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Holy Cow Lor, we posted at the same time so I didn't see that Roy is in the hospital. PRAYERS LORD< THAT ROY IS BLESSED BY GREAT DOCTORS AND PLENTY OF TIME>


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Thank you guys - we are very proud of Barry too.   Still not feeling well and I sure hope I feel better soon.

Debbie - I so wish I could ease your pain of all that you have been through and all that is ahead of you but no one can do that. You never need bring anything to this site but yourself, you never have to offer anything but yourself, you need only to talk about you and your son as if you were writing a journal.....the only difference is that we here know and understand every word you speak / write.  It is been just over 4 years since my Jessica left us and I am not going to tell you that it is easier or better, only softer....the intense pain lessens into a dull ache, the tears will always come just less often, the memories of what was and could have been remain always but you will also find the day when you smile at a memory. I am not as good with words as many here I just know that this is the only place I have where I know that all understand the journey I walk as all here walk the same journey. I pray that you can come and just read and not leave us entirely but also want you to know that you have the freedom to choose .....I guess we who have walked this journey much longer just want to help ease the pathway for the new as much as we can so my love, prayers and friendship follow you where ever you go. Take care my friend and know that we are always here.

Lorrie - prayers for your brother sweetie......

Waiting for peapod to bring my groceries and all I want to do is go to bed !!!

Love, peace and sweet dreams my friends, Kathy

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Kathy - I've been so self-absorbed, I didn't even comment on you not feeling well.  I hope you get rest and maybe some antibiotics ???  This is the God's honest truth.  Before Steph died I used to like to get sick.  It gave me a good reason to go to bed! 

Lorri - Keeping your brother in my thoughts and prayers.  I sure am impressed with the work you do with and for Kourtney's closet.  What a legacy you are building in her name.  Hope you get your a/c fixed soon.

Our weather is as fickle and temperamental as my emotions!  Snowing, hailing, raining this morning, and the sun shining with 60 to 80 mph winds this afternoon.  Supposed to snow tomorrow. 

I'm feeling better.  I sure like the UP days.  I've got to learn to quit getting so discouraged when the pain hits and just ride with it.  When it hits I lose all perspective.  All I can comprehend is the pain, the loss.  The enormity of it.  At that time, I don't even want  the pain to go away...all I want is my daughter.  When the pain goes away, I still want Stephanie, of course, but I regain my faith.  My trust.  My truth.

When the pain goes away I'm not possessed with the horrific sorrow of loss, but instead am filled with  the promise of hope and promise.

When the pain hits, I am afraid.  Afraid that this is how it's always going to be and it's never going to get better and I hate life and everything sucks and what's the use anyhow.

Then, the pain does soften, just as y'all have promised, and I realize there is still beauty in the world and the clouds do part and the sun comes out and a new baby's first smile brings a whisper of joy to my heart that shouts purpose and reason.

Debbie - Whether you go or stay, I am so glad you allowed us to get to meet you and your beautiful son!  He is one of our angels and his presence will forever be cherished while we continue to love you and wish you peace, whether you are here or not.  No rules.  No judgement.

I have more to say, but I've forgotten it all!  Sending you all love.

Susannah/Stephanie's mom


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The things you do for yourself die with you, The things you do for others, live forever. OMgosh I love this saying how true is it, what one are you living?
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Thank you for all your kind thoughts and words, you're all amazing and I hope I can be a stronger and happier person one day, I will come back just need some time to get through this blip.

My thoughts are with you all too!

Debbie ~ Sammy's mum xx

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Good morning Indigos:  Spent much of Monday cleaning out our spare room.  Davis was off work for the day, so he helped me a lot with the carrying.  We have been using it for a store room mostly since we got here, and I am finally getting around to clearing it out.  Wish me luck in working at it til it’s done.

Bonnie:  I pray that E’s day went well and that she is doing okay---she is blessed to have you and Rich in her life.  I am so sorry about Rich’s job…hopefully he will find something else soon, something that will work out and be his new place to be.   Ralph is actually feeling okay…just hanging in there waiting til the 2nd opinion appt, next week.  Thank you for thinking of him.

Lorri:  So sorry to hear about your brother Roy…praying he will be okay…thankful that he got the aspririn and nitro so soon…that is always good.  I am glad so many people turned out for the luncheon.  How is the baby? 

Lynn:  So good to see your sweet Kayla’s smile…it has been a while…hope all is going okay with you.

Beth:  Also good to see little Zachy…I am sorry about your vision giving you problems.  I hope you get that straightened out soon. 

Dee:  Yes, the problems in the gulf are so horrendous…the eco system will take a long time to heal. It is really heartbreaking.

Betty:  I thought of you when I heard about the bombing scare in NY…I am so very glad and thankful that it was not a successful attempt.  The fear is always there…I mentioned to my husband tonight that sadly, once fear moves in, it seldom, if ever, leaves.  Thinking of you this week, and holding you close as Stephen’s angelversary approaches. 

Kathy:  I hope that better days are soon enveloping you and your illness is a thing of the past.  Congrats to Barry…I know he is happy and pleased with himself.  He has much to be proud of.  So glad Tavian’s first game went so well and he is enjoying it.

Susannah:  Please, oh please, don’t send that crazy weather here…I hope it soon turns tail and disappears and your days begin to show a consistent journey into spring. 

Debbie:  praying that the days will be kinder to you and you will move into a softer time.  Know that we are always here for you, when and if you choose to be here. 

Claudia:  I know you are so excited about Marcia and Larry’s upcoming visit…I know you all will have a wonderful visit.

Colleen:  Good to see sweet Brian’s smile…glad you had a beautiful weekend.  Thinking of you.

Greg:  I hope you had a wonderful fishing trip…are you back yet?

Betsy:  I hope all is well with you…

A sweet thing happened today...I had a couple of tickets to Monday's game, but sadly Cathi couldn't go at the last minute, Denis(Mike's friend) had to get some stuff ready for school, and of course, Ralph doesn't go to Fenway any more.  So, on Saturday I gave the tickets to Cathi to see if she could find someone who could use them.  Monday morning she still hadn't found anyone who could go on such short notice (it's almost two hours from here), and when she picked up Jamie from his after school care on Monday, she asked the person who signed him out if they would like some tickets to the game.  (Jamie's after school care is run by college kids mostly.)  At first they excitedly said yes, they would very much, but then said they had some things to do Monday night that they really should get done, so they were going to pass.  So, Cathi gave her the tickets and asked her to check around with the others, as the game was starting in just a couple hours, and the  tickets were just going to be thrown away.  Well, Tuesday, when Jamie went into after care, one of the counselors came running over to him, squeezed him really tight and happily said "Your mom and your grandma are awesome!  We went to the game last night and it was so great, and of course they won (17 to 8! the first win in 6 games!)  and we had a really awesome time!"  So, that made me feel pretty happy that someone got a gift that made them truly happy.  We've given away tickets a few times over the last few years, and each time we hear back that they went to someone who just was tickled to get them and had a really awesome time---it takes the sting out of us not getting to go. 

Mary ann, Sonya,  Trudi, Dan, wishing you and all of our Indigos a good day today.

love and peace,  carol  mikesmomrs

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Carol, so glad that the tickets made someone smile and in turn makes you smile which in turn makes us all smile. Love knowing that you are having a nice day. How nice that Davis could assist you in your cleaning out a room. I have to do this in the basement this summer, I say it each year but I am fairly disgusted with my clutter. Our basement is one old unfinished place but my clutter is making it impossible to be better than it is.

Late night at school was a success.

Lorri, whose qote did you post?

How is your Brother Roy? I am glad for the success of the Kourtney's closet fund raiser. Does a heart good to know that SHE is blessing others each day.

Deb, prayers for the journey.

Love to All

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Lorri, whose qote did you post?

How is your Brother Roy? I am glad for the success of the Kourtney's closet fund raiser. Does a heart good to know that SHE is blessing others each day.





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I was watching a show on the History channel last night.  A Theoretical Physicist was trying to tell me that there could be dinosaurs in my livingroom right now.  But I could not see them, because they are in an alternative universe.


I want an alternative universe where all our angels are healthy, happy and with us.



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As I have said many times; a fold of time just out of our sight and reach, but never far.

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The night was unseasonably warm that year-----Nov.14, 1970. we were expecting a

 couple of friends to stop over to play cards. Lisa was in her playpen in the living

 room, my husband was upstairs dressing, and I was in the kitchen warming a

bottle for Lisa. She was a healthy baby, but had a slight cold, and had been to

the Dr. a few days before. She was a bit fussy that night. She was crying, and just

stopped so very abruptly that I ran to check on her. I sensed something was very

 wrong with her and called to my husband. She didn't seem to be breathing. I

screamed  "we have to take her to the hospital". There was no  911 in our rural

area at the time. I grabbed Lisa up in my arms, and we drove, frantically, the 8

mi. to the nearest ER. While my husband drove, I attempted to do CPR, but was not

 sure how to do it. I sensed that I was not being able to revive Lisa, and I screamed

"my God, I think she's dead". My husband cried "Oh no, oh no". I feared for Lisa and

 for the dangerous, curvy road to the hospital. I quickly said  "No, she seems to be

breathing now"......I knew it wasn't true. My husband droved into the ER area, and

I jumped out of the car before it was completely stopped and ran into the ER

carrying my precious baby. A nurse rushed over right away and I said "My baby can't

 breath", She quickly took Lisa and immediately called a code. We were rushed into

 another room. What seemed like hours later, a nurse asked us if we wanted a

priest called. I thought "why is she asking us this?....everything will be o.k."

Lisa was put on life support, and we were finally able to go in to ICU to see her.

Her little body struggled to survive, and it was gut-wrenching to see that little chest

 move  up & down with such labor. The nurses told us that she might respond to

my voice, so I said "Lisa.....honey???", and she slowly turned her little hand over,

showing the inside of her wrist. Her eyes seemed to flutter ever so slightly. I was

filled with hope, and prayed that somehow God would spare her....our first child.

She only survived 24 hrs. and then slipped away at 8 p.m. Nov. 15.....she was only 6

 mo. old. The Drs. told us she would have had brain damage because she was

 without oxygen too long. She already had brain swelling.  Lisa died of aspiration

of vomit which completey blocked her bronchial tubes---making breathing impossible.

 She then contracted pneumonia. They said that my CPR would not have helped her. 

The next wk. was a foggy nightmare of making funeral arrangements. We moved in a


Lisa was laid to rest in a pink dress, in a small white casket, in a section called

Babyland. Today is her birthday.....she would have been 40.

Her grave is not far from her brother, Davey's, at the same cemetery.     

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Hello, I am new here.  It is hard for me to say anything but I have been reading everyone's posts for a few days. I am sorry for .... you know. Your losses.

My daughter Nicole died on 6.10.09 of multiple organ failure due to alcohol abuse. She was only 34 and her death was senseless and entirely preventable. She was living with my mother and had been taking care of my father and grandmother who just died...yes, both of them. My father she was especially close to. He died of prostate cancer and my grandmother died of well, old age. In the meantime my father's brother and his wife died and my dad's sister died. Plus my cousin's first child died.

I am throwing this out rapid-fire with no emotion because it has to be said. Then I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and my ex-husband left me after I caught him taking another woman on vacation to SF, CA while I was visiting his mother. Yes, his mother.

Those losses took a toll, yes but losing my daughter well I can't say I have caught my breath yet. It is harder now than it was 11 months ago. Why is that, I don't know...

I wish none of us had to be here.

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Dear Sherry

My eyes are still tearful after reading the heartbreaking story of your precious little Lisa. 

How very hard that was and I am so very sorry for your loss  Thank you for sharing Lisa with your Indigo Family.

                                            Dear Sweet Lisa

                   HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY

                     HEAVENLY ANGEL




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Dear Redcouch

I am so sorry for all your pain and  am glad you have found this safe place.  You can share what is in your heart or just read when you want. 

We know only too well how difficult it is to have lost a child and how hard each day can be.  I lost my only son Stephen 3 years ago and this Board has saved my life

Come often, post a picture of your daughter Nicole.  Tell us about her and we will listen and cherish her memory as you already do.



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Welcome Redcouch - I am so sorry for the loss of your Nicole...I am sorry that you have had to find us but so happy that you have.....I am Kathy, we lost our beautiful daughter Jessica just over 4 years ago, on Feb 18, 2006, she was 26 and left us very suddenly and unexpectedly from ARVD.   You have been through some very rough times but the loss of a child is more than anyone should have to bare......please post when you can and share your Nicole with us.....much peace.

Thank you my friends, I am still not feeling good, left work at 11 am and went to the beach as I usually can sleep there as I have not slept good since this started....bad idea to fall asleep in the hot sun for an hour and a half !!!!! so now I have a sunburn to go along with all else - I just cannot seem to win.  I am off to the doctor's tomorrow as I cannot take this anymore....hopefully they will have something I can take.

Lorri - I can understand your brother being impatient but doctors today seem to make sure thay cover every base so hopefully they will find something soon and all will be well...take care my friend.

I have been reading and would love to post more but just not up to it. I love you all and my prayers are always with you.  Will talk soon. God Bless, Kathy

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She only survived 24 hrs. and then slipped away at 8 p.m. Nov. 15.....she was only 6

 mo. old.




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Sherry - The vivid recall of the details that day & losing your beautiful baby 'Lisa' shows how the memories are emblazened in our minds for all time.   Thinking of you.


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Sweet Blessed Lisa, Sweetest Baby Girl, sweep over your Momma and Daddy and let them feel your presence, First Baby Love. It was you Lisa, that first let your Folks know the incredible joy of parenthood.

You left so early but you remain ever-loved.We celebrate your life Dearheart.

Blessings Sherry, thank you for sharing the Story of Lisa. My ache for your hearts, and for the forever sadness of loss.

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Sorry that you have found this place, that you needed to rather, happy it is us that you found as we are a chatty group. So many of us are years into this loss, and then some of us are at about a three year mark, while still others are at a year or under. Some weeks there are many more of us than you see here today and in the last few days. There is always  someone here though, so no matter the time, come here and post. I found in the early days, almost 7 years ago, that in the night when I could not sleep, I would come here and post or respond to earlier posts. It truly helped me stay sane.

My Girl Erica, died onJuly 14 after her car was struck by an Amtrak on July 8th of 2003. It happened in Kalamazoo Michigan, we live just outside of Chicago.

I simply wish you did not have to lose your Nicole, and I am so sorry for the ache you are living with. It does get harder at the point you are due to the shock having worn off..It also stands to reason that we can kind of live in a bit of a fog after they leave, but it just keeps going, time keeps ticking and seasons change and the calendar tells us we are approaching an anniversary and we ache bigger. It will not always feel as it does now, promise.

Good luck,


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Bless you, Dear Lisa, for sharing such a heartbreakingly important, life changing event in your life.  You wrote it so eloquently.  I felt every moment.   It had to be difficult to write.  I am so sorry you had to experience that then, and now!  God bless you, my friend!!

Redcouch - I have no words, just understanding.  I'm so sorry for your loss!!  For your lossES!  All of them.  But, especially for the loss of your daughter.  I know. 


Susannah/Stephanie's mom

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Happy Birthday Lisa...


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Thanks to everyone-my husband was diagnosed with kidney cancer, but it IS early, stage one, so they will remove a part of his kidney next week & hopefully that will be the end of it. They are lucky they even caught it so early, he went in for horrible back/abdominal pain which the doctor said could not even be caused by the cancer. Still don't know what's causing the back pain, but if not for that they wouldn't have done the CAT scan.

Carol-I know how worried you must be about Ralph. The waiting to find out what's wrong is so hard. You will both be in my thoughts & prayers.

Sherry-Happy Birthday to sweet Lisa! Somedays I relive the day Ashley died over & over, and I forget that other people, like all of you, have been through something just as difficult and horrible. Reading your story brought tears to my eyes.

Redcouch-like others have said, welcome to this site, but I'm sorry you have to be here at all. I lost my 23 yr old daughter to complications from H1N1 about 3 months ago. I am dreading this weekend, although last year Ashley was in Texas with her boyfriend on Mother's Day & forgot to call me! Every holiday & anniversary will be so difficult from now on. That's the hardest part, that this will never end. I feel like saying, ok I've been here, done that, now I want my daughter back. I've had enough of this...but it just doesn't end.

Amy/Ashley's mom

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Betty, keeping thoughts of you and Stephen close today.




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Red couch

I am praying for you today.  At 11 month's, yes it is so hard.  After the first year, reality punches you in the stomach and slaps you in the face - repeatedly.

I cannot say the second year is harder than the first, but the simple fact my 16 year-old son, Brian will never be coming back, because of a completely preventable car crash - Is beyond my comprehension.

My Mother died @ 65 of breast cancer 4 months before my son.  There are others on this site with similar life experiences.

You have come to the right place. 

Consider yourself virtually hugged

Colleen, Brian's Mother Forever

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Was at work yesterday morning and Mary called me to say she found a Butterfly in the garage near Nicks car. This is what she said:

This Butterfly I found in my garage this morning next to Nick's car on the ground. I picked him up and he couldn't fly good, so I brought him in put him in my butterfly cage gave him pineapple all day and water, and by this afternoon he was full of life. So as much as I wanted to keep him, I let him fly Free...

The pic is when she took the butterfly outside later in the day to fly away, it's on

Nicks windshield


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To all my Indigo pals,

It is a sunny day here in Wisconsin (windy as all get-out)!!!

But, that is what brings up the warm air from my friends in the South.

I am going Birding on Saturday with my Daughter, Michelle.  Horicon Marsh.  I know she is only going, because I like it, but I sure do appreciate her coming along.

Also, I have been dreading this Sunday.  A little better than last year, but still - I do not feel whole.  A Mother without a son to love.  I am hanging in there!!

Colleen, Brian's Mother Forever

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Nick's Dad

SOOO Cool.  Pineapple - I am going to have to remember that.

A little messenger - with a big messege.

Our son's and daughter are with us - we will see them again.

Colleen (The wanna-be Theoretical Physicist)

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Sherry - I was tired when I read your story last night.  I was so touched by it, I wanted to respond immediately.   My apologies for the name confusion. 

Dan - Wow!  Thank you for sharing about the butterfly!  Sounds like Nick was sending a message, too!

Wishing you all love and peace!

Susannah/Stephanie's mom

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Good Morning Indigos

                  DEAREST STEPHEN




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OH how I wish I had opened BI at home, I couldn't because I had to get here early, but now I can't use color or fonts that I like to say what I feel in my heart.

STEPHEN, fly close to MOMMA today, kiss her sweet cheek and cause a gentle breeze on her face. Give her the knowing that you are more than safe, more than fine, as every parent would love to know.

Betty Sweetie, You will always be his Momma, He will always be joyous of this.

I know this day is very tough, very hard, and I wish I could share it with you on a walk around the Zoo where you spent so many lovely hours.

love Dee

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Again, I sure wish I had opened at home so that I could see the butterfly photo, so Dan, I will see it later but I sure do love the whole story, that is so wonderful and fits so nicely with the piece Colleen wrote yesterday...LOVE IT!

And think how lovely the symbolism is, butterflies and the brevity of their lives, lived so very quickly with so much beauty.

Love to you all,


I had the saddest dream ,that Eri was a little girl and she had leukemia, and I brought her home from the hospital for a few days only, she wanted to watch a sledding competition but I knew she had a fever, she begged to see it, and I thought, oh my God, she knows she is not going to live long so being there with a fever does not matter much...later in the dream, I knew I had to take her back to the hospital where I knew she was going to die. I sobbed and sobbed, I woke up.

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saying his name so that he can bring you so much comfront on this special day.

Betty my prayers are with you today and always.

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Lisa, please surround your mom and dad with love and warmth on this your wonderful day of birth, that gave them such joy in their lives.  Help ease their sadness and send them comforting memories of those sweet baby smell times, even now, 40 years later. 

love and peace,  carol  mikesmomrs

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Sherry: Thank you for sharing your story of your precious Lisa...the pain of retelling is hopefully lessened by the memories it may generate of the time she spent with you, warming your heart with those moments you had with her precious babyness. 

love and peace,  carol  mikesmomrs

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Hey guys I'm back. I have an awsome picture of a big fish I caught. I had a visitor with me. I'll share it as soon as I can.


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show your family how much you  love them on this special day

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Lisa Lisa Lisa Happy Birthday

Stephen, Stephen, Stephen - Happy Angeldate

Colleen, Brian's

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Betty – My thoughts of your sweet Stephen be with you all day in a very special way.  STEPHEN, STEPHEN, - saying his name loud and proud.

Sherry – I loved the way you wrote about your precious little Lisa.  May your memories of her be forever near you. 

Betsy – Love the picture of what looks to me like Gods hands.  Thank you so much for posting that today.  I really needed it.

Dan – Love the butterfly story.  Nick was right there.

Kathy – Hope you feel better soon.

Redcouch – I’m so sorry for your loss.  You have found a great place to come and talk about your wonderful daughter Nicole.  My daughter Danielle was 21 and was in a single car accident on 10-11-07.  The pain gets softer with time.  Come here and you can tell Nicole’s story and we will listen and lots of people here give great advice.  They have saved my life, I thought I was crazy they told me I was normal just a new normal. 

Lorri – How is Roy doing?  I watch the biggest loser also.  I really liked the quote!  And I didn’t want Sam to leave the ranch!

Carol – Prayers are still with Ralph while is waits on his next appointment.

Colleen - Have fun with your daughter on Saturday!

Sonya (Danielle’s Mom)

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STEPHEN...STEPHEN...STEPHEN...  Please surround your mom with love and peace today, allowing the sweetest memories of your time together to fill her heart.  Betty, thinking of you and holding you close in thought and prayer today...as always.

love and peace,

carol  mikesmomrs

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Carol - I've been meaning to tell you I think of Mike everyday.  You know I live in North Carolina so there are not many red sox fans here.  I pass a house going to work that has a red sox flag on their mailbox, so each day when I pass I think of you and Mike.  

Sonya (Danielle's Mom) 

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Sonya, thank you for your sweet thoughts and thinking of Mike every day!  Have a nice day! 

love and peace, Carol  mikesmomrs

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To ALL Indigoes---

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your kind words for Lisa's story

and her birthday. This is the first time I ever told anyone about the night she

died, and what better place to tell it than BI where there are such wonderful,

loving, and understanding people who know, firsthand, the heartache of losing

a beloved child. Thanks for all the lovely birthday greetings also.

Betty, Kathy, Lorri, Trudi, Dee, Carol, Susannah, Betsy, Colleen, MaryAnn, Amy,

and Dan......Bless you, and All of the BI family......you guys are the Best !!!! 

   Davey&Lisasmom,   Sherry 

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  STEPHEN,   STEPHEN,    STEPHEN, ...........Angel in Heaven........ Send a kiss

and a hug down by a gentle breeze, a moonbeam, or the call of many birds,

to your Mom.

Dear Betty-----Sending you warm thoughts on this day.......sweet Stephen's

Angel Day. Wish I could say something to lift your spirits....but we all know

how hard it is to find the words. Just know that the BI family all are thinking

of you today. sending love.

                Davey&Lisasmom,   Sherry 

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