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Loss of an Adult Child


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Terrie  So good to see you posting  on  this very special day, Adam's  18 th Birthday.It is great that his friends remembered and honored him and I am glad you felt his love and presence with you.


Beth  Precious new picture if your angel!!!.  If you need to up load any of the pictures I posted I have no problem


Bonnie  Your new guest is so very fortunate to spend any time with you and your very special hubby.  I smiled when I read the breakfast he consumed!! You are honoring Jason in so many thoughtful ways!!


Marcia  Hope you spent the day relaxing and did not over do.  Remember that Bethany is always with you.


Colleen  Remodeling is quite a heavy duty  job!!! You are brave to tackle such improvements.  Good Luck


Dee Praying for Jon.  I understand your concern and know you will be of great comfort to him.  . 


Trudi  I hear you are exhausted  Maybe some of those wonderful walks with Mutley will regenerate your spirit  I always loved hearing about your walks together. 


Lori  I understand that feeling of being busy but having an empty sad heart.   Courtney is always with you as I believe Stephen is with me.

Sherry I was too sad to search  for the Halloween pictures at first .  Then I decided to try and I did go thru one album and found Stephen at age 3 as Casper  the Ghost  and Superman at age  5 .  They made me smile.  Then i could not figure out how to post the picture and then I just gave up.:(


Kathy Hope it has warmed up there and that Tavian will warm you heart with his hugs and little stories.


Carol  Hope the grandchildren are recovering and that you and hubby are hanging in  I have been watching the evil ones playing ball this weekend.


Dan.  Those Giants really really disappointed me today.  


Greg  Thanks for all the cute Halloween pictures.


Sue Claudia Mary Ann and everyone else thinking of everyone here and really feel as if I know each of our angels so very well


Thank you all for sharing your pictures and stories.  Today for some strange reason I was vey very sad.  Just walking along the street I would think of a moment with Stephen and then the tears would just start to flow. 


I saw someone embrace their child and I felt I would just like to hold him one more time and her his voice just for a moment.


Some days are better than others.  Even after 21/2 yars it sometimes feels like day one.


Sleep Well






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Betty, thanks so much. I hope I can help JOn, but so much of what he needs will have to come from inside of him. I wish I could crawl inside  and make some little changes to help him along. I love him so much, and seeing him down is very difficult, I just want to make things better, but I cannot. So your hopes and wishes serve to surround this young man who dearly needs direction and strength.

The full moon was so beautiful and I looked up before coming in tonight and spoke to Eri adn Michael asking them to shine that good stuff into Jon tonight, lighten his load, let him drop his guilt and all that makes this journey so very heavy.

And so Betty, I pray and send wishes to you that yo sleep like a princess tonight adn have dreams that wake you in the morning that are filled with wonderful images and messages.


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Lori, thanks for the candle shining our way. Our angels and all of us watching out for one another. Sounds like you have one BIG week coming up. I know you feel a hollow place in your heart, but I promise, one day you will feel some goodness beating inside. blessings.

Terri, sleep well, knowing that Adam is holding you as best he can on this very bittersweet day. Loving you through each day as he always has. I am sorry that your Mom did not find the strength to call you and nurture you. I know that several of us have had a hard time with our parental units before the deaths of our Children. if they were not nurturers before we lost our Babies, chances are good that they never will be able to do so. It is a shame, but it is not your fault and so you must not take that on.

Kath, thanks, I will keep you posted on Jon, the prayers are always welcome.

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Terrie - Yep we here would think a call, speaking Adams name would be paramount today....I guess in her defence she lost a grandson, maybe she is lost in her own world of grief.......At the engagment party my ex in laws made an appearance.  They were Mikes step grandparents & aunt for 24yrs, none of them came to his funeral.  They came to the engagement.  The only words spoken were from my ex sister in law - "when is the food coming out"....oh if only you knew the control it took to smile and say 'its on its way'!! ;)

My baby girl gave me a thankyou card for all I did for her this past week.....tears tears and tears.  A bouquet of orchids set me off again......Its thunderbolts and lightening here this afternoon....I am sitting outside after this to watch another light show and feel the thunder.......Muttley on the other hand is checking out the dust bunnies under my bed.....

Peace and out - Trudi:cool:


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Terrie:  I am so glad that Adam’s friends feel such a special bond with him that they would go out of their way to be sure to visit his site on his birthday…I am glad the groundskeeper let them stay for a bit…he likely was afraid they were up to trouble…there have been many cemeteries damaged in the dark hours…stones overturned, etc., and I am glad that he was able to see these young people’s good intentions…

 Beth:  I am sorry that you have been down lately---yes, working on the site for Zachy is likely good for you and keeping you busy…the site we created for Mike was a saving grace for me at a time when I thought I would truly lose my mind…

 Trudi:  Yes, Melissa fairly glowed in her picture, and I am so glad that she sent you the card and the flowers…it is so heartwarming when our kids don’t keep us guessing about how they feel about something we’ve done for them from our hearts.  I know it was exhausting for you, but it is something Melissa will remember always.  You are a great mum!   You made a happy day for her even happier and a wonderful memory to cherish…and of course, Micheal was right there with you all!  The pics were just terrific…little Caleb in his costume…so adorable…don’t tell him I said that, tho’, as you know, little boys don’t like words like “adorable.”  Lol!

Dee:  I am thinking of Jon and saying prayers that he will find it within himself to forge a way out of this deep place he finds himself in…may Eri and Michael send their love and strength to him and help guide him to the sun once again.  I hope that you have a less busy week at school this week, and your kids are tired out from the Halloween activities of the weekend and will be quiet and calm. (well, we can dream, can’t we?...:-))

Betty:  Perhaps this year was the year you were meant to only find the pics of Halloween and next year will be the year you are able to share them for us to see…I think we all understand the “even after 2 ½ years it still feels like day one.”

Lorri:  My daughter and her girls and her fiancé (they live in VA) are also NASCAR fan-atics…they’ve been lucky enough to go to a couple of the big races…we have the Louden, NH races here in September and I think another day of the year, but can’t be sure.  It is about 25 miles from where we live…we see the RV’s, trucks, SUV’s, going and coming on the “BIG” weekend…some people come a week ahead and camp out…it’s big excitement time around here, for sure…have fun at the concert and the races after…your heart may feel empty, but it is really filled with the love of your family and the sweet love and memories of your precious Kourt…it is just going to take some time for you to feel it again, and though it will never be the same, it is still there and will always be…

Bonnie:  What a wonderful weekend with your foster boy…I know that it is sometimes difficult to send them back, wondering what it is they are going to, but you are sending him back with a loving, warm spot in his heart…memories of his weekend with you and Rich.  I pray he will have a good week. 

We spent time at Mike's site today...the leaves blowing everywhere had almost covered the stone...we had terrific winds all this weekend...made me think of the coming months when it will be blanketed with snow...the lonely months of not being able to sit by his memorial...I remember a mom once saying that when that first winter came after her daughter had passed, she felt the need to cover her daughter's stone with a blanket...others would find that strange, but here, sadly, we understand, don't we...

The grandboys are doing okay…Damon still is very hoarse, but more active, and his mom is really feeling it now, so likely she will be out of work another few days (was out all last week).  Jamie’s fever has been down so long as he is on Tylenol…his mom is keeping watch on him through the night to see if he spikes a fever again.  I wish so much I could hug them all better...  I just hope they are all better soon…it is such a worry, isn’t it…

Speaking of worry…I developed something scary in my eye today (the same one that had the infection).  I can’t do anything about it til morning, though, and then I will call the doctor that treated the infection.   There is a film over the center of my eye, with a kind of black inky “string” at the edge of it… it moves when I move my eye around…and if I look at something white (like this page), I see hundreds of teeny tiny black dots floating around…all of this has gotten worse as the day has passed, and has become more dense over time…I can’t say that I am not worried…I try not to be a worrier, but …  Sorry I’m rambling about it, but I just needed to talk it out of my worry tank for a bit.  Coming here to my BI family is comforting.  Hopefully it will turn out to be nothing.  Anyone out there ever experience this?

Well, I am going to close my eyes and maybe even sleep will come and I will wake up and it will be gone…wouldn’t that be sweet…

Have a peace filled Monday, everyone…Marcia...I hope you are resting and keeping that leg elevated...

Love and peace,  Carol  mikesmomrs

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More later, but quickly due to the worry for you Carol, call your Eye Doc immediately, you could be expereincing a detached retina. It needs to be looked at right away, so on the phone, explain the severity of the symptoms. Please let us know what transpires.

and thank you for the thoughts on Michael and Eri helping lead Jon, it is exactly my prayer as well. Thank you.

Trud, that girl is a lot like a great woman I know. You.

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Aren't our son's friends great!?!

I am so happy that Adam's friend's visited him.  Our son's are not too far apart in age (Brian turned 18; 7-12-09), and by that huge smile always on Adams face, they had alot of friends and loved life.

Hard to belive our boys are 18.  I am sure both of us thought this birthday would be a really fun one. - Oh how our lives have changed.

We are here for you.  My only surviving parent does not call on these days either, but Brian's friends do.

Thinking of you as we go on without them


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Lorri, Girl!! If AC/DC and Nascar is white trash, then count me in...cuz I love 'em both!! ;) I figure people can call me whatever they want. It's probably they're just jealous, because I'm a fun girl. :) You go!! LOL!!

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Sorry girls it's the NHRA for me. I like races that last only 6 seconds. No left turns only straight ahead for me.


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Greg, Rich and his dad went here. They just completed a car to race but never got the chance. Rich's vision was bad. Maybe if ....an eye exam MAY HAVE revealed another health problem. his dad rebuilt a chevy, 2 actually, el camino and chevelle. I hear his dad does out to the garage at 3 and 4 in the morning and  reves? up the el camino. heartbroken. http://www.atcoraceway.com/



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Hi Greg and Betsy

I am also a NASCar Fan.  Stephen rebuilt a 1967 Camero and raced at Atco and Englishtown  raceway in NJ.   It was his life's energy.  I do believe his neighbors heard his engine early in the AM . 


Betty Stephen's Mom




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As a teen I was involved with a group of guys that loved crashing silly cars, demolition derby. That is the extent of my knowledge of cars in that realm. I hate going fast and dislike the worry that loud and fast cars cause in me. I am a WIMP. Diary of a wimpy mom.

Carol, how are you?


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My Mom used to drive in the demolition derby!?!?!

As for me, I drive a Buick LeSabre that looks like a Grand-Ma-car, but moves great through the snow.


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Betty...The Giants have come to never surprise me....

Betsy...I can understand about starting the car...many nights I stand

in the garage and just look at Nicks car and wonder "what if"....

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Hi Colleen

Your mom driving in the Demolition Derby certainly made me smile. 

 She must have been quite a person:dude:

I hear that your car is pretty powerful as well

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Well, guys, the news is good about my eye...seems I am just getting old and my parts are wearing out...lol!  It seems that though my symptoms can be indicative of a detached retina, I have dodged that bullet.  I should have known that it was going to be okay, because when I woke up this morning after about 2 hours sleep, when I would close my eye, I could see a very tiny heart, right in the middle of all of the dots.  It spread out like a kaleidescope into three tiny hearts when I moved my eye,  and then came back into one again.  I know this all sounds so weird and probably hokey, but I took it as a sign that even if something was wrong, I would have the strength to get through it...as we all know, we've already been through the worst...On the way to the doctor's, we saw a red volkswagen, and to "seal the deal," so to speak, on the way out, as i was making an appt, hubby was standing by me at the counter and started looking through the "Kids grab basket" which contained mostly weird sunglasses and memo pads.  Near the bottom, he found a clear, small ball, and in it was a little rubber "pop art" version of a RED VW!   The sec'y told him he could have it, so of course he gave it to me, but we all know who it likely really came from!   Thanks Mike...

hubby took a picture of it...


Anyway, the doc said that the dots and strings, etc., should settle down (said they are like in a snow globe, but will eventually will settle to the bottom) and I do need to come back for follow-up and if any other symptoms appear, and I feel so much better now, just having that reassurance. 

So, all you guys talking about NASCAR, and races, etc., no, I've never raced, and neither has my mom (lol!), but my brother did, for about 5 years...then he developed an allergy to the grease and had to quit (he built them and raced them).  He had a lot of fun for a few years. 

Greg and Dan, Betty and Betsy (I think that's all who mentioned they were into the racing or their son was)...it is nice to have those memories, and even though they hurt sometimes now, you will always be glad that you have them...

Betsy:  what are we going to do with those Phillies?!?!  Someone needs to shake them up again! 

BTW, talked to the kids' moms today...they are both doing better...Jamie wanted to go out and play swords in the yard!  Not yet, Jame...   Thank you guys for your prayers and thoughts...they always help us through these times of worry, don't they...

Hope everyone has a nice rest of the day...

love and peace,  Carol

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Carol, cute little car and its good to hear that your eye aliment wasn't

 something more serious. Also nice that the kids are improving.

I still have hope for the Phillies. On the down side, if they don;t make it at least the fans won't run wild and rampant through the streets. They have a tendency to get just a little bit excited.


Betty, no popping that champagne cork yet.


Betsy, mysonRich

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[user=33864]hotsauce[/user] wrote:

hope everybody is having a great day

mary ann

Brian's momdukes

Mary ann

Love to see your boys avatar.  Its true when we don't post our kids faces are missed. How have you been? 

On the car thing, well don't have much to do with the NASCARs, we do have V8 races like Bathurst & Philip Island...mainly a Holden vs Ford comp from what I remember.

I did teach all my  kids to drive though.  It was in a 69 Toyota Corolla wagon! Country roads in all kinds of road conditions and weather.  It was mentioned to my 7yr old grandson that granma did the best burnouts and 'slides'.  (lol) 

Carol - I'm with Dee. This might be related to your infection or it might be something else, either way  speak with the Doc.  Thoughts with your grandbabies as they and their mum fight the flu bug.....yep a grandmas hug can do wonders, maybe a letter with virtual hugs?

Dee - Looking back over these past 2 1/2 yrs I can see such emotional hills and valleys.  Sounds like Jon is in a valley and the energy to reach the next hill is waning.  Pls know he is in my thoughts - positive energies to him as he seeks his next strength.  As for my baby girl....to date I have never ever worn a dress that short with no sleeves....she is beautiful...inside and out..:)

Claudia - same same.  I had no idea how hi the hi's for Melissa day would be but the drop this last couple of days is enormous.  Hope you are settling back okay...

The storms are passing through here after a steamy night.  Muttley has poked his head out from under my bed so I guess he's up for a walk. 

Our kids are still remembered by those who matter - not by those we think should.  For me its Mikes friends, now in their 30's with family of their own, family that drifted away after a divorce now finding pictures and sharing memories.  Its grandbabies that see his picture and smile with the innocence of the young.

News flash.....after waiting for sooooo looooong the man in charge of making the final decision on Mikes memorial seat is travelling to the river today to check out the logistics!  Pls Pls Pls let him see the tranquility and beauty that would be enhanced by a resting seat for Micheal Shane...

Hut Hut Hut......its off for the walk.  I think raisin toast and coffee at the local bakery is in order - you're all invited! 

Trudi out ;)

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carol, I am relieved as well, and I hope that I did not scare you, but my sis Mary Anne has a bit of a tear in hers, and she was seeing things too, and I had a scare last spring adn my symptoms were also of a detached, but it wasn't one, I had had an occular migrane. Ick! Any hoots, glad that it is working out to be less trouble. Getting old is something that I guess I consider an honor, though my knees don't feel as they used to, and my eyes are strained much more easily, I would appreciate living a nice long life, to be here as long as I can mentally function and get around on my own, not a problem for others. I just don't want to leave earlier than a normal life so that Jonathan has someone live to an age that is normal, and so that I can be here with him. I can't stand the thought of his dealing with any more early leavings.

trud, I sure hope that the people evaluating the spot for the bench are inclined to see it as we do...Michael Shane's bench belongs there.

Thanks for all the prayers and hopes for my Boy. He is such a nice human, funny as can be too, but he is so low right now, just wish I could put him in the car and take him to therapy and make it all work. Maybe one day he will go.

Good luck on the Phillies Betsy and Betty.

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 Betty---- Little  Stephen as Casper the Ghost, and Superman must have brought

a smile to your face, (and perhaps a tear to your eye). I know what you mean about

 trying to post pix on BI. I forget from one time to the next, how exactly to do it,

and also  sometimes just give it up. :D    Peace to you, friend.

Daveysmom,  Sherry

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Carol----Cute red VW. Also, glad to hear that your eye condition is improving.

Yep, as we get older.., more problems pop up :(. I have a "cobweb floater"

in the left eye. Eye specialist zapped it over 400 times with lasar, to no

avail. Sooooo, I've decided to just live with it. Eye strain comes more often,

as Dee said. I hope your eye gets back to normal soon. Peace to you.

   Daveysmom, Sherry 

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Ah yes Dee - that mother thing never leaves us, wanting to take away the pain of our children no matter what the age.  My baby bro and I had a weird conversation about 'leaving'.  I couldn't stand to be left and he couldn't either.  I hope the funk Jon is in is transient. 

Carol - great news about the eye, sorry about the ageing thing. (lol)  You are in good company tho.  The red VW never a doubt Mike was letting you know you'll be okay.

For those who follow the intrepid Muttley walks I am posting this mornings pics...Muttley is quite social with the pups he knows.  They run to each other and play then sit while the owners catchup. 

Then he takes me to a coffee shop (there are many).  Latte for me, sausage roll for him.

Its Melbourne Cup day here.  The race that stops a nation.  It means a public holiday and tourists a plenty here in the valley.  We have a country race meeting here to coincide with the Spring Racing Carnival.  Me, well I have grass to cut and plants to plant......

Pls enjoy Muttley as he truly is an Emotional Support Pup  :cool:

This is looking towards our home.  That pointy hill in the middle is the view from my home


Muttley at Beechworth Bakery, Queens Park behind with Watts river (creek) between



Bob & Muttley, not sure of the little ones name


 This would be Muttley watching me as I type to you all....I think he knows


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Thanks for the good wishes, everyone...the floaters are still there, but not as scary...no, Dee, you didn't scare me...I'd already terrified myself, good and proper...  (I have a true "Eye phobia" due to an injury I had to my eyes when I was 16 that very nearly cost me my sight.)  So, I feel blessed...again...

Trud:  Love the pics of Muttley and his friends...and the view from his table is simply grand...did he tip the Maitre'd for that good seat?  

Here is a pic of my brother in his race car that he built...this is a Friday night race, on a dirt track, (round, Greg, sorry, not straight...)  this pic was taken probably in the 1957-58 range, I think.  Anyway, a far cry from those speeding things we see today...but, he had fun and loved it as long as he could...

JimEzekielracecarpic.jpgwhat it says at the bottom is:

[align=center]'34 plymouth body on '35 Plymouth frame with modified '49 Chrysler 6 cyl            M&H racing slicks


[align=left]Have a peacfilled evening, everyone...[/align]

[align=left]love and peace,  Carol  mikesmomrs[/align]

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Trudi, those Muttly photos are priceless. Help me out, I know I am old, but what are the green things in the fields, tree bags? Boy it sure looks pretty where you live, I sure wish I could drive there since I am less and less inclined to fly. Ah well, Wimpy Girl once again. Your daughter dear Trud, looks very much like her Mum.

Carol, I love the photo of your brother's car. Oh my you racing people. What fun. Oh I forgot to tell you how dear I found that story at the doc's office. THe red car. There he was, your Son making sure of you and letting you know it. What a Guy!

I think I made a mistake when I said good luck on the Phillys, since Betty, you are rooting for the other team am I right? So good luck both of you, may the best team win and may the other team know that they are fabulous too. We CUBS fans think highly of those that excel to this point, but we still love the CUBS best. Go Cubbies.

Mary Anne, good to see you today, how are you doing?

To Lyn and Kaye and Mamabetts, and all those who have not been about much lately, know that we think of you and that you remain in our prayers and hopes.



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Just stopped in to say hi to all of you. Sorry I have not been here for awhile. Know that I think of you and your very, very beautiful children. They are forever held in my heart along with all of you.


Beautiful banners, children and weddings. Somehow we survive. I am so proud of all of us-this hard work we do everyday to keep movin on.

Just wanted to say that. You are the strongest, wisest people I know.




Johnnysmama forever


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Trudi - love the pics of Muttley - he is just to darn cute and yes I know he feels it when you post, sitting there loving you.  I will definitley be there for coffee and a nice walk along the creek would be great.  My prayers are with you as always.

Me - not so much on the car racing either way. Barry and I used to go to the demolition derby every friday nite when we were young and dating.  Barry loves Nascar and drag racing - John Force being his favorite in drag racing.

Dee - my prayers for your wonderful son as he tries to find his way through this depression and hard times. It would be nice wouldn't it if we could go inside of someone we love and fix the things that hurt them.

What a day I have had, first the brakes on my car decided to give me a problem so to the shop tomorrow, Barry home sick, picked up Tavian from school sick at 11 am, drop him with Barry, back to work which was crazy. Finally got home and both boys are feeling better so ate a little and then watched the new Transformerrs movie and now finally in my warm bed relaxing a little - some days are just not FUN!!!!

Tavian and I are both off tomorrow so will have some fun together. I will talk to all tomorrow - peace and love, Kathy

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Kay - was clicking away at the millions of 'files' stored on my universe (my computer) and found two pics of your boy....one with curls and one in uniform.....never far away our kids.....

Lorri - hold what you need to keep her close to your heart...there is nothing that says you need to let them go.......

Dee - yep they are little green tree baggies.  There has been much replanting in and around the fire areas......Hoping for more Spring rain to help them grow.

Kathy - you posted 1 minute before me......I meant to respond to your post about being where Jessica spent her last minutes.  My vote says she checked her look in the mirror and saw one hot mamma, with your eyes and smile.....;)

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KAYE, so good to see Johnny's beautiful face, knowing that his Momma's beautiful spirit is behind this screen somewhere in Ohio...

I hope that you are well, no need for apologizing, sometimes we move on and walk a different path because we have to. I left here for a long while a couple of years ago because when new parents came along, I became so sad for them, and the extra sadness just wasn't helping me heal. I found my way back when I felt I could share and help. WE all move through the tides of grief, no particular order, as though order has anything to do wtih it...I just am glad to know you are out there in the world, and I would love to know more but when you feel like it.

My heart.

It is a full moon folks, so craziness today and yesterday, the weekend, makes sense. John (husband) and I went to meet some friends last evening. We met for dinner and a concert at The Old Town School of Folk Music. This old place is a small venue with some great musical guests. Last night was a real treat; LEO Kotke. For those of you who know of him, he was FANTASTIC> for those of you who do not, look him up or google him, his guitar work is what made him famous and he has been touring pretty much for 40 years. He is a fun man with an outstanding attitude.

My love and wishes for deep sleep and really wonderful dreams.


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Dear BI Family

Thank you all so much for your positive response towards the Circle of Care – Baby Shower in a Box project. We will appreciate every single contribution – it is so humble to see that there is still so much good in this world of ours.

The only way to send financial contributions will be by Swift Transfer to the Circle of Care account. Please find Swift Transfer Details below.


Circle of Care

First National Bank Namibia                                                                


Account no: 62241226506

Branch no: 280272                                                                        

Should you however like to send a parcel, the address is as follows: Please specify clearly it is a gift otherwise we would have to pay income tax and all that funny stuff.

Enid Johr/ Circle of Care

POBox 4853




I do not have your e-mail address’s, would like to send you the letter so you can pass it on – I will however send it to Marcia and she can forward it to you – to again forward to your family and friends.

Thank you all once again for your generosity and kind spirit, May you be blessed.

I will keep you posted on the project

Love and Warm greetings from Namibia

Enid (Ethansmuffin)

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Well, we made it to Tulsa last night, and not a bad trip at all except the dvd player in the van decided the last couple hours out to get moody. The kids took it in stride however as they're used to not watching much anyway.

Today is Tony's birthday, and I want to surprise him later. I'm thinking of doing a nice dinner and inviting over my aunt's friends who were so supportive after Rohan's death. It'll be fun to meet them after hearing about, and even talking to some for so long. Shucks I left my stoneware pan.

Was it Colleen who was remodeling? All I can remember was you throwing out the spices and I nearly cried!!!!!:( Guess you can tell I love to cook? More than scrapbooking, it's been my saving grace.

Michelle is gone until 2:30, so not sure what we'll be up to 'til then. Wish I could go back to sleep... maybe I will.

Blessings to all,

Shelly, Rohan's Mama

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I cried as I was throwing out the spices also.  They were almost 2 years old, opened, but I had never used them.  I just do not use the wierd ones too often.

My Mom is bumming out in heaven that I did that.


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Wow! So much to catch up on. The pictures are great! I will have to post some of Camerons halloween pictures. He was darth vader and I dressed up as a cat that swallowed a goldfish. We painted a goldfish in water on my stomach. It was cute!!! I go to the doctor today and they will finally check me to see if I am starting to thin out or dilate and I will also do the non stress test, group b strep test, and bio physical profile. I get to see how big my boy is and make sure that the fluid looks good and the cord and that he is getting plenty of oxygen. Hopefully I will also find out about my inducement date! I will let you know how it goes!!


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Trudi are Bob and Muttley Australian Sheep Dogs?  When I married my husband he had an AS dog named “Blue” with one blue eye and one brown.  He was pretty old and had to be put to sleep shortly after we married but my husband still tears up when he thinks of this old buddy Blue.  They are so beautiful and I know what you mean by them being “Emotional Support Dogs”.  Mine is named  Scruffy who is now 13 years old, he used to be Michelle’s little buddy….just having him around to cuddle with and talk to eases some of the darker days. 

Lorri I know what you mean when you say it’s so hard to get rid of anything…it’s all you got.  It’s been over 2 years and I still haven’t got rid of hardly any of Michelle’s stuff.  I did initially give a few sweatshirts, coat and sweatpants to some family members that wanted them…I knew they would wear them with pride.  But her bedroom and closet still remain the same as it did on the day she left for the hospital (aside from it being cleaner and the clothes now washed and not on the floor, lol) When she moved out of her apartment from college the bf took most of her household items and furniture for his place (which she would have moved into evidently) but all the personal stuff she boxed up in large storage bins.  I can’t get rid of any of it….not even her notes she wrote friends back in 8th grade (she was a pack rat and saved everything).  Don’t feel pressured, do it when you are able to.  That is what I have told myself…and my husband agrees.  When it’s time we will know it…and if it never comes then there will always be a spot in our house for her things. 

Shelly glad you had safe travels.

Amanda have a great doctors appointment.....and enjoy the sound of your new bundle of joy's heartbeat.  That was always my favorite part of my ob appointments. 

Dee I checked out Leo on “YouTube” lots of great videos of him.  What a talented musician.   This clip doesn’t’ really portrait his musical talent so much but does show his sense of humor. 

Kathy, enjoy your day off with your precious Tavian.

Today trying to work on a short memorial to put in the press for my angels birthday next Monday.  I always include a picture and usually a short poem, but this year I want to write something meaningful but can’t come up with the right words…  Sunday I have a mass being said for her (youth mass in the evening that she always attended) then some of us will go out for dinner and drinks to celebrate what would have been her 25th birthday the following day. I plan to also give out bookmarks I make to everyone who comes (picture of her and a poem)... Just thinking about this gets me in that dark place. 

Wishing everyone a peaceful day….Sue (Michelle's Mom)

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Amanda - go luck with the Dr today.  Sounds like they are taking good care of you.

Sue - May I make a suggestion for your memorial writting?  Look back on some posts here on BI.  There are some great one-liners that took my breath away.  The people here are funny and serious in their day to day lives.  Just a suggestion.

Hope everyone is having a great day.  Can't wait to finish work.  Kinda stressful today.


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AMANDA, hope the doc appointment goes really well and that all things are GO for delivery. I love that you were the cat who swallowed the goldfish.

Clever Girl.

Sue, I bet you will come up with the right words, the words that feel right to you. I love your idea of the bookmark. A great way to have Michelle reminding folks about the importance of loving the day you are in, this day.

As far as keeping things that belong to our Kids, well, I gave a lot away right off the bat, went to her place in Kalamazoo and her girlfriends that helped us fold and crate things were the first to be able to choose some of her clothing/boots/coats. HEr purple velveteen bedspread...I gave to her cousin Matt, he always loved her bedspread. Most of her clothing was given to her cousins Kate and Laura and Kari. I was lucky, if you can call it lucky, in as much as Eri had moved out and assured me she was going to stay living with friends and so when I planned some work on the house, switching ERi's room into a guest room and the guest room into my own office, she was emphatic that she was fine with that, that she would not be moving home. She even came home two days before she was killed and she gave her approval of how her room turned into the guest room. She liked it and I of course assured her that if she were to want to return home, she of course could and we would turn the office or the guest room back into her room. So I did not have to deal with the thought of dismantling her bedroom and for that, I am lucky. I know that that is a hard hard thing to do. I kept in her old closet however, her graduation gown, her prom gown, one of her favorite stuffed animals, and a few trinkets. Around the house, I have some of her senior pottery class pots, and those items are just fine to keep for all time. Jonathan has her Raggedy Ann doll, her big pink E that she had on her wall. When John Edwards had his show called CROSSING OVER and he was able to talk with or communicate with those who were on the other side of earth, he said that one boy was telling his Mom, (and his Mom was the one being read) that she should take down the alter that she had kept in his honor, he told her to put the things away, that they kept her tied to his death rather than his life. He described for the Mom what was on the buffet in the dining room. It was a moving moment to think that our Babies can actually tell us to put it away, go forward with good memories and leave the tangible things in a box to be looked at on occassion but not everyday. Hard call I'd say. Anyway, it is whatever we are most comfortable with, and beyond that simply isn't important right now.

This morning I wept as I heard the local news speak of the death of a stellar young man in Chicago. He was 21, he was attending a Halloween Party with a friend when some party busters showed up with guns and began shooting. This young man lay dying. He died in the night from his injuries. This young man was making a difference in th eworld. He was a high achieving young man, he was the speaker for his university, DePaul, and was set to graduate and had great plans to go on with his social justice agenda. He was offered tuition for his graduate work and was speaking at many engagements as a voice for young people, Guns have got to be put down, our city like so many others, have seen the deaths of a huge number of our youth. A whole generation is being taught that the only way to be protected is to walk around or drive around, with a gun. Dear God, let us learn from this sadness, from the tears of this boy's family and friends, from the unfinished work that he was motivated and driven to do... let u s learn how to raise peaceful children, peaceful adults, let us live in peace filled towns and villages and cities. Amen.

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Oh Sue, forgot to add that I was glad you looked up Leo Kottke, he is hilarious, and in fact, told that same story the other night. Had us all laughing. Good energy from him. Great music!

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Sue - The breed is "Border Collie" and they are predominantly sheep dogs. They are amazingly intelligent dogs.  We had one on the farm when I was a child.  She had the one blue one brown eye and was fiercely loyal. 

When I lost Mike it was finding this bundle of black and white in the middle of a litter of Shitzu X Maltese that was my life line.  Everything about him is Border Collie aside from the Shitzu tail and short legs, but hey nobodies perfect

Baby comes home - April 07


Brother Bill, Smidge & Muttley.  Smidge has two ice blue eyes.


I take much energy from the ocean, thankfully so does Muttley


Walked in the rain today....something therapeutic about that...Muttley chasing imaginary sheep through the long grass.....truly a sight to behold....


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Dee - Is it our loss that permeates our souls on hearing of the senseless death of a young person??

Here guns are not as predominate in the death of the young.  Aside from the road toll, we seem to have a primative culture of alcohol and violence.  Young men being 'king hit' falling unconscious and sustaining major head injury. Parents making passionate pleas for this carnage of our youth to stop after they have made the harrowing decision to turn off life support.

We seem to live in a world where life is cheapend for whatever reason.  Its fragility and the finality of these acts lost on a culture that is raised in a vaccum of 'fast grabs of video'.

I wish the lessons learned here and elsewhere enabled others to make their lives positive reflections of what we have - not what we want in a blink of an eye.

Peace to those who sit and wait, to those who have lost and those who on waking from their stupor realise the consequence of their actions...

Peace out Trudi  :?



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Trudi  Thanks for the pictures and story of Mutley's early days.  He is a wonderful companion.

Dee I agree Gun violence  feels like an epidemic again.  Just this weekend two young men where shot in a senseless fight after a party here in NYC.  I am now so much in tune with the loss the families must endure and the tremendous loss of a gifted person.

Sue I am sure you will come up with a wonderful poem that will express how you feel on Shells Special Birthday,

Carol   Loved the picture of your brother's car;) Hope you and the children are recovered.

Amanda  Good Luck with your doctor visit,

Shelly  I am glad you trip is going well and hope Tony's Birthday celebration works out well for everyone.

Betsey  The Phillies played some game last night  Was thinking of you

Enid I plan on going shopping for gift package to send to your project.  Could you let us know what is most needed.  I was thouched by the fact that some parents must wrap their tiny bundles from heaven in newspaper to take them home.  I would love to send so much that no parent would have to do that evr again

Maryann, Lori, Marcia, I know you are all fragile now so please take care of yourselves



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Hey Guys, I am going out for a walk in a moment, just a hug to you all. I made cream of broccoli soup today, it was good, fattening, and the house smells good. I used the recipe in the Linda McCartney cook book. It was broccoli and squash and spices and cream. YIKES CREAM. Oh well, walk it off.

The news made me very sad, three families and a multitude of friends are mourning as three 21 year old girls from a colledge in North Dakota were found. Sadness, and so prayers that in this night there are angels holding the hands of these three assisting them over that threshold.

Peace as we find our pieces


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Enid - I would love to send a package!! Where was I when this was mentioned ?? Seems like if I do not come here every day I miss something so important.

Betty - it is nice to know that you are in NYC - not far from me in this town of East Hampton - maybe someday it would be nice to come to the city and see you!!

Trudi - thanks, I too believe Jessica was happy in those last moments, not knowing that she was leaving us behind that night.  I do not think I could bare it if she had the time to realize what was happening and take solace in the thought that she was taken quickly to Heaven to join the other Angels there.  Muttley is just too darn adorable and I am so happy for the peace and love he brings to your life.

Dee - yes guns have caused so many to lose their lives so early - don't they say "only the good die young" !!  It seems every day there is another story of a child lost and the senslessness of it makes it so much more painful.  I have been watching The Biggest Loser and one of the women lost her entire family - husband and 2 small children in a car accident caused by a drunk driver going over 100 miles an hour - the strength this woman has is inspiring - she now is working on traveling the country doing public speaking.    I am still heartbroken over the little girl walking home from school with twin brother and a sister and was taken right off the street only to found in a dump site. The stories could go on and on and I cannot fathom that every day another family faces what we have so far endured.

I had a good day with Tavian today - we have added a new member to the family - a miniture frog who now lives in a tank next to Tavian's bed on the stand. He has named him Froggie (too cute). We need to get him a bigger tank though as this one is too small - he needs more room to swim and dry alnd also.  I will take pics of Tavian with his new friends and post.

Today it crossed my mind "what is my destiny" - am I too go on for the rest of my life doing nothing !! Is there something out there I could be doing to help others in need?  Where do I start and how do I know what to do??  I have spent almost 4 years grieving my daughter and always will but I need to do something - I cannot just be Tavian's mi-mi and Barry's wife - I need something for me that gives to others. I must think on this more.

Love and peace to all, Kathy

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For those of you who did not see Enids project I will attempt to post her flyer.  As you all probably know I am laid up for a while with a broken ankle/leg.  Before Enid's sisters baby Bethany Leigh was born I looked in to sending something special for  her new baby, my package was only 20 pounds and it was going to be over $400 for fed ex and the same for ups---this was not overnight service but the only really safe way to send a package to Africa.  The reason I am menioning this is that before anyone shops for baby goodies, we should try and figure out if shipping costs will far outweigh the value of the items.  I will also look in to money transfers from my business bank which I belive I can do with a small ( i am hoping small ) service charge, I am pretty sure there is a charge per wire transfer, regardless of the amount, so if instead anyhone would like to send $$'s I would be willing to collect personal checks and consolidate a larger transfer all at one time.  US Checks will do Enid no good over there in Nambibia.  I am going to mention to Enid also the possibility of setting up a paypal account, maybe this would work.

All my love, Marcia    Bethanys  Mom Forever

Baby Shower in a Box Project.pdf

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Marcia:  thanks so much for offering to do this...it sounds like the $$ route is the best way to go, considering the shipping costs and not being able to be sure the packages get there without those realy exorbitant shipping fees.  Please let us know if/when you are able to coordinate this...it looks like from the letter with the details that they want to start this soon. 

thanks so much,

love and peace   carol  mikesmomrs

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Thanks Marcia, you are so good at number crunching and organization, my thanks to your hard work. How is your ankle/leg? Are you beginning to feel better?

Kathy, yep, all the news can really bring one down, and I apologize for bringing two really sad stories to this place today. We all have quite enough, I just was reacting in the moment and should have thought twice about it. I hate that anyone need go through what we have had to go through. I hate that in this night, families are falling to the floor in desperation. I so wish it wasn't so, and as Trudi noted, it is what we know that makes it so very sad to know of more.

Kathy, I am excited for you as you feel this new drive to find a cause or new direction. I think that in so feeling this, one is feeling a sense of themselves in a new light. Bask in that Kathy, it is good, but just so you know, you have helped many here, me included.

Loving you each,


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Dear BI family

I am so excited, but also so very thankfull for your response towards this awesome initiative of ours.

I think for the interim we could adopt Marcia's idea - I have checked out the paypal website and I am not sure whether one can link paypal to namibian banks - I think it was only recently been introduced in South Africa -

We will however investigate the paypall option - meet with our banker and give you give feedback.

Kindest Regards


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2 yrs and almost to the hour later and I have a great neice born Kourtney Sue Cooper. I'm a lil overwhelmed

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Overwhelmed, honored and many other emotions come to mind when a new life comes into this world and honors our babies.

Great neice named Kourtney Sue - beautiful


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