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Loss of an Adult Child


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Mamabets....perfect picture and poem.  I miss hearing people talk about Heather.  I love it when someone is BRAVE enough to risk it and do so.  Thank you for sharing that.


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Once again all I can say is the pictures and memories are so beautiful and have lifted my spirit and heart at sharing - Jessica is smiling to see all of us at BI come together with the sharing of not just words but with pictures - love to all - Kathy

Thanks for the info on the journal - I am going to go buy one and put it at Jessica's site - I too have so many notes that everyone has written - I have them at home in Tavian's treasure box. Now everyone will be able to write when they want to.

We have to put our beautiful sweet Kaylie dog down this Saturday. She has failed alot these past few weeks and the doctor said we need to let her go so she will not suffer. I do not know how I am going to say good-by to her - Jessica brought her home to us at 7 weeks old and she is now 11 - she does not even know she is a dog - she thinks she is human like us and she is in my eyes. She has been my savior so many times when I was crying and she licked my tears, she gives me hugs - something I taught her when she was little, she looks at me with those big eyes and I melt. I do not want her to suffer but I cannot let myself think about her being gone from our lives. My husband and I will take her to the beach and let her have one more walk in the sand with us and then do what we must do but my heart aches.

God Bless - Kathy

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Kathy...so sorry to hear you have to put your dog down.   We went through that the first week of January this year.  We had gotten Shadow at 8 wks old and he was 14 when I finally put him down.  I know I should have done it sooner but with Heather being sick and then dying I could not bring myself to do it.  Heather used to say Shadow was her inspiration, if he could do it she could do it.  He also was my friend when I was down.  He would lick me and lay with me and he was so soft and so comforting.  I believe he is with Heather again.  She would lay by him when she was sick and just pet his head (she had her own dog too...a hyper little schnoodle she named Gus)  she always said Gus was her baby but Shadow was her most loyal best friend.  We still have Gus and he reminds me of Heather and I have taken on mothering him for her.  Shadow wasthe family dog, but more my dog and I loved him so much.  I knew I couldn't let him suffer any longer to keep mtself from being sad so we finally made the decision and as hard as it was I knew it was right. I'll send prayers of strength for you when you have to do it. To me they are not pets they are family too.

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Kathy, For You....


Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... 

Author unknown...

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My son also had a connection with his dog (s). Whenever he was hospitalized and not doing too well he would focus on the dogs and their silly antics. We always had pictures plastered around his room so he could think about them and not about what was happening. And some days we just slipped a dog or two into his room for a visit  . . none of the staff ever complained. - Patty


Nathan and Duncan

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Claudia - The poem is so beautiful - tears fall - I printed it out and will put in my "post book". It means so much to me that you did that - you are a wonderful person with a great spirit and soul.

Kalimac - I love the picture you posted with your son and his friend - animals are such kind spirits with no hint of malice or meaness in the bodies and minds. All they do is love you no matter what.

heathershope - Shadow sounds like he was a great part of the family - I am sure he made Heather happy and is with her now running and playing. Kaylie is such a big part of our lives and I remember the day Jessica brought her home - her dad had said no more animals and here she came with this adorable little black fur ball - her dad was still at work so I asked her what she was going to tell him about the puppy, she didn't answer, just walked into the livingroom and laid her in her dad's recliner and left her there sleeping - when her dad walked in neither of us said anything and the next thing we hear is "what is this" - we went in the room and he had picked her up and she was licking his face and well that is all it took - she has been our baby ever since. So many times in the past 2 years she has helped me get through a melt down just by sitting next to me with those big brown eyes looking at me and I know if she could speak she would say "it's going to be ok, I am here", so many times she licked my tears away. A couple of days after we lost Jess I was looking for Kaylie one night as she has never slept anywhere except our bedroom - I found her in Tavian's bedroom curled up next to his bed watching him - it was amazing and heartbreaking at the same time.  I will miss her so much but know that we are doing what is best for her and her memory and sweet love will live on in our hearts.

Keep posting the pictures everyone as they are so beautiful.

Blessed be to all and big hugs - Kathy

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Kathy, I am glad you like the poem, and I do hope that in some small way you can reflect on it and find comfort.  Imagine your precious Jessica will already be there to collect her sweet furry best friend.  Neither will be alone.  They will journey in your heart and memories together, and I pray that brings you some peace in letting your beautiful dog go.  She is going home to be with her Jess...

Bless you, Claudia

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   WOW!  Beautiful flowers. Thanks for the big "bouquet".  Birds,

   flowers, trees, water..........all the things that nature has to offer

   helps to soothe a broken heart.   Peace be with you.

                            Daveysmom,    Sherry 

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Claudia - thank you again for your sweet words - I will get through this as nothing in this world can ever hurt me as much as losing my Jessica - she will greet Kaylie with open arms and they will play and run together.

This is a poem that I want a friend to write to me - I do not think I posted it before but if I did forgive me.

If one day you feel like crying, call me

I don't promise that I will make you laugh but I can cry with you.

If one day you want to run away, don't be afraid to call me,

I can't promise to ask you to stop but I can run with you.

If one day you don't want to listen to anyone, call me,

I promise to be there for you and promise to remain quiet.

But one day if you call and there is no answer, come fast to see me -

perhaps I need you.

Love - Kathy

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We had a really upsetting experience this morning which shook me up for the whole day. My husband was taking me to a dental appointment early this morning. Just before we left I heard a siren in the distance but it didn’t seem to pass our house. Since Simon’s motorcycle accident I dread the sound of any emergency vehicle passing. We had just left the house and at the top of the road we could see the flashing lights of the ambulance and traffic queuing up. We couldn’t see any cars involved but it was obvious that someone was being treated on the ground. The police hadn’t arrived and the first people on the scene were directing cars through. My husband told me not to look as we passed. Unfortunately this was only yards down the road from where Simon had lost his life. As soon as we passed I could no longer hold back the tears and broke my heart. Stephen immediately decided to turn around and go home. We were both deeply distressed.

I had not gone to Simon at the time of the accident and always imagine the scene that day. Stephen was there and held his hand as they worked on him. To see a real accident there today was too much to take. Ironically the 2 people I recognised at the scene were the father of the first lady to assist Simon and the lady that my husband was talking to when he had the message that Simon was involved in an accident. The second lady’s husband had come off his push bike and gone over the handlebars. He was taken to hospital by air ambulance.We heard this evening that he had broken his shoulder,pelvis and some ribs.He was very lucky that he was wearing a cycling helmet. 

We pass the scene of Simon’s accident every day but I was totally unprepared for this. My arms and legs were aching and felt weak for hours. This terrible journey takes you 3 steps forward then 6 back.

Sorry for going on just needed to talk.

Love to you all

Avril xxx          

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For Claudia,

I noticed that you had put the Kids Memorial Site back at the top as it rightly deserves to be. However I am guilty of posting on the new thread instead of the reply section. I have done this once before and again today. I now realise my mistake. I also post on a British site which has a different format and I am confusing the two. Sorry. It has been a distressing day today.


Love and best wishes

Avril x

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Hi Avril,  Thanks for your note about the thread, but it's not that important.  It was stated more as a reminder that the administrators of this board are going to reorganize all of those loner threads into better fitting major categories if possible, as a measure of housekeeping...  but also for those newbies who would appreciate easily finding that memorial site thread.

I am SO SORRY your day has been so distressing.  I can imagine how hard that moment must have been for you and your husband--but especially for you, as you had mentioned that you did not experience the scene of the tragedy when it was your loss, but today with an accident very near the spot...  It's no wonder the horror of it all came flooding back to you like that.  It is of some comfort that the guy is going to make it, but so sad that the bad memories of your son's tragic story was revisited so vividly today.  We always think on and imagine those horrific last moments and details as part of our coping and coming to terms, but to have such a vivid display unexpectedly.  I guess we should all be prepared that any one of us could come upon something like that, that would throw us right back to the beginning all over again.  I do hope that as a little time passes, you can begin again to put one foot in front of the other, and the early trauma can subside once again toward steps forward.  There is nothing I or anyone can say for you, for anyone, not even for ourselves that makes any of this make sense.  I sit here and try to say comforting words to you now, but at the same time my guts are twisting, and I am almost able to feel myself there, because I am not so far off from falling into a like moment and reliving my son's tragedy, MY tragedy.  We encounter terrible things here where I live and work, and I feel it's just a matter of time and I wonder will I be able to handle it?  As far as days go, tomorrow must be going to be a better day.  Yes?  It won't ever be as good as the day before we lost our sons, but it will be better than today.

Make yourself a cup of chamomile tea, pick up a magazine or a book, get under the covers, even take a light sleep aid if you must, but I do hope you are able to wipe away some of the images of today and the nightmares of weeks/months past, and get a little rest.  Tell your husband that friends from BI asked if he could give you an extra warm and long hug this evening, and you do the same for him.  Bless you both and may a bit of comfort and peaceful sleep find you with a new day of sunshine when you wake.  Hugs, Claudia

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Hi EVERYONE!  I just read the posts of the day, and I am feeling very overwhelmed, so I just want to say that I am thinkig of you all, praying for you all, and wishing that tomorrow will be a little bit brighter for all.  My love and wishes for peace are with all of you tonite.   Trish

Sherry~ I know this may sound strange, but I have to tell you.  Everytime I look at Davey's picture on your posts, I feel like I "know" him.  I really can't explain it, but I felt the need to tell you. 

Good Night All,

(One of my favorites of Justin)


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OK , for those of you who sent only one pic send me a couple more.I'm on a roll.

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Mike at Philip Island 'Adventure Camp'. This was an annual event, Mike was a carer for kids with high levels of social, psychological and physical probs. 


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Mike Loz and a very little Miss Em......Rye beach (2000).


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This was taken in my parents backyard.  Mum had just been diagnosed with Alzheimers.....from left to right...Steven, Zak, Melissa, Emily, Kelly, Mike and mum.......

Greg - this is the last.....I promise.....Hope whatever you are doing works out....intrigued to say the least.........Thinking of you this Saturday....Trudi


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I lied....Mike on his own at mums......that smile, those brown eyes.....thats what I remember...miss you my son.......


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here's some extra pics for Greg....

Taken the last time Mike took his boys fishing....unfortunately, we didn't get a picture of them all together...

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 Mike and his sisters, Cathi and Kim, Christmas,

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All of us, on Mike's last birthday, Aug 20, 2006

Dad, Kim, Mom, Cathi, and Mike

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And one last one..Mike and his three boys,

Damon's first birthday, Dec 12, 2005

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For briansdad~ "You Got It"...The MAGICAL Beyond Indigo logo that appeared here..It never, ever, ever leaves me.....




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For briansdad~ Ask, and you shall recieve....

Danny's last load of laundry, made into a quilt for me...

My security blankie, chock full of love and comfort...






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Good Morning ~ Hope today will be a little lighter day for all.  I have to say Greg, what a wonderful thing you are doing.  The pictures bring such a comfort to me, it helps to see the "essence" of our children, and of ourselves.  What a touching way to really "get to know" each other.  Well, I am going to try to make is a productive day today, so I to will post a few more pictures, and try to keep going with the day.  Peace and Love to All ~  Trish

One of Justin's last lacross games.


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The very last picture of Joey, taken a couple of weeks before his death, at a wedding reception with his friends...  Joey is the tall skinny one in the back left side.


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The child forever engraved in my soul...  The Young Man, The Little Boy, My Joey, My Son.........


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Last One...  Joey - All Sunglasses and an unforgettable Smile


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Gosh, I love all of these new photos and I feel trapped here at school and not able to access photos to post. I want to post more if you want them Greg, but it won't be until tonight. Is that okay?? Thanks for doing this, I agree that the whole idea of yours has been healing for us and a uniting effort as well. I feel privileged to know your families better.

Ok Claudia, I am pretty sure that Eri and Joe are hanging out, personalities and behaviors that are quite similar, I hope that I can find the photo of Erica with the giant glasses. Too funny.

Love ya all,


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Dee, Isn't it so "Beyond Cool" to find these similarities and connections?

Hugs, Claudia

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I forgot to include an "early" picture...

this was Mike's graduation from preschool...he was so proud, as were we...

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and this was on his arrival at Police Cadet Camp...

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All of our children's pictures form a beautiful bouquet of love and cherished hearts...being able to share them brings such a lift to our hearts...

Claudia:   love the glasses pic...

love and peace,

carol  mikesmomrs

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Betsy, Whoever made your quilt, How did they get all of the materials to be uniform crinkly like that?  I have some of Joey's shirts and a sheet of his (all in shades of green, khaki tan and naturals--sheet to be used as the back) and I would like it to look even like your quilt.  I noticed you hadn't been posting much before the past couple of days, and I do hope that whatever has had you down is lifting...  Hugs, Claudia

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Ok, Here is my gift to all of you in honor of Brian's birthday.I had to put it on his web site because none of the other sites could handle a file this big.If I missed some of your kids I'm sorry.I can make another one. The song is one I think our kids would approve of.


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What a wonderful job! You are so very special! Thank you so much for doing that I know Brian is very pleased!!

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Greg:  I am in tears and likely will be all day...tears of sadness, joy, heartbreak, pride, glory, and comfort...all wrapped together both in the sadness of all these beautiful, sweet, precious people no longer on this earth, and the wonderful joy of knowing they share the glory of God forever in the eternity of their final home---together:)

We will see them again!

(The song was also fantastic...never heard it before, but love it already!)

thank you so very much.

love and peace,

carol  mikesmomrs 

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:(  Unfortunately since I am on very slow dial up in the Rainforest and pay by the minute, I am unable to buffer the media player.  I waited for like ten minutes and only 2% had biffered...  (sigh).  I am going to see if my husband can upload and save the file to bring home when he goes to the city next week.  Until then I will have to experience it vicariously through all of your expressions here...which is better than not at all.  Love to all, Claudia
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I'll rip another one for you made for dial up.

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Claudia, Never mind.I ripped it for dial up and it looked terrible. Sorry

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