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Loss of an Adult Child


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Thanks  Betsy, it was a great workshop and 15 people attended. This is a yearly young authors conference for the district and two adult writing workshops for parents and teachers while the kids are in their workshops.

Memoir and poetry. Twas good.

I have a new great niece-Aerie Moon. My nephew Kelly became a dad of a daughter and he told me he wanted to name her Aerie. My girl is Eri, so pronounced the same and in honor of her. I'm so blessed by all of these kids. God and Eri, please bless these children and help them live strong and good, happy lives.

Sue, I have read that poem before and it is a fact for many of us, and so we talk about the Child, (elephant) and we insist on discussion. We insist on her life being a topic because she does and did exist.

loving you,


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Betsy they (all 96) were supporting me being there and it meant the world to me....however you would have thought that someone would knew her would have shared a story, or talked about my Michelle, but they didn't.  We'll I should say most-  the person doing the entertainment our dear friend that really didn't know her well sang a song he wrote with her class back when she was in the 1st grade...he played it at the walk in her memory, and also sang it at her funeral. It's just a fun kids tune....but sure made me feel good. :D  Here's a video I took:

I also asked my family and some close friends last year if they (when they got time) to go through their photos and videos to see if they had any of my daughter.  My video camera was on the blink for many years (what was I thinkin")  and we didn't get any video of her from 5th grade- to age 18.  I took many many photos, but only have video when she was small and around her graduation. I know my family took videos...and everyone always had a camera at the family functions but no one has come through.  I think I am going to ask them once again and tell them this time....How important it means to me and what a gift it would be to have anything new.  I think I have seem every picture she's in now....and am dying to see something new. 

Tonight my friend (Veronicasmom on BI) and our husbands are going out to dinner.  We both share the same birthday and have been planning getting together with our spouses for a while now.  We really wanted to have the guys meet...they both have lost their only girls and both aren't ones to share their lost with others...especially other men.  This evening will be interesting...I hope they are able to share at least something about their daughters and are comfortable in sharing how the last few years has been on them. I know it has helped their wives.  We'll see.  

Till next time...Sue

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Hi Everyone!

For all who had posted messages and sent loving kind thoughts my way during my travel journey, thank you so very much.

I am home now, back in Ecuador. The journey has been crazy busy, and wonderful, and amazing. It's now the waves of after-shock rippling in that have me feeling very sorrowful that seeing Joey was not a part of that journey. As beautiful as it was, there will always be that someone missing, that feeling of opaque unfulfillment...

I'm so sorry I missed special days here. You've all been in my heart and thoughts routinely, like family.

Marcia, I received the frame with the photo of you gals that were able to make the trip to Minneapolis. It means so much to me and is sitting at my bedside now. Sisters!! My thoughts and prayers are with you as you've now entered into year #2. It was a hard one for me... I've heard many say the same. HUGS to you, my Friend.

Bonnie, I am thinking of y'all up at the Cove this weekend. I so wished I could have been there too. Can't wait to hear about it when you get home.

My lunch date with Sonya and Terry was wonderful. It was great meeting you face-to-face and sharing our hearts and children. Love to you both and thank you so much for coming to meet me. :)

Patrick's wedding was beautiful. It was a chilly, cloudy day, but no rain and we had a wonderful day. I need to sort through the photos, now that I am home--still unpacking, and exhausted from the travel and fast-paced schedule over the past weeks--and will post a few pics soon. Till then...

Love to you all!!! ~Claudia

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Hello Claudia,

It was so nice to see Joey's smiliing face when I signed on to BI. I am so  glad that your visit to the States had so many memorable events and visits with special people. 

I am sure Patricks wedding was very special and can really identify with what you so beautifully described as "the feeling of opaque unfulfillment" .

I believe that feeling is with me each and every day since Stephen left.

So glad you arrived back safe and look forward to seeing your pictures.

Sue: I hope your dinner tonight is special and that both Dads connect as well as we Moms do.



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Sue, how wonderful thata you and Veronica's Mum plus husbands will go out this evening. I do hope that he men will be able to share their hearts with one another. The potential for them to reach out and be heard adn understood lies ahead. You should ask again for the  videos from others, I think that you will make your need known.

Claudia, hope being back home feels good and that falling into bed provides you deep sleep and wonderful dreams. I am glad that your trip was filled with so much, but understand that something was missing. He is grinning however, at all that is good.


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Hello to all - it is late but I have my laptop back and up and working - only cost me 45 dollars to get it fixed, not a virus, just something stupid I did - I am soooooo happy to have it back.

Carol - thank you, it made me feel so much better when I read your words. I just hate it when I cannot connect with all of you.

Well today I turned 53 years old !!  I had a great day with hubby and he was so good to me - bought me a 46 inch flat screen tv and a beautiful table to put it on. It took a little while to get it all together but when we did all I could say was WOW - I love it. Thanks goodness I have a husband who is a master electrician and knows what to do - I was so cunfused with all the wires and what plugged into what that I just looked at him and said "just tell me what to do" - I love my hubby.

On the other hand having a birthday without my Jess still hurts so much - but I know she is having a party for me with all of our Angels.

Bonnie - sure hope the weather is great and the Pinnacle Days are going well - you are the best and can't wait to see the pics.

Now that I have my computer back I will catch up with all.  Love and Peace to all, Kathy

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Good Morning all MY B.I. Friends

Kathy Belated Happy Birthday.  Hubby does sound special . That was a great gift .  Know what you mean about wires and assembly.  Glad your laptop is back and do understand the Jessica missing feeling.

Lori  Another beautiful picture of Kourtney-When you are as attractive as she is Pink Hair just seems to compliment that.  You have many beautiful pictures of your angel.

  Thanks for sharing them.

Hope Pinnacle Day continues to be special for everyone. 

Have a Blessed Day


Stephen's Mom

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Hey All,

Kourtney in pink hair, that will make ERI smile, it makes me smile. She is so very pretty, and her sense of humor is everpresent.

Kathy, so glad that you have your lap-top. Happy Birthday, you are catching up with me, I have been 53 since April. Actually, I like the age for some reason.

I saw yesterday that he area of the Pinacle Days has been rainy and very windy, I sure hope that it just sort of parted to go around the party-goers.

Love you,


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HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KATHY...I know it is never the same without our angels here, but we know they are always with us, no matter what.  I love the present hubby got for you, what a sweetie, especially since he knows all about hooking them up!  We got a 46" for our anniversary present last April...they are definitely nice, and we have really enjoyed the ball games on it this summer...if you are a sports fan, you will be really happy when you watch a game on it! 

Lorri:  Yes, your sweetie looks even sweeter in pink hair! 

Claudia:  Dear friend, I am so glad that you completed your trip and are home again, safely.  I am glad that you had a wonderful time, and of course, we all understand that all of our "wonderful times" now always have a "but" at the end of our description... I am glad you got to visit so many friends and family, though.  Sending love to you...

Sue:  I hope your dinner was very special and that you all felt surrounded by your angels...

Yesterday it rained and downpoured at times, with lots of wind, but today the day is simply gorgeous and even warmer.  I hope that the rain clouds parted for the pinnacle days celebration, but even if they didn't, I know they all had a good and loving time together. 

I hope that everyone has a really nice end of the weekend today...

love and peace,  Carol  mikesmomrs

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Happy Belated Birthday Kathy !!  Jessica and all our angels threw a big party for you yesterday ....

Hugs, Marcia   Bethanys Mom Forever

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Carol, thank you! Of all the places on Earth I can go and know I will be understood, it is here with my BI family. It's good to be back!

Happy Belated Birthday Kathy!!! Sounds like it was as good as it could be given the missing... HUGS!!

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Claudia , what a beautiful picture, the wedding pictures must be amazing.  Glad you are back home again.... we have missed you.

Hugs, Marcia   Bethanys Mom Forever

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 WOW Look at the beautiful couple on the beach :D


 Hope all is well with everyone. Praying the rain stayed away for Pinnacle Days as well. Waiting to see lots of pictures of everyone who attended.

Hugs n love to ALL,

Lynn aka Travis and Kayla's cool mom

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Well did not make it to Pinnacle Days :(

I can't wait until the market turns around and I am going to sell our business

and be done with it...Way too much work and I am just not into it like I was

years ago when it started. Too many other things I would much rather be

doing i.e. Pinnacle Days etc....

I know the weather was not good here in Va, but I am hoping it was a bit

better in that part of Va....

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Hi guys!

We are home, unpacked and the RV is cleaned and ready for return.  I'm exhausted!

Pinnacle Days was good.  Especially if you like rain, mud puddles and being cold!


Anyway, there was a bit of sunshine with us named Colleen ...... she is a trooper and I love her for being there and just the precious creature that she is.

She endured not only all of the above but a "bouncy" trip up to Jay's memorial site at The Pinnacle.  Not there's a little bit of her Brian with our Jason.

We laughed, we cried and we endured some tough weather!

The barbecue was delicious and the band was great!  Ask Colleen about the chainsaw song ........ :D

The banners were displayed under the tent and provided opportunity for us to talk about them and share our children. Precious!  Each and every one of them!

Thanks to everyone who participated!  I loved having our kids with us this year!

Haven't tallied the donations for ARVD research yet but hope the total will be gratifying.

I do have pictures and I will share them soon.


Bonnie, Jason's Mom

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HOORAY for PINNACLE days, and for all those that attended and let their hearts be open and filled. Thanks again Bonnie dear. So glad that you are home and dry. Rest Kid.

Lovely photo of you Claudia with your handsome husband. You are a beautiful woman.



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Hi Everyone, 

Claudia  I love your dress.  Lovely picture of you and your husband.  Glad you are home safe.

Bonnie  I am so happy that all went well in spite of the weather.  I know that your beautiful spirit and that of all our lovely angels carried the weekend.  I am happy Collen was there to represent us all.

Marcia, Dee , Terrie ,MaryAnn, Lynn, Sue, Kathy and every other member who has an lovely angel

Have a Blessed Evening

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Hello to you Betty, hope that your weekend was a good one. OUr weather was incredible, and quite possibly the end of those golden colored days. The wind is picking up and rain is in our forcast adn so these most gorgeous leaves may all soon come down. A brilliant color this autumn.

Peace in the night, sweet dreams, and a good Monday to you,


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So glad that all went well and you are home safe. Can't wait to see the pics. I love the idea of our Angels being with you and that you spent time with them. Where do the flags go now??

Lorri - Kourtney looks just beautiful no matter what - love the PINK hair!! Could you do me a favor and PM your address to me??

Claudia - what a beautiful pic of you and hubby!!  Love beach pictures especially when they are of my family!!

Thank you all for the birthday wishes. It was diffacult but keeping busy shopping with hubby made it managable. I am a hyper person so I am always on the move, keeps me from thinking too much sometimes and other times no matter what I do I can not stop the thoughts of my Jessica, she is always with me and I can smile when I think of her but other times I am thrown into that place where I just cannot function.   I was cleaning the bathroom today (yuck, 2 boys in the house) and as I was going through the vanity drawer I found some of Jessica's hair ties, she always had them here for when she would stay over, there were 3 of them and one of them had her hair wound into it - I could not move, could not breathe just sat there and held it with the tears rolling down my face. I love it when I come across something so very precious but the intense feeling of the loss that comes with it, well what can I say??  I miss her so very much.  I was talking to a woman the other day who lost her son many years ago and she said that sometimes she still pretends many different scenerio's about why he is not here, sometimes he is on a very long vacation, sometimes away at college, or living in a different country with a family, sometimes she even pretends that he works for the government and is doing undercover work so he cannot contact her!!  Amazing what we tell ourselves to survive.

The new TV is quite amazing, it looks so great and yes I like to watch baseball. Barry watched the NASCAR RACE today, he is a very big fan and he was loving the big screen!!  I wonder if it was my b'day present ?? hee hee

Barry and I were talking about doing something to raise money in memory of Jessica. I would love to do something for children so we are going to start looking into our options. We had talked about doing it for Camp Good Grief but they get quite a bit of funding now so I would like to do something where they are really in need. There are many possibilities and we will find the right one. Barry is a voluteer fireman so we may talk to the Chief and see if there is something he might be able to share with us. I will keep you informed.

To all of you have a wonderful, peaceful night, sweet dreams. Kathy

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Going through some old pics and found this of Brian when we went fishing. Had his pole, jug of kool aid and his kool aid mustach. I doesn't get any better than that.



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Greg - oh the Kool-Aid days, how well I remember them. What an awesome pic of Brian, you are right it doesn't get any better than that - fishing and Kool-aid!!!

Yes, Lorri - My heart seems to stop each time I close my eyes and see her beautiful face, when I hold her son in my arms, and when he asks me if he can "be the baby puppy" for the night when I tuck him into bed - that is his way of letting me know that I am the mommy puppy and he the baby!!!  How I wish that Jessica was here to tuck him in.

Love to all, Kathy

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[user=17871]summergirl[/user] wrote:

Greg - oh the Kool-Aid days, how well I remember them. What an awesome pic of Brian, you are right it doesn't get any better than that - fishing and Kool-aid!!!

Yes, Lorri - My heart seems to stop each time I close my eyes and see her beautiful face, when I hold her son in my arms, and when he asks me if he can "be the baby puppy" for the night when I tuck him into bed - that is his way of letting me know that I am the mommy puppy and he the baby!!!  How I wish that Jessica was here to tuck him in.

Love to all, Kathy


You know what is so hard?  Alyssa asked one time if she could call her Daddy in heaven. What do you say to that. It seems that kids who lose a Dad are wise beyond their years.I remember when we were shopping for a suit for Jan to wear to the funeral. I was holding Alyssa and she took my chin and looked at me and said Smile for Daddy grandpa.


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Hello everyone

I just got back from Pinnicle Days in Virginia with Bonnie.

What a blast.  I went 4-wheeling for the first time in my life.  My kidneys were in my ears, and it was alot of fun.

Saw the peak where Jason's ashes are spread and it is ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL.  No picture could ever do it justice.

The banners were stung inside a tent with no sides.  Bonnie did a great job of creating banners for those that could not (Zach, Tanner, and many more).

Jason's friends were so welcoming to me.  The band was great and played the chainsaw song from Jackyl(sp)  Brian and I would crank that song when we heard it in the car.

Cannot tell you how wonderful it was.  Friday rained, but my rain boot did the job.



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Greg, certainly did make me smile, now please tell us who everyone was... ( ps love the kool-aid mustache........ah to be a kid again, without a worry in the world.....)

Bonnie & Colleen, I am so happy to hear that Pinnacle Days went well, I asked for good weather but somewhere the wires got crossed becasue we had nice weather here, instead of my wish for you to have great weather in VA....next year. Cant wait to see the pcitures......

Kathy, I completely understand finding something that belongs to our grils and how croppling that can be... I am still struggling on that line of Ok and not so OK.... it is definatley a balancing act... and I am not always so good at keeping my balance, time will help, i hope.

Dee, I am glad that you made it thru the million parent/teacher conferences...I wish Bethany had more teachers like you in her time in the public school system.  She had some amazign Englist teachers who encouraged her writing and it came so naturally to her, she loved reading and writing, she was on old soul, too old for her short years.

Betty, I so enjoy seeing Stephens face smiling back at me when I sign on.

There are so many mothers and fathers who have touched my heart here on BI and I wonder daily what has happened to thedm.. are they OK?? will they be back agian.. I iss you all... you know who you are...

Enid, I am holding you and your famaily close in my heart this upcoming week, I know you are in a dark place, hang on to each other, the days leading up to that first angelversary are worse than the 'actual ' day itself.  My love to you all... Has that sweet angel baby been born yet?  Please PM me pictures when she makes her appearance here on earth.  What a gift your sister has given to me.    

Dan I am sorry you did not make it to Pinnacle Days, I know the feeling of being in business for yourself not being as pleaseurable as it used to be,,,,, my husband is a Chiropractor he has his own business and used to absolutely love it, now somedays are just an effort to go in and face the day.

Lorri & Lynn  -- love you both....

Tommorrow moring I am going 'hiking' with a patient of ours, she belonged to a hiking group of women who used to meet every week or two to go for day outings, Larry introduced us and she and I are going hiking in the morning, I told her I am not a 'hiker' she said it will be an easy hike... I hope she meant it.. LOL.... anyway it will be nice to get out in to the sunshine, she lost her husband a few years ago and has two duaghters about Bethanys age... she seems nice, so I will give it a try...

Love to you all, sweet dreams..... Marcia   Bethanys Mom Forever


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GREG you are awesome, and when Alyssa held your face in hers and said smile for Daddy, she knew. She felt her Daddy's presence as you shopped for something you never ever wanted to shop for, and there he was with you, guiding you. Always.

COLLEEN, glad that you went, glad thatyou are home safe, and cannot wait for photos. I know you said their names. No doubt and thank you. love the comment about your kidneys in your ears too.

love dee

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Colleen; just so happy you got to go; YOU WENT;   You are doing it girl....you are now climbing mountains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I am thanking you from the bottom of my heart for letting my Tanner be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You girls are a true blessing ; Tough mom's you are.....I am tired just reading about it......I am a wimp when it comes to cold.....Guess that why I live in California...it was 78 today and beautiful.........not as beautiful if Tanner was still here......Sorry to be negative but ; you know; but........I love my life; but that sparkle of excitement is not there for me right now..........; I just had to write to my special friends........I feel guilty not being involved in the flags........I am just not real motivated and everything is hard for me to concentrate on........I now have a new rule in my life......If I am doing something and its hard, or tiring and I feel like giving up., i don't I stick with it until its done...so far so good.......Hi to all my friends ; sorry I have not been on here......My notary business is being very good to be; a true blessing with my husband not getting much work this year.........................................Hi to all the new members; my son was Tanner he was 16 and died in a rollover accident ; he was not even suppose to be out and driving; its been quite a shock and it is amazing I am still living ; at first I did not want to; then it was how can I??????????????? But then its finally acceptance of it all and then life begins aw new as we never knew it..........I am still Tanner's mom forever.......my name is Cindy Houk you can visit my family at mem.com;

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Hi Everyone


I just finished watching both NY teams play baseball and football.   I had fun clicking back and forth between channels. Just wish the Giants had won.   Long time Giant fan


So many posts this evening 


Colleen I am glad you made it back home safe and that you had a good time at Pinnacle days.  Look forward to the pictures.


Greg: Loved the video It did make me smile.  The picture of Brian was so precious.  We all have so many beautiful pictures  wonderful memories. The story of Alyssa was touching. 


Dan I agree, showing up for business is definitely not the same.  I enthusiasm I had is also gone.


I agree  Lori that each time I see Stephen's picture my heart jumps and I feel sad and happy at the same time.  I still love to see his picture. 

Thanks Marcia for commenting on Stephen's smile.  I hope you have fun on your hike tomorrow and that your new friendship will flourish.


Dee Thank You for all the support and compassion you share with all of us


I hope everyone sleeps well. 






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Bonnie and Colleen, sounds like the rain didn't get in the way of a great and memorable week-end. Good that you are all home safe.


Greg, Brian was all set for the day wasn't he! Great picture.


Betty, I watched " A Bronx Tale", no sports this weekend. Did Stephen enjoy baseball.football as well?


Claudia, a handsome couple the two of you make. Your dress is really nice too.


Kathy, happy belated birthday. enjoy the new TV.


Lorri, Kourtney looks great in pink hair and a beautiful smile just like her mom.


Carol, how 'bout them Phillies! ( grin ) Who would Mike cheer on if it comes down to the Yankees or Phils? if that is still the standing, I missed the news this weekend.


Dan, I know what you mean. Its as if life has a greater purpose now and I feel like I should be making a difference. Maybe not your feeling about your company but the Rah- rah just isn;t here for me.


Lynn, new signature. Yes, we are much to many.


MaryAnne, Marcia, Terrie, Dee, may the sunshine on each of you today.


Cindy, nice to see Tanners smile today.


Sue, thanks for the clarification on Light the Night. I understand now.

All, when I tell friends/family about Pinnacle Days and the banners I include the lives of all our children. I feel the need to explain and how could they grasp the importanace of these events,;free  stores, golf, shoes for kids, ..... if I don;t tell the story of life? They " get it" and the names of our children are said outloud again....


Betsy, mysonRich










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I thouhgt some of the sports fans here might get a kick out of this story. Rich was not far from this spot the evening of his last day on earth. before he movd to Pa he lived, we lived about an hour away.


]magnify-clip.pngPhiladelphia City Hall

The Curse of Billy Penn was an alleged curse used to explain the failure of professional sports teams based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to win championships since the March 1987 construction of the One Liberty Place skyscraper, which exceeded the height of William Penn's statue atop Philadelphia City Hall.[1]

The curse apparently ended on October 29, 2008, when the Philadelphia Phillies won the 2008 World Series, a year and four months after a statuette of the William Penn figure atop City Hall was affixed to the final beam during the June 2007 topping-off of the Comcast Center, currently the tallest building in the city.[2]

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Greg, certainly did make me smile, now please tell us who everyone was... ( ps love the kool-aid mustache........ah to be a kid again, without a worry in the world.....)

Ok, Marcia. Franky was me, the Bride was Jan.The mad scientist was my daughter Jessie.The werewolf was my boy Rob.Last but not least the count was Alyssa.

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Good morning to all. Am really enjoying the kool-aid moustaches, and Claudia, that was a beautiful pic of you guys. Love the dress!

Well, it seems that for now Autumn has bypassed Florida, and we are heading back into Summer. We should have temps in the low 90's by the end of the week. And I got all cool weather stuff for the kids... I should have known better :D I can remember Christmas days being outside in shorts and tanks... I'm dreaming of TN/NC in the Winter....in a log cabin nestled in the mountains... Tony is a beach boy so he would probably have a heart attack!

We are leaving for OK on Saturday immediatelyb after Fall Festival at church. We should have left last weekend, but Bree wanted so badly to attend, and we would not have made it back on time. My aunt is finishing up doctoral studies at ORU...she normally spends every Christmas with us, and was on our bicycle outing with us when Rohan was killed. The kids love her to pieces, and she invented the "bubbles" song that the kids MUST sing everytime they take a bubble bath. It'll be good to see her again.

Apple crisp for breakfast, except I ran out of oatmeal, and Tony and Bree are off on a walk. Akiem is here driving me crazy, so I'm off to get him some cheese and grapes to feed the hungry monster within until breakfast is ready.


Shelly, Rohan's Mama


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Shelly, so good to see your Boy's shining face.

Betsy, love the curse story. Maybe they will win again.

I have been humming the monster mash thanks to Greg. I love that video.

Peace out gang, my students are busily finding answers for some tough questions on the blackboard.

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the memorial table.. This one's a killer! I wish to God we never had to have one... We missed you so much Joey! I die inside every time I think about it...


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AAAHHH!!! My 1st lost post magically came back as I hit the backspace button like 6 times!!! Here it is!!

Apple Crisp for breakfast! Yum!! Wish I had me some!!!

Thanks all for the kind compliments. My dad gave me $50 for my birthday, and I just happened to find that perfect dress at TJ Maxx for $39.99. Saw the same dress in a bridal shop for $200. Thanking God for that blessing of a bargain!! My friend loaned me several pashmina wraps for us all to wear, as it was a chilly and cloudy weekend at the beach. One just happened to be the same color as my dress! Another blessing. The shop owner where the kids ordered their flowers from did a Jeckyl n' Hyde on them and sent flowers they totally did not order for the wedding. Long story short, I was over at the Inn (where the wedding took place) 2 hours before the wedding, redoing the entire lot of them--bridal bouquets and all. The lady told the kids when they called for her to fix them that she was "off the island for the day and they would have to fix it themselves". Can you believe it?!! Talk about WRONG on so many levels!! Anyway, mama saved the day. But I had to rush back to my own hotel 15 minutes up the road and get myself ready with 45 minutes to spare. I didn't have time to cover my Ecuador mosquito bites on my legs with make-up, as I had wanted to. So, if I do say so myself, I threw myself together pretty well in such a rush. The things we do for our kids!! :)

Greg, I SO LOVE that picture of Brian with his fishing pole, Kool-aid, and the Kool-aid mustache. So precious, and indeed does NOT get any better than that!! Brings back memories of my fisher boy, Joey. He loved to go fishing!! Spent a lot of his lazy weekend growing up days at the river...

I can totally relate to stopping and catching my breath when I look at Joey's picture. Just a couple of days ago, as I finished unpacking my suitcases from the journey, the last one was a duffle-type suitcase I had bought Joey when he was 17. As I zipped it closed and went to rub my hand over it, my heart sank into the pit of my stomach and a deep whaling just came out of me. It was such an emotional journey for me--the wedding, with it's extreme highs and the lows of missing Joey so much. I guess it all just hit me. I'm proud of myself for holding it together when it counted. But I have such a deep sadness now...that opaque unfulfillment--always anticipating and enjoying everyone I get to see when visiting home, but ALWAYS leaving missing my boy and the fact that I can't see him.... SO unfair!!

The kids' photographer did a lovely job with the photos, and I can't wait to get my hands on some of the digital negatives, so I can frame up some of those. Till then all I have are the ones from my camera. (Here is where I went to attach the photo and lost the post...but it magically came back!! Not taking chances..will post pics separately!)

xoxoxo ~Claudia

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The BBQ spread we put on after the rehearsal... Patrick's step-mom and I spent all day in the kitchen...and loved every minute of it. We had ribs, hamburgers, steak kabobs, venison summer sausage, an array of salads, and two cakes--one for him, one for her!!


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The photographer had the kids take a self portrait w/his camera while at dinner....CUTE!!


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