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Loss of an Adult Child


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I am so sorry for your loss of your beautiful daughter, Monique.  This road

we are all on is not one that anyone ever thinks they will be on, but here

we are.  Please come back to BI and read/post as you feel the need. Everyone

here knows your heartache, and have been on the journey at varying lengths

of time. (it will be 5 yrs. June 14th since my son was killed). There is much

 understanding and support here.  Peace be with you.

                                                         Daveysmom,  Sherry

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Jason playing poker ............

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Jason lost his shorts but didn't miss a chord!

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Jason goofing off while cleaning the oven after the Sweet Potato Casserole burst .....

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I am trying to post pics of Johnny and my computer is NOT working!


I just wanted to THANK all of you for your pictures and thank you so much in advance Greg for whatever you are scheming on hehe.  Can't wait! They are all so funny I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. Then I want to cry for you that they are not here anymore. Sooo bittersweet. I will try to get my husband to help me tonight to post some but I had to tell you all how wonderful your children are and to keep them coming!

Love you all,


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Enjoying all the pictures . . . here's one of Nathan with his dogs . . both of whom think they are 'lap dogs' and not big standard poodles.


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Jason, Follow the leader ............  he was all boy ........ didn't take much to make him happy.  Some mud, his jeep and a beer or two ........  These are good times!

This picture was also taken April 27th, 07,  the day before he left........

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Jason,  This picture was taken the day before he died. He was in a place he loved, with people he cared about, doing what he enjoyed.  Love you too Son!!

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Hello everyone, have been reading all your posts and looking at all the wonderful pictures of our beautiful children.  I have not been posting much because I have been out a lot with the grandkids and over at the new house, as well.  For some reason, my lupus and fibro has flared and fatigue has settled in, so when I finally settle down, I just close my eyes and don't know a thing till 10-12 hours later.  This weekend, as anyone on the east coast can attest to, it is just unbelievably hot and humid so that just adds to the fatigue. I know that other parts of the country as well have had just record heat waves, and I hope everyone is drinking plenty of water and avoiding outdoor activity as much as possible.  It is very unusual for it to be this hot this early, so I think a lot of people were unprepared.  I worry about the elderly who live alone, as they sometimes just don't realize they need to drink extra water, etc. , and then wind up in the emergency room.

I have collected some pictures to post for Greg's new video...thanks, Greg, you are just such a special person.   I know there are likely one or two that  Mike would rather I had just “lost,” but so thankful now that I held onto all of them, especially the “dreds phase” and the “red top” phase.  I will say this for him, whatever he was “into,” he wore it proudly and never let it bother him what others thought.  Unfortunately, no matter what you do or don’t do, there will always be those who judge books by their covers, and it is sad, because they miss out on a lot.  That is one of the most important lessons that Mike taught us…people are people, and you cannot judge someone by the way they look.  Mike looked pretty rough sometimes, but he was one of the most gentle, giving people on earth.  I lost count of the people who came to me at his services and told me of stories where he gave them a whole new outlook on life and some said he had changed their lives or even, in a few cases, saved their life.  At one point, Mike had a spikey blue 4” tall Mohawk, and I can still remember standing in the bathroom beside him, helping him blow it dry, so it would retain “just the right” stiffness, etc.   I do have to admit, though, I was kind of glad when he tired of that and went to a full head of hair again….lol.

Bonnie, congratulations on the new house, I hope all goes well with your move.  The orb in the picture of that beautiful room says "Jason is here."  But if it doesn't work out for some reason, you will know that he will be wherever you are...always.

Sherry, sending you love and prayers as you approach Davey's angelversary...know that we are with you. 

love and peace to all,


The first graduation day...


and the second....


and of course, the prom...the only "tux time"


I will post the others in another post, as this may exceed the file size...

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Some goofy pics, and some strange ones...

Mike's Christmas outfit...compliments of his wife and son...of course, Mike felt perfectly comfortable in it...even the blinking antlers!


Mike's lifelong dream...to be a mermaid! 


And, after his first brain surgery, a visit with Wally at Fenway Park...Mike was delighted, of course!


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And, of course, the "hair" pics...

The 'beginning," quite tame, actually...


a little more extreme...


The beginning of the dreds...it got too hot, and he finally cut them off about three months later...a sad day for him...


and, one of my very favorite pics...downtime with dad...


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Can you guess who the real cigar smoker was?  It wasn't Jay nor his Dad......


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Hi All~ For someone who was soooooooooooooo funny, and still is, I can't find any "funny" pics of Danny on my computer...Plus, I don't have a scanner- Might have to buy one for this video!! Tried to awhile ago, and DHL screwed it all up- I'll get on it, not to worry- I have a HYSTERICAL one on our refridgerator so have to figure out how to do it- Same as others, send to sister or Jackie, and they can!!

I am hanging in...The 16th will be here before we know it. 4 years... These past few months have been just awful, but I am definately feeling beeter now.....So many other things in life that must be celebrated.....Julia turned 9 yesterday, Greg's son Rob got married~

One day, Danny will twirl me around again. One day~

I love you all and I LOVE the pictures!!!!!!! What a gorgeous group of "HAPPY"!!!!!



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To all - the pictures, more insights into why we struggle each day. 

Bonnie - so true, look at that smile........'doing what he loved'

We have had three responses from Mikes balloon launch on his 33rd birthday.  Two went to Ruffey Park Lake, the third went 181kms across the state to a place called Mount Mercer!  Its in a farming area know as the 'Western District', where my mum and dad started out life as a young couple many many years ago!

Carol - sorry to hear you haven't been great - Lupus and is that fibromyelgia?  Moving, grandkids and heat - Take care of yourself......

I am interested in knowing just how you managed to post more than one picture in a posting...........

Greg - updating scanner/printer will post Mikes pics soon....

Take Care......

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Carol, "always wanted to be a mermaid, and just the right stiffness blow dry", what a hoot!!  I had to laugh out loud on those.  I thank you for that.  :)

I'm sorry to hear you have been overly fatigued.  I do hope you are able to get some rest and get your immune system boosted.  There's always so much going on...  does it seem to you that you work harder AFTER retirement?  My first husband says that all the time....

I love all of the photos!!  It's so wonderful to see all the kids in action.  Blessings to all, Claudia

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Trudi:  So wonderful to know where your ballons wound up, and so heartwarming to know they went somewhere with deep meaning to you.  Awesome!                       re:  uploading more than one pic per post:   I uploaded my pics to PHOTOBUCKET.com (if you don't have an account,  you will have to register, but it's free)  and then when you are ready to load the pics onto your post, don't use the "browse" feature on BI for posting the pics...just go to the photo you've previously loaded in PHOTOBUCKET and there will be 4 urls listed under the picture, right click on the last one  (it says IMG Code)  and copy it, (as soon as you put your mouse over it, it will say "copied" but I always go ahead and copy it anyway) then switch back to your reply post and hit "control" and "v" and it will paste the url. you will not see the picture right away, only the url.   you can put a title over it, then go and get another picture and paste that one, etc.

after you click on "preview" for your post, you will see the pics, and they will be seen in your post when you send your reply.

I am not so good sometimes at explaining technical stuff, so if you need more help just let me know.  good luck!

Claudia...thank you for your kind words...Mike had many funny moments in his life, and it's always heartwarming to hear that some of them still bring a smile to someone's heart. 

love and peace,  carol  mikesmomrs

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Mikesmum-I am so glad you got three replies-he's still talking to you. We have gotten 3 replies also-with many "signs" from him with them(dates, etc.). the last one was found on the anniversary of the person's brother's death.



Love the hair pics. Johnny had many types of hair, also. We choose to go with it too as we had many other battles to pick with him. Glad I didn't now. The hair pics make me smile.

Hope you are feeling better. Thank you for the photobucket info. Will try right now to post pics as I have been having problems.


Peace, Kay

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shuugar...wanted to tell you, that is such a great pic of James...he looks so gentle and sweet...thank you for sharing.

love and peace, carol  mikesmomrs

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Kay your picture "too much Christmas" is not only funny but also has an orb in it by the young lady... Sue

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Wow Sue there is-hmmm...wonder who's energy that is???


Here's John Lennon(aka Johnny)




Johnny the sand creature in OBX (we went every year)




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Ok last 2 (for now hehe) Sorry I am taking up so much space-bittersweet to look at these pictures...Thank you everyone for looking...


Greg-Have I thanked you yet for this video? Thank you so much for all the gifts you bring to us here.


Ok, what does a soldier do when he was bored? Ponder the mystery of life, no, think about where to get beer...



Nice specs...bald head from bootcamp


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For mikesmum~ How sweet about the BALLOONS- This is like something I have never heard!! I am happy in my heart with this news, Trudi...xoxoxoxo




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For All~ I "feel" like we are all at a party of some kind with all of these fabulous pictures...

You know what, we are~ We will celebrate them for ALL eternity!!!




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Carol - Reading instructions, following - amazing!  Thank you so much for your help!

To all - it is brilliant to not only see these incredible pictures, but to see just how many sides there are to our kids. 

Greg - Thank you for prompting me to take another journey - back through Mikes life.  Many smiles.

Mammabets - Good looking boy.  Yep the balloons have travelled far - the last place was around where Mike had thought about buying a place......More signs, I had a property on the market for the past 6 months.  June 4th (Mikes Birthday) we got an offer more than I thought we would. 

Micheal Shane - so many memories.  The unit sold - have to believe you're telling me its about the future......you always knew your mum!  Next pic I think will have to be 'on the beach with Steve!  Don't cringe - I will edit it tastefully! - Love ya Mum.

Restaurant Team Building - Abseiling Micheals_Life_057_opt.jpg

Mike's 18th. Not really formal. He presented at Melissa's  Debutante Ball


Uncle Mike and Em hit the Markets


Mike at Historical Ballarat - Wealthy Landowner!


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Great picture of Danny. I have the technology with my new computer, but

not the know-how to upload pictures yet. I like all the photos of all of the

angels.  It's heartwarming to see their vitality and love of life.  We share,

nearly to the day, our sons' angel days. These last few weeks have been

awful, as you said, but we have other things in our lives to be happy

about, don't we?  When June 14 and June 16 rolls around soon, we will

survive and be glad we had our sons for as long as we had them. They

will always be a blessing to us.

                                   Daveysmom,   Sherry  

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Carol this is very addictive.......I promise there will only be one more........

Poker Face


Big Brother Baby Sister


The Boys - Sorrento


Mike, Hope the editing was okay!

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Mike - These are the babies who knew you as "Uncle Michoooool".  You held each one and the connection was made.  Emily won your heart from the start, you still stand out with Zak.  Caleb and Jeya know you, even now you are everywhere.

The ever beautiful Harmony - Dad's miracle 12 days old


Jeya 10 days old - still seems to find you everywhere


Caleb only hours old yet he knows you


The amazing Zak - talks about you often - honest open...Stevens miracle


Mike, these pictures fill me with such pride, such love.....and yes with tears and heartache.........stay with them Mike, you will always be Uncle Michoooool

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another video that his friend made all of the pics are so fabulous of everyones beloved son and or daughter. Thanks Gregg! It has brought me out of another deep funk that I have been in for about a month, to be able to return to look at all these pics.


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I just lost my long post, sorry, but let me just say I have missed you all, I have been unable to log in for a week, so know that tonight I have enjoyed reading all the posts, seeing all the photos.

Moniques Momma, my heart to you as you post here. I hope you have found it less daunting than first expected. I am sorry that you are here too.

Carol, take care of yourself, rest if you are able.

Until I have lesssleepy eyes,

Good night All


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For bikemikesmom~ Oh, Patty...What a gorgeous young man, having so much fun with all of his buddies.

His smile will continue to light our nights, may you never forget it, OK?



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For daveydow1~ So true, my dear, dear friend. I looked across the table in a restaurant the other day to an empty booth and thought "Danny, has it really been almost 4 years since we have blabbed and blabbed???"

Together we will get through...I'll call you in the next couple of days~ I am feeling better, Sherry. I hope you are too.

One hour at a time, sometimes. One hour at a time...

Last I talked to Jackie they had just been go carting!!! This helps, stuff like this!!! I can just see her howling~ Oh, how she loves to laugh....



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Glad you posted. I was worrying about you as we had not heard from you. Glad you are OK-sorry you lost your post. Take care and hope we hear more from ya!


Peace, Kay

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Patti, the pictures of big mike and the video are awesome.  I am too working on some small videos of my daughter and it gets too emotional at times to finish.  I just  completed transferring all my old VHS tapes onto DVD's (Home movies) and that was an undertaking, this was a project I had planned to do years ago but never got around to it.  Now that she's gone I had an urgency to get it done to preserve those memories.  Glad its done.  Thanks for sharing the movie and the pics...

All our kids on this board seemed so loved and their pictures prove it.


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Sorry I didn't put more about the picture I hit send to quick. This is Danielle and Sam getting ready for the prom. Sam passed away on Feb 11, 2007 due to a heart condition. Danielle passed away 8 months later Oct 11, 2007. They were best friends from K - until they passed. Thanks Greg. I can't wait to see the video. You are so special!!

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I'm loving the pictures and videos!  I feel like I'm getting to know everyone.

Greg, This walk down memory land has been a little tough but I've enjoyed it!  Thanks!


This picture was taken of Jason while he was standing on the ledge (!!) at a hotel.

Meet Groucho Jay!  We even found a Hallmark Santa ornament with the same glasses and nose ........


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"We'll left our arms to feel close to you,  We're going to say your name out loud, We'll close our eyes and see your smile, remember the twinkle in your eye.  We'll feel your presence in the air and listen for your laughter in the wind."

Mom to Jason, October 2007

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Jason relaxing on his four wheeler .........

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Little Danielle at Laura's house.  I think it was Mama's 50th birthday party.


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Danielle was always smiling not only in her pictures but always!! My sister posted the pictures for me, because I can't do that from my computer. So let me tell you a little about the pictures. The last one is with your cousin Grant and her brother James and sister Mattie. She loved her family! The one of her spinning is of me and her at her cousin Laura's 16th Birthday Party. I don't know why we were spinning but it was fun!

Thanks for all the pictures! I feel like I know your children more now. And thanks to my sister for posting them.

Sonya (Danielle's Mom)

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Hi Sonya,

Thanks for sharing such nice pictures.  She does have such a nice smile.

I have been going to a grief counselor every other week.  Actually I set it up initially for my son for counseling but the time before last the counselor felt that he was doing well and now is just seeing me and my husband.  I brought this up because for our next session he asked us to bring pictures of Kristy to talk about them and what they meant to us.  It is so nice to see such happy pictures of Danielle.  Maybe it helps with the healing.  I don't know the answers to get through the grief but the pictures of Danielle made me smile and I immediately though about the counselor asking us to bring pictures to our next session.  Hopefully the pictures will help, honestly I usually spend the entire hour with the counselor crying my eyes out!

Peace to all of you,


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I'm glad you are back and thanks about Danielle's pictures. It's easier now to look at her pictures and not cry so much I even smiled at them today. I'm sure going through Kristy's pictures will be hard but I hope it brings a smile to your face to remember her when she was happy and not so much at the end of her beautiful life. When you feel up to it give me a call for lunch.

Sonya (Danielle's Mom)

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