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Well, those are some of the best from my camera. When I get the professional ones, I'm sure there will be a few that will be too good to keep to myself. :)

Thank everyone for your thoughts and prayers while I was away. I missed y'all!!! Love and HUGS, and many blessings!!! ~Claudia

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[user=16030]4everjoeysmom[/user] wrote:

the memorial table..

This is way cool. Did you get  to see what Brian's friends put in their program about Brian?











This was in the wedding program.


Attached Image (viewed 70 times):


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Amazing how younger people remember and continue to keep our children in their lives, when we all seem to have some (or alot) of close friends or family members who cannot bring themselves to speak our childrens names our loud.    What a gift your Brian has given this couple, bringing them together in love for life.  :)

Hugs, Marcia  

ps.   waiting for pics of Allyssa in her Halloween costume, Grampa.

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Greg, THAT is SO amazing! I am sitting here, trying not to let a gusher come out... I LOVE it so much when our kids' friends remember them in such ways. They have no idea that it's absolutely the best gift a parent's grieving heart can receive...

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Claudia...The pics are great.The sea grass ones are amazing looking..

Betty..Giants fan here also, but not foolish enough to think the winning streak would continue..

Greg...that is touching what Alyssa said...She if fortunate to have you in her life..

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Spent the first half of our school day getting frustrated at my inability to load a (very expensive) language software unto either of the two computers Bree uses. Then I yelled at the kids for their fussing at each other...then broke down in tears over a video of a little boy who was abused until he died a broken, paralyzed shadow of the person he should have been.

My heart is aching over the loss of so many children who were abused when they should have been loved, given hugs instead of hard blows, and spoken over with words of love and encouragement instead of anger and hatred. Then I think of so many more even now caught in that place of pain and desolation, trapped...hurting...what can I do?

Finally, with tech support help, got the program loaded, kids are quiet, working away diligently, reassured again of my love...and my heart is still aching. You see, today marks 10 months of my Rohan being gone.

Shelly, Rohan's Mama

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HUGS and PRAYERS to you Shell. I'm so sorry... :(

Dan, thanks! I'll treasure the memories...sad today for what will never be, but blessed for all I still have....

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Hopefully by next week the painting will be done on Nicks car, then have to put it back together. Daughter is going to have it, but now is hesitant if she wants to drive it daily because as she says "something might happen to it". It is going to be Civic SI Blue.


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The Pinnacle Days pictures will all need to be re-sized before I can post here. My Facebook account has an album of Pinnacle Days and also one of all the flag banners for the kids.

If you want to look me up on Facebook, use my email:  luckyladyb@verizon.net

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Shelly I know what you mean by certain days are harder than others. Today is one for me too. Its my first birthday without my angel and I can't deal with him being gone so I'm just treating it like another day in this hell. It hurts so much I broke down and cried in my husbands arms this morning.

I know my boy is with me though because my cell phone has been acting weird all day since I woke up.

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[user=27196]nicksdad[/user] wrote:

Hopefully by next week the painting will be done on Nicks car, then have to put it back together. Daughter is going to have it, but now is hesitant if she wants to drive it daily because as she says "something might happen to it". It is going to be Civic SI Blue.



Can't wait to see it finished.


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Bonnie, Thanks again for including my Michelle in Pinnacle Days.  What a surprise too.  When I was checking out your photos on FB and then came across one of my Shell I couldn’t believe it…you never mentioned you would be doing one for her…I am so glad she was able to be represented along with all the other kids on this site...sure made my day.  I loved all the flags…

Claudia such beautiful pictures of the wedding and what a wonderful tribute to your son Joey. 

Looks like Kourney was glowing on her special day too.   Love the Halloween hair on your daughter …my daughter went as a old lady one year and had the nerve to ask me if she could borrow some of my clothes…. I told her where to go (lol) ….to Goodwill. 

Greg cute Halloween video you did on jibjab. I saw this on my FB page from a friend and it reminded me of the elf one I did a few years ago with my family for Christmas.  All of us were in it….and it was the first Christmas after my daughter’s death. Thanks for sharing.  And what a wonderful tribute to your son Brian (cupid) at his friends wedding….

 Shelly-on the 10 month anniversary of Rohan getting his wings …wishing you some peace today.   

Beth, Happy Birthday…and wishing you more special signs from your little Zach today.

So glad for getting back to this site…it’s such a relief to go and share a little bit of ourselves why sharing the lives of our children that we miss so very much.    And a place know one gets sick of us talking about them…over and over again. 

Take Care, Sue (Michelle’s Mom)


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So sorry I missed out on the flag thing...maybe next year. They all look wonderful!! Bonnie, you're such a sweetheart for adding all the kids to Jason's Pinnacle Days celebration!! Bless you and Rich for all you do in honor of your boy's memory!!! :)

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This is the last of the pictures I'm going to post here.  If you did not see your child's banner, please let me know.  I tried to remember as many as I could and make sure they were represented.  If I failed to recognize everyone, I apologize, it was not intentional.

If you sent a flag and don't see it, let me know that.  I'm pretty sure each one was photographed.

Thank you for sharing your children with us!

I will pack the banners and have them ready to go to the next person who would like to display them.

The rain was a bummer and since it was the third event in a row with rain, we are moving the date of the event to September. 

Colleen, dear Colleen .......

She is a trooper!  I don't know many folks who could handle the rain, mud, cold, share an RV with (basically) strangers, experience the emotional highs and lows and last minute changes and still have a ready smile and a "what can I do to help" attitude.

We enjoyed every minute of your visit and I think of you as a dear friend.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time and spending the money to join us.


Bonnie, Jason's Mom












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WOW Bonnie I am speechless. 

The pictures of the  Pinacle Day celebration  of Jason and his life are absolutely beautiful.  

The view of the individual flags , each so different and made with so much love, truly brought many a tear as I viewed them.  

All I can say is how special each and every person on BI is and how honored I am to be able to share this painful journey with such thoughtful people.

Shell and Beth Thinking of you both today and pray theat your angels touch you in a special way.

Claudia  Beautiful pictures of the wedding.  I agree the cake is priceless.  The table honoring Joey was special as was the honor to Brian that Greg shared.

Dan  Car looks great Stephen would have loved it.  I agree the Giants could not maintain the win but it was fun while it lasted. 

Betsy The Bronx Tale was a great movie.  I grew up right around where the movie was filmed.  To anwser your question about Stephen  No He like the OPPOSITE of anything I liked  I liked Jazz and Country Music He liked Rock.  I liked Fotball, Baseball he like Race Cars and Bike Riding.  I guess he just loved wheels and going as fast as he could.  ;) It sounds as if you and Rich shared many things in common.

Cindy I am glad to see you and Tanner back  

Have a great afternoon and  again Thank You Bonnie



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Ditto WOW


Thank you (((((Bonnie,Rich and



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I love the color you picked out for Nick's car!  Can't wait to see the finished product!


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I know your birthday this year is far from happy but know that I'm thinking about you along with others and sending you strength.

Bonnie, Jason's Mom

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Pinnacle days looks so wonderful, Bonnie the banners were absolutely wonderful, too many children gone too soon....too many.. what a loving way for us to make sure they are never ever forgotten.

Some of you may have read that I was going 'hiking' today, this was to be the beginning of a therapuetic thing for me.  There was a group of women ( the group broke up after one of them died from a long bout of breast cancer, she died 3 weeks before Bethany, our girls were freinds) here in my town that were very close freinds and used to go on long and sometimes pretty challenging hikes, we have so many areas to do so around here.  Larry introduced me to one of the ladies, she is a patient of ours and her husband died a year or so ago, I met here and she is a really energetic woman about my age, we got along well, and so last night she called and asked if I wanted to hiking this morning, I said 'sure' there was no reason I could think of not to go..... I told her I am not a 'hiker' , so we should start out easy ...no problem, she picked me up at 9:30 this morning and off we went, I dont have hiking boots and i wore tennis shoes/running shoes, she did also ,she said it would be more of a 'walk' than a real hike, we drove out in to the desert 1/2 hour away and then offroading for about 1.5 miles. 

The weather was beautiful and sunny, not too hot.... I took ten steps, stepped on some loose gravel and slid about 6 feet down a small ravine... skinned my knees and my hands and ended up on my tummy.  I looked at my right ankle and my foot was bent up against my calf in a pretty unnatural direction, she and I were laughing as she almost landed on top of me trying to get to me. .....   I told her I thought my ankle was broken, so she drove her 4 wheel drive down right next to me in this small ditch and she helped me to my good foot....  long story short..... It is broken in three places, luckily though, we took such care of not putting any weight on it at all, that it does not needed to be pinned.... Larry called an orthopedic surgeon that we refer alot of patients to, and he saw me 2 hours later, and took x-rays, Larry didnt even want to shoot the xrays he was so sure it was broken....

So......... no hiking for a while, the worst part, besides the obvious PAIN, is that I cannot drive for at least 5 weeks...... YIKES !!!!!!!!!! that is going to suck.....

So here I sit with my foot up on the recliner, luckily the dogs have settled down and Larry went in to the office to  finish with his afternoon patients, that we bumped to 3:00. 

Love to you all ,   Marcia   Bethany's Mom Forever


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It's just one thing after another isn't it?  Bless your little broken ankle!

BTW, good luck getting the jeans off over that cast!  Mine had to be cut off when I broke my ankle ....... not sure what was more painful, the ankle or the loss of a favorite pair of jeans!

Love you and wish you well!


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Marcia...wow! I'm so sorry you're laid up; and on your first outing at that! The silver lining here is that your pink cast is quite cute :P The pain should abate soon...

I'm having a late dinner- potato soup and rosemary herb biscuits. Comfort food.

Spent the afternoon jumping on the trampoline with the kids, and aside from a bit of nausea, felt good.  Absolutely beautiful day today.

Peace and blessings to all,

Shelly, Rohan's Mama

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Nick's Dad you are too cool!!!!!!!

I love the slide-show of banners, especially of Jason's best friend and his wife admiring Brian's banner.

I loved it there.  I cannot say enough how wonderful and respectful Jason's friends were to me.  All caring and trying to understand, but thankfully they could not fully understand the depth of our loss.

Bonnie and Rich, Thanks for allowing me to take part in this most wonderful event.  I left a little bit of Brian on that Pinnacle.  What a view he has.!!

Colleen, Brian's Mother Forever

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I need your address. I have a couple of things for you. ;)  And you my dear need not thank us, the pleasure was all ours.  Thank you for being the understanding, roll with the punches person you are!


It was funny reading your post about the potato soup.  I made potato soup for dinner also.  I can't remember the last time I did that!


The video is sweet ...... our traveling kids!

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Oh Marcia - I am so glad you are ok - I have to admit I had a bit of a laugh thinking of you tumbeling down on the gravel on your tummy!! I am sooooo sorry that you have a broken ankel. NO DRIVING - as you said "THAT SUCKS" !!!! 

PINNACLE DAYS PICS ARE SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! My heart was in my throat looking at all of the flags, the love that went into each and every one is just amazing. Thank you, thank you Bonnie - you out did yourself in the name of all of our beautiful Angels. I am so overwhelmed by all of it!!!

Lorri - love the pics of Kim - just beautiful.   I know the feeling about the "I almost called today" - lots of times I will be doing something and say to myself "I have to call Jessica" and then the tears come as I realize there is no phone in Heaven.

Dan - the car is going to be so great. I understand your daughter having reservations about driving it but all will be ok, Nick will watch over her. Can't wait to see it finished.

Claudia - the wedding pics are so beautiful. I know how hard it must have been for your, joy amidst the tears. The memorial table for Joey was heartbreaking and wonderful.

Shelly, God Bless you on Rohan's 10 month angelversary. It is so hard I know, those first days, weeks, months pass by in a blur, they seem to drag by and then you turn around and realize just how long it has been and your heart breaks all over again. Slow and easy breaths my friend - we are all here.

Greg - yes, I do know what is hard and I can hear it in your voice just by reading your words. The kids are wise beyond their years, they teach us so much when I always thought we were the ones who were supposed to teach them. What Alyssa said to you "smile for daddy grandpa" just goes to show you that "they know".   One Tavian's biggest thing is to not talk about mommy because he is afraid I will cry, we talked about it last week and I had him say something he remembered about mommy and I laughed - a smile lit up his face and we ended up giggling and I could see how much better he felt.  Thanks!!

To all - I think of you always.  Sleep well and peaceful. Kathy     

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Bonnie----I haven't been on BI for a few days. Thank you so very much

for putting our flags up at PINNACLE DAYS. What a lovely display they

made......... lovely and bittersweet, but sending so much love heavenward

to all our ANGELS. Thanks for all the pics. So many unique banners. Easy to

see how so much love went into their designs. The weather must have been

mild also. Peace & comfort to you, friend.

Marcia----So sorry to hear of your broken ankle. I do hope that it heals soon.

(my little grandson (Canyon age 4) is with you on broken bones.....fell off a swing

 and broke his elbow.....cast to come off Nov. 2 . Take care. (pink cast is so cute :).

   Peace & tranquility to ALL in the BI family.

              Daveysmom,   Sherry

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Thanks Kathy. I was imagining what it must be like watching baseball and Nascar on your new b-day present. I am guessing it takes wrestling your husband for the remote to an all new level!? ;)

Marcia--OH NO!! What must Bethany have said when you were laying all up in that ditch with your foot all twisted up like that on your first hike of the year??! LOL! Not funny, but funny. I hope the pain goes away quickly and the healing is speedy. Glad there was no need for pins. That's a very good thing!! And have fun while Larry "spoiks you" and spoils you. ;) (Sorry Lorri! I couldn't help myself on that typo. I was laughing my tail off at that!) Thanks again for the wonderful photo w/frame, Marcia. I LOVE IT!!!

Bonnie--xoxoxo :) And everyone else, I feel like I've come home. Thanks so much for that!! :)

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Claudia----Thanks for the wedding pics. It was a beautiful wedding, and

the bride & groom are indeed a beautiful couple. I loved the pink bouquets

on the tables. I so know how you had bittersweet feelings  about  a memorial table

in memory of dear Joey. (Our daughter was married 2 mo. after Davey passed,

and sometimes it all seems like a blur to me, in ways.)   Sweet Joey was

surely looking down and smiling on the wedding day.  Best wishes to  the

bride & groom.  Peace & comfort, friend.

        daveysmom,  Sherry

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Marcia sorry to hear about your ankle. At least no hiking for awhile, makes more time for cloud watching :)

As part of my birthday my husband paid for my sons' website. I am in the process of setting it up, so not much is done yet. If anyone would like me to setup a page for their child I am more than willing to set it up. I also can set up folders for people to upload pictures and such. I want to provide at no cost another place for everyone to store their memories


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Bonnie - how right you are, I think his words were "the new tv is yours but the remote belongs to me" - I had to laugh.  Love it when he is snoring in his recliner with the remote in his hand and I ask him how his nap if going and he says "I'm watching tv" and I say "yeah, a movie called "the back of my eye lids" !!  Something about that tv remote with guys. Love ya

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Dear Marcia

I am so so sorry you were injured.  The pink cast is really cute but I know how painful this is.

Please take care of yourself.



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Holy Cow Marcia, I am terribly sorry about the foot, goodness knows you were not expecting that. Well, for some reason, you are not to be busy this fall. Need some good book recommendations? What about taking up some sitting down craft? Knitting, drawing, cutting stained glass? I wish that I could come and help you get settled in. I am holding you close as you nurse your injury. Please know that your Little one is sitting on your lap watching over you.

Bon, love th ephotos, made me cry, just able to respond now as I had meetings and fell asleep in the chair this eve. Too much going on and I just am not sleeping well at night so my body just gave in. Anyhow, back to sleep now, loving you and all the effort. Colleen, thank you too for all you did for our Babies by being there and helping. Trooper you are.

sleep all very well with great dreams

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Bonnie:  thank you so much for posting the pics...the flags are just beautiful...so much work and so much love all in one place...I love all the pics of the area, as well...I can see why it was Jason's favorite place to be.

Claudia:  the wedding pics...so awesome...such a beautiful bride and handsome groom...yes, the memory table for Joey was heartbreaking, but so wonderful of them to include it...speaks volumes for their compassion and understanding and love...wishing them all of life's best...you looked so beautiful!

Betsy:  Yes, we will be rooting for those Phillies...and likely that is who Mike would be rooting for also...he never did care for the Yankees, and that is of course, putting it mildly...when Johnny Damon went from the Sox to the pinstripes of the Yankees, Mike was so upset (as were many others, of course)...he said he was going to have to start calling his baby (Damon) by his middle name...of course he didn't, but he was pretty upset...spoke of Johnny Damon's going to the "Evil Empire."   (Mike was a Star Wars fan, also...lol!)

Dan:  I went to the site for the slide show, but when I clicked on it, all I got was a little box with some colored circles in it... 

Marcia:  Oh, my goodness...yes, the cast is cute, but...I can't even imagine not driving for 5 weeks!!!   Yes, as Dee said, you will have to take up some reading or some sit-down type of craft...I wish I was there to wait on you and bring you tea...

Greg:  Alyssa wanting to call her daddy in heaven...those are the moments when you would give your life to turn this whole thing around and have your child back here, living their life as they should be...we were going to a birthday celebration dinner for Mike the year after he passed, and Sarah, his wife, was telling us that as she was getting Damon (then 3) dressed for the dinner, he said "I think that maybe my daddy is somewhere getting dressed too, and he will be there too."  It is so difficult for them to understand, and it just breaks your heart.  Of course, Damon doesn't remember his daddy, as Mike passed 2 months before Damon's 2nd b'day.   What we wouldn't give to change things...

Kathy:  yes, you'd better be keeping your eye on that remote...once it gets out of your hands, you can forget it...lol...reminded me of this pic where Mike was training Damon at an early age...


good night to all..

love and peace,  carol  mikesmomrs

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HappyBirthdaySparkles.gifJason !
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