going to keep going back to 'that moment'!  Every moment is one without them, but it seems to, as you say, eventually become your new 'normal'.  I remember someone on here in my early days likening it to losing a limb.  We would never 'like' not having that limb, but we learn to live and somehow thrive and be as happy and functional as possible without it.  The difference between a limb and our children, though, is we always base our future and our legacy on our children...that can never be compensated for.

Just sowered now I REALLY do have to get going:)

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Prayers my dear Carol and Ralph. Deep and loving thoughts of goodness and spirit-filled times for you. May there be hearts and punch buggies in the days ahead.

Yep, we do adapt don't we Deb, we have to for many reasons, not the least of which is showing our Babies, that we will live our best life in their honor, their light.


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Betsy - Glad the day was 'nice'. So much loss in such a short time..  Yes mum and I guess dad were from the 'its just a flesh wound' era.  A bit like keeping up strong appearances no matter what. 

Carol - Love the Seniors discount over sick discount.  Hope you two behaved yourself last night!  Maybe a nice dinner out, candles and reminiscing.  With you today as you do the medical test tango!!

Colleen - Yep even grown ups have a dress code on some things.  I did the 'semi formal' night.  (Trousers, no gown).  I gave the 'island night' a big miss...my bikini turned into a moo moo.  Neat casual was the code for many of the restuarants etc.  AJ might need more than one pair of basketball shorts!

Never worry that you don't reply to each and every post....there is so much in our lives now that 'worries us' - just know you are with those who get it without words...



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Warmer this morning - Walking the Muttley Man down for coffee it struck me that the falling leaves looked so pretty....like golden flakes on a carpet of green grass.....

Our Birches and maple given to me by Steven when we bought the house way back.  Just wanted to share.

Also a pic from the Bowling party last Saturday....love the energy from the grandies.

Looking through the trees to the Mountains.


Our drive - changed cars, kept my plates.


Have no idea why this was so out of focus with the exception of Em's smiling face but hey.....



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Hello Dear Indigo's,

Thank you for making me feel better as you always do.....yes, we do have our days when panic sits in and the tears come no matter how long we are on this road. I know that I have not forgotten Jessica's voice....but at that moment I felt that I had. I do have video's of Jessica but they are from when she was a baby on up to the 8th grade.....somehow we stopped taking videos.....I know that there are pics etc. on Jessica's phone that I want but the problem is when I got my cell phone I took her cell phone number so I cannot call her's even though I can charge it, that is why I need to take it to Sprint and see what they can do for me.....Thanks for the info Lorri.

Carol, Prayers with you and Ralph as tomorrow comes upon you.....your Mike will be with you every step of the way.

Trudi - beautiful pics....how do you get a whole pic to post like that ?? I always seem to have to crop them down so much...I have great pics of my pond but they won't post as it says it is too big ???

Debbie - thank you for your kind words, this is the reason I love BI, such encouragement and love.

Sus - you sound like you are slowly finding your way and I am so happy for that.

Tavian has not been to his other grandmother's in quite a long time and I am feeling ok about it....there is something going on with her family that she cannot take him but is being hush-hush about it all and I am not asking questions....just know that if there are problems then I do not want Tavian there, he needs to be with us where things are "normal for him", not where there is turmoil as goodness knows he has had enough of that.

Love and Peace to all, sleep well and sweet dreams, Kathy

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Wow!! It has been a long time. I just wanted to show you a recent picture of Ashton. It was so funny!! I let him taste a lemon expecting a funny face but instead he loved it!!! LOL


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Oh my heavens Amanda, Ashton is gorgeous, and while he looks a lot like his Daddy, I see a great deal of you in him, I think it is the shape of his mouth. Wow, it is sure nice to see him so adorable. Hugs.

Carol, more prayers to you under the full moon A gorgeous full moon just hid behind some clouds, illuminating them in silver magic. Hello Moon.  I laughed that old age won over hospital affiliation too. YOu are hilarious.

Trud, that smile on Em is lovely, just so pretty. Where was she when you snapped this?

Kathy, trust your gut on that with the in-law family. Tav does need the stablility that you adn Barry offer. I hope that your weather was beautiful today, our was. Tonight it is in the high 50's after a day in the low 70's. My idea of perfection.

Yesterday was our picnic day for the whole third grade. We did well and while it was HOT, we always have our picnic at a park with a good deal of shade. Made all the difference. It was fun and exhausting. Tomorrow marks our Memorial Service, we have it at 8:30 Am and it is beautiful. The fifth graders do the whole thing, recite Flanders Fields, sing two songs one of which makes me weep, "One Tin Soldier"

and then two bugle players play taps and it echos from the brick walls. (this is all outside and we all face the war memorial, and flag. We all recite the pledge and Star Spangled  Banner. The scouts wear their uniforms adn stand together. Then each class is called and a member from each class comes forward to place a flower in the vases. I bring a whole box of tissue and the teachers around me, as well as some of the parents come to take a tissue.


Love to all,


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Dee - I'm so glad your school does something special for Memorial Day! 

Well, another sleepless night, but this time it's for a different reason.  Excited nervousness.  My youngest daughter and her family will be here in a couple of hours.  They left Iowa around 3pm yesterday, hoping to drive while their little one's sleep.  She just informed me they are all wide awake!  LOL  So is Grandma!  They will only be here for the weekend.  But, I am anxious to see her. 


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Dear Indigos

Yesterday was very difficult.  Even though I still have my job, many others do not.  My heart goes out to them.  Some have worked here for 20 some years.

The weather could not be better in Wisconsin - IL, also where my friend Dee lives.

Scott and I took a vacation day today and we are going on a mini road trip.  Wisconsin has some beautiful countryside. 

Even though Memorial day is usually reserved to remember veterans, I want to expand that definition.  I am remembering all our angels, the love we have for them and how it brought us all together.

My dear son, Brian.  How I miss your smile and humor.  I am really trying to survive this new normal so I can see you in the next.  I love you, my sweetheart - Mom

Colleen, Brian's Mother Forever 

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I really hope your weekend with your daughter and her family is as wonderful as you want it to be.

Since Brian has died, I really make an effort to create memories with my surviving children.  Even as simple as getting gas, I try to make fun.  Aaron is borderline cooperative.  He is too cool to hang out with Mom and Dad. 

Aaron is really being a poop lately.  He is mouthy and seems to think he can TELL me what he is doing.  If he was an "A" student, I would me more apt to let him go out with friends, BUT.

I am rambling


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Hi Everyone, I wanted to update you about our family. Gabriel went to the Doctor the other day and since his dad has died they want to keep seeing him every 3months( for his autism). This past Sunday we dedicated little Ella (1year old) at church, that was really hard since Matthew wasn't there. I know he would have been very proud. I have good and bad days. It seems like here lately I think more about him (and miss him) but it's not so much about that night when I had to drive him & meet the ambulance and how he looked in the hospital. Sometimes I call his cell phone just to hear his voice. His wife is doing a whole lot better than I am (it seems like she has picked herself up and has gone on) but she has 2 very small children to keep her busy. I do have 1 child still at home (JOHN) he is 10 years old. He looks & acts just like Matthew when he was his age. Is this good or bad for me to keep comparing John to Matthew.(they could almost pass for twins). Well, thank-you for listening to me.

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Well yesterday was supposed to see my shrink, but as happens I got the timing wrong.

So I took myself to town (Melbourne), the big smoke to see the Titanic Exhibition.  Another ole relic lost at sea!

It was truly amazing.  From the gratin plates still stacked without a crack, to pieces of the hull, personal affects and then the amazing site of a huge iceberg in the middle of the exhibition.  The room black with twinkle lights scattered, just like the clear night sky back then.  Wandered for ages.

The museum had also undertaken an archeological dig in the heart of the CBD awhile back.  It was just before developers threw up another majestic concrete and metal abomination.   Apparently the area, now the seat of government and quite trendy, was once a redlight district with poor families interspersed in the cobbled laneways.

Walked for about 3-4hrs through the mazes of lanes.  Never seen the city quite like this. Fascinating...

It was the first full day with just me.  No appointments, no responsibilities, no timetable and no emotional triggers.....it felt okay.

Well the sun is breaking over the mountains to reveal the wet morning.  Rain coats at the ready and Muttley is nagging me with those eyes.

Take Care all - Trudi



You are one amazin person who taught me more than you know on this journey.


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Diane, I am glad to see you here today, just was wondering how you were doing. I do hope that the doctor stays on top of your Grandboy's physical and emotional health. I think that your Daughter in law has to be 'ON' right now, she is not able to fully grieve because of her 24 hour job of being MOM. Some say that having others to care for is a God-send, some say it delays the actual act of mourning, but either way, she is doing what is needed in her family. You are feeling things in a different way than she. Being Mom rather than wife brings a whole different set of emotions. I am so sorry that you are in this position of missing your Boy. As far as comparing your two Sons, I would think it impossible not to, and something you probably did somewhat when Matt was here. I am sure that you will find ways for that comparison to be a compliment to your young Son and not a burden to try to be more like him. How is he doing with this loss?

Today during our schools' Memorial Service, (I wept of course) I watched the face of one particular 5th grader as ONE TIN SOLDIER was sung. He lost his brother in the IRaq war 2 years ago. I had this boy in my third grade and had his older sister too. He went through a lot of heartache coming to terms with his Brother's death. At first he wanted to talk about guns in ways that were inappropriate, adn he talked about joining the marines and blowing things up, then he allowed his sadness, he allowed his hurt and I was so happy that he could, so that so much of it would not turn to anger all the time. HE is a wonderful Kid, and he is learning to carry his brother with him.

I have an acquaintance, Marian, who lost her Daughter Kathy 4 years after Eri died, and Kath went to the same grade school as my kids, she was a year older than Eri and a year younger than Jon. Her sister Rosie went to school with Jon. Anyhow, Kathy was in Alaska doing work for Americorp working with Alaskan teens who were not doing well. On Memorial weekend, Kathy went to a lake with two of her friends that also worked with Alaskan YOuth. They rented a boat. The next Tuesday after Memorial Day weekend, my Son called me crying, said that Kathy may have drown in a lake in Alaska, the boat was found turned over, there was still a lot of ice on the water, and that one body was recovered. There were many fund raisers, many volunteers to go looking for them, we prayed and prayed that she would walk out of the forest, but she didn't. Her body was not located until July, and she was brought home the day before Eri's 4th anniversary of her leaving.

Marian went to Alaska today or is going tomorrow to be in the place that her Daughter was in her last moments. She was there when they located Kathy and recovered her body, as was her Daddy and her sisters and at least one of her many  cousins. Blessings to them all as they find beauty in the place that Kathy did.

Lorr, so sorry that those women messed up with their message. Sucks.

Sus, I do hope that being with your Daughter and grandies brings great joy to all involved.

Carol, how was this day?

Betty, I know you are not around right now, but I just want you to know that I miss you.

Love to all,


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Amanda, Ashton is so adorable...thank you so much for keeping us up to date with pics...he does look just like his dad !!

Dee - so right, Tavian needs stability and that is what we give him.

Trudi - so glad you got a whole day to yourself and it sounds like it was good for you.

Lorri - beautiful pool....swim a lap for me and have a wonderful weekend with all your company....oh yeah, have a shot of tequila for me too !!

It was a beautiful day again today but completely ruined by my supervisor. In my office there are 2 social workers and one lady was waiting for her grandson to come out from having a session with one of them....I was on my way outside for a break and the woman (Linda) told me she worked in Sag Harbor and didn't have the luxury of having a break....long story short, she started talking to me about her 2 grandchildren that she has custody of as the mother is unfit and how it was diffacult being a grandmother raising 2 young ones....that led me to tell her about my situation, we showed each other pics and she had tears as I spoke a bit about my Jessica......the next thing I know my supervisor motions for me to come to her office, I walked over and she said "are you on your break ?", I replied "I was going out side" and she said "end your conversation and go on your break", I said "I didn't realize I could not have a conversation with someone".....I walked out the door and told Linda I was sorry and went outside for about 10 min......I came back to my desk and Linda was getting ready to leave and she handed me a note which said "I am sorry that you got in trouble for talking to me, I was enjoying our talk, God Bless you, Linda".....Then my supervisor comes to my desk and said "Kathy, you cannot talk to your friend, there is counselling taking place in some of the offices and voices carry, also you should not be talking about confidential things with a client" !!!  I said "first of all I have never met the woman before and she started the conversation and I was not going to be rude to her"......she replied "well, don't let it happen again" !! I was so angry and so sad, what was wrong with 2 people talking, this woman and I were really interested in each others situation and I was simply talking with her, certainly not counselling her and not talking about anything confidential !!!  It was a special moment in my life and also for this woman Linda......and it was taken away by a crabby old woman who will never understand......Wow, thanks for letting me get that out......I am keeping that note from Linda and I will treasure it and when I see her again I will talk to her !!!   There, I feel so much better....thanks again.

Love and peace to all, sleep as though you have just run a marathon !!! Kathy

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hello to all my friends,

I just got back from doing my Memorial Day things early.  I had to go to my hometown to see the grandkids.  One had 6th grade graduation, another had 8th grade recognition, and my 18 year old grandaughter had a going away party as she is leaving the state.  I sure feel old tonight but I always do when I travel. :-)

The 8th grade recognition would have been JaBoa's.  My grandaughter who was the same age as JaBoa took the day hard.  She didn't want to go because JaBoa should have been with her.  My heart felt so bad for her, it was a very emotional day for her.  After the ceremony, she got a bunch of the classmates together to go to JaBoa's gravesite and they placed a flower and notes from them, including her in the recognition program.  I thought it was so bittersweet.. so beautiful that these girls keep JaBoa in their thoughts.

I am tired out, and ready to go to bed, I just wanted to share while I could.  You are all in my thoughts.. Betsy, Trudi, Carol, Susannah, Dee, Debbie, Coleen, Sherry, Lori and all the ones I missed.. just tired out

Leah/JaBoa's grandma

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Leah, I am so glad that you were able to join in on your grandchild's  special days. I know it must have been very bittersweet for you and for your grand girl who is the same age as JaBoa, and that makes it all the more important that you were there for her as she marched without her cousin. I think your being there also made JaBoa smile.

Kathy, wow, sorry that you were treated in this way. I do not get it. I mean even if voices carried in such a way then the supervisor could simply ask you two to go outside or speak softer...it sounds more like this woman having an issue with you, with your story. I hope that if you see Linda again, you share your email with her so that the two of you can chat and get to know one another. I hope your good weather holds, ours is supposed to. We have had many a cold and rainy Memorial weekends, so it would be grand to keep the sun and mild temps. I find as I get older, the hot weather is less and less appealing. I guess if I was within walking distance to a lake it would be different for me, but I just don't like being HOT. 65-75 is perfect to me. So, today was perfect.

Bonnie, how are you these days? And Betsy, are you doing okay?

Deneace? Kaye? Rosie? Sonya? Cindy? Sue from Michigan?

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Just real quick....we are all okay, but we are having the epitome of dysfunctional family reunions this evening!  Remember, my youngest daughter, Jennifer and my daughter who died, Stephanie, married brothers.  The father of the grandchildren we are adopting is one of those brothers.

The other brother is dear to me and he is trying to stay sober.  At his request, I told him his family could all gather here to see him so he didn't have to be around booze. 

So, tonight, several still practicing alcoholics who are forbidden to bring booze to my house are garthering to see their brother.  There will be a few (like me) who are maintaining sobriety.


So, I'm asking for lots of prayers.  I am tempted to cancel the whole thing, but right now that would be offending others without just cause.  They just might behave.  I've thought of notifying our police department and asking them to do some drive bys to check on the progress of our dysfunctional reunion.

Right now, I'm going to take my coffee and go meditate, which I should have done first.

Oh.  I haven't read all the posts.  But, Kathy, I used to work for a woman like your boss.  For over 14 years.  Her reaction to your conversation with that woman is about her, not you.  She might try to make it about you and rules and protocol.  But, don't buy into it.  

Carol - Praying for you and Ralph!!

Susannah/Stephanie's mom

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Hello my BI friends

Yesterday, Scott and I went and looked at 3 Wisconsin lighthouses.  The 3 most SE ones on Lake Michigan.

2 were inland aways - new, modern, unmanned ones replaced them.  2 also had full-time residents.  They were working in the yard as were walking around admiring their work - wierd.

The beach of one was beautiful - we need to take Copper with us next time. 

AJ had school yesterday, so he could not go.

Wishing all my BI friends and their angels a great weekend - Weather is beautiful in WI

Brian's Mother Forever,  Colleen

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Hello my indigo friends:

Just to pop in and tell you all thank you for your thoughts and prayers for yesterday.  We had a very, very long, intense day.  This hospital is way, way out in the middle of nowhere, and is absolutely the biggest I've ever been in and I think I walked (and pushed Ralph in a wheelchair) for at least 5 miles.  We had appointments all over the place, up, down, across and around.  The people we met with were very, very nice, and very, very thorough.  The outcome was that they did the kidney function comparison test, a PFT (breathing capacity) test, some lab work, and we met with the anesthesiologist and the chief of that department, and then met with the radiologist who did the comparison study and a few others.  We meet with the oncologist/urologist on the 9th.  They have a tumor board meeting on Thurs of next week and that is when a potential plan will be put into place to present to us.  Ralph is doing okay, as am I, and we are just still trying to take a day at a time, enjoying what we can when we can.  I truly appreciate all of the thoughts, wishes and prayers from you all, and so does Ralph.  As we were leaving the hospital, I decided to walk down to get the car instead of taking the shuttle, as I had been indoors all day and wanted some fresh air, and when I came back around and picked up Ralph, on the way down the driveway we saw a yellow punch buggy pulling in!  Ralph was totally pleased.  When we were getting onto the highway, I saw a red punch buggy heading up a hill, seemingly away from the highway.  When I told Ralph, he looked and said "well, that doesn't come up to the yellow one we just saw ('his' are yellow)."  Just then, to the right, out zoomed that same little red bug from behind the trees, pulled right in front of us and took off.  Ralph said that little red bug was saying "we'll see about that!"  (Marcia---little yellow bugs have a double meaning for us...Mike and Bethany, too!)

Amanda:  Adorable, just adorable, and I agree with Dee, while Ashton does look like his daddy, I see you there, too, cute as can be...thank you for sharing the pics. 

Lorri:  Love the pics of you and Kimmy with both your sets of wheels...when does Kimmy go to Florida?  Has she not started yet?  Good luck to Kody tonight and tomorrow...have fun.  Sounds like the gathering at your pool is going to be fun. 

Colleen:  It sounds as though you've had a really good start to your weekend...I know that you feel very sad about those who lost their jobs, but I am glad that you still have yours and will keep those others in my prayers...it is so difficult to see at the time, but sometimes these kinds of things actually lead to better things...of course, I wouldn't say that straight to someone who had just lost their job...

Leah:  That was so, so sweet what JaBoa's classmates did in her memory...what a bittersweet moment for sure!  I am glad that you could be there for it all.

Rodolfo:  I think that what your school did for your precious son was also very, very special, showing for sure that they treasured him, as well.  Thank you for sharing. 

Dee:  I too am so glad that your school does something to honor Memorial Day...it is so important to instill these values in the kids when they are younger...eventually they take root and are with them always.  I wish I could have been there.  I would have had to have tissues, too!  Get some rest this weekend...you deserve it, for sure.

Kathy:  I know that you know how much I (as we all do) understand your feelings about your boss's intervention with your conversation...I've posted here a few times about my horrendous boss...I can totally indentify with your feelings and am so sorry that this had to happen...  Yes, you are entitled to have a conversation, and your boss was out of line...  Like Dee, I agree with you on your plans for Tavian...being with you and Barry (how's he doing?) is best for him for consistency and security, which is what he needs most and gets from both of you.  I hope you have some fun this weekend...beach time again?

Trudi:  It sounds like a wonderful, peace-filled day for you...likely Micheal knew that you needed that and had a hand in it for sure...and I am sure he was with you the whole time!  Thank you so much for your support and prayers, also. 

Bonnie?  Plans for the weekend?  Hope all of you are okay...  Betsy: thinking of you..hoping you are doing okay.  BethMary annMarciaBetty? Greg? (Happy birthday!)  Dan?  How are you all?

I hope that you all have as good a weekend as possible (and I hope the police don't have to intervene at your reunion, Sus, and everyone has a good time)...the weather here is really, really nice---some of the really hot temps have cooled down a little.  The boys are all (except Damon) coming over tomorrow to swim as they have opened the pool down the street, so they are planning to stay over and swim again on Monday.  Cathi and I have a ballgame tonight, and Ralph said he wouldn't hear of my not going, so off we go...they've been doing really well, but lost the last two against one of the lowest ranking teams in the league, so we will see about tonight...win or lose, it's always fun there, so we are looking forward to it. 

love and peace to all of you,  carol  mikesmomrs


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Dearest Carol, punch buggy red to you and the whole family, with love and great healing.

My Sis-in-law sent this, and I have read it before but she says that the author, a terminally ill teen, would like it passed on and on as a legacy to her life:

> This

> poem was written by a terminally ill young girl in a

> New York

> Hospital.

> It was sent

> by

> a medical doctor -

> Make sure to read what is in the closing statement







[align=center]  [/align][align=center]

> Have you ever

> watched

> kids

> On a merry-go-round?


> Or listened to

> the

> rain


> Slapping on the ground?


> Ever followed a

> butterfly's erratic flight?


> Or gazed at the sun into the

> fading

> night?


> You better slow down.


> Don't

> dance so

> fast.


> Time is short.


> The music

> won't

> last.


> Do you run through each day


> On

> the

> fly?


> When you ask How are you?


> Do you hear

> the

> reply?


> When the day is done

> Do you lie

> in your

> bed


> With the next hundred chores

> Running through

> your head?


> You'd better

> slow down


> Don't dance so

> fast.


> Time is

> short.


> The music won't

> last.


> Ever told your

> child,


> We'll do it

> tomorrow?


> And in your

> haste,


> Not see

> his

> sorrow?


> Ever lost

> touch,


> Let a good

> friendship die


> Cause you

> never had time


> To call

> and say,'Hi'


> You'd

> better slow down.


> Don't dance

> so fast.


> Time

> is short.


> The music won't

> last..


> When you run

> so fast to get somewhere


> You

> miss half the fun of getting

> there.


> When you worry and hurry

> through your

> day,


> It is like an unopened

> gift....

> Thrown

> away.


> Life is not a

> race.

> Do take it

> slower


> Hear the

> music

> Before the song is over. [/align][align=center]  [/align]







> Dear All:

> PLEASE pass this mail on to everyone you know -

> even to those you don't

> know! It is the request of a special girl who will soon

> leave this world

> due to cancer.




> This young girl has 6 months left

> to live,

> and as her dying wish, she wanted to send a letter telling everyone to


> live their life to the fullest, since she never will.





> She'll

> never make it to prom, graduate from high school,

> or get married and have a

> family of her own.




> By you sending

> this to as many people as

> possible, you can give her and her family a

> little hope, because with every name

> that this is sent to, The American

> Cancer Society will donate 3 cents per name

> to her treatment and recovery

> plan. One guy sent this to 500 people! So I know

> that we can at least send

> it to 5 or 6. It's

> not even your money, just

> your

> time!





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