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Happy Birthday Taylor James, the beautiful little boy Angel in the Heaven above. Remembering you and your loving family on this day and knowing that big brother Jesse David has you in his arms.


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i look at the pictures of our beautiful children it makes my heart melt heres me and victor cheering on our vikings and one of him in his vikings gear 



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And to you Victor, may you watch all the football you like, hell, even play football because Sweetie, you are free and perfectly healthy now...


TAYLOR JAMES, play and laugh in the loving presence of your Brother, Jesse. Let Mom know you are well, better than well, JOYOUS!

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4MyM&J, such a handsome little guy with big blue eyes.  Thanks for sharing him with us.

KJsMom, I know the hateful things people say and sometimes don't even realize what they are saying is just so wrong on every level.  Sounds like your church is a warm environment for you which is so what you need right now.  sounds like your company is also hanging onto you with their support. You are a grieving mother and you have found a way to put one foot in front of the other in circumstances that NO mother should ever have to be in. But we are and we will always circle the wagons for each other. One day at a time.

Bea and Stephanie,  those little girls of yours, Nezzy and Jaelyn, are sitting on the clouds right now in that special spot reserved for the most beautiful princesses. Stephanie, big step on the name change..

Donnamaria, look at you and Victor...thanks for sharing the photo.  Viking fans...in New York??  You guys are die hard for sure.

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KJs Mommy Always

Hugs to all..

Today makes a week that my son has been gone. God I miss him so much. I think about him every second of every day. In the past week I’ve gained enough strength to do a little more for my children, like style their hair, watch tv, maybe give a fake smile, and eat at least once a day. I’ve also started writing in a journal, and in my journal I’m speaking directly to my baby boy. My brother in law is in town from NY and he doesn’t believe in God, so speaking to him about seeing my son in heaven is something he doesn’t agree with and it makes me sad. I want to see my son again after this life. My renewed faith in God is what’s giving me the little strength I need to wake up in the morning, brush my teeth, and attempt to take care of myself. I’ll never attempt to replace my son because it’s impossible but yesterday I thought that maybe I might want to have another baby. I know it’s just a part of my grieving. I didn’t want anymore children after my son was born because I felt fulfilled and happy after having my first son after 3 daughters. I turned 32 10 days ago and I figured I could if that’s what I wanted. So many different thoughts running through my mind. A lot of them don’t make sense. Am I wrong for feeling this way? Am I crazy? I just don’t know myself anymore.

4MyM&J-Your Son is gorgeous. What a handsome baby boy. Those eyes look like shining jewels. I know you’re hurting so much, and it’s still so early for the both of us. I know how it feels to not have answers because my son’s autopsy showed a healthy baby boy. You deal with the guilt just like I do, the what ifs, the “I should haves,” those things are killing us. If we knew anything would have happened to our babies we would have done a lot of things different. There was nothing we could have done. We have the weight of the world on our shoulders already, and I think we need to try to work towards not blaming ourselves. I know we all loved our children or we wouldn’t be on this site expressing our hurt and pain. I’m here for you even though I’m a newbie. If you ever want to talk please email me: kiki.lino@yahoo.com. That goes for all of you. 

donnamaria- I can tell that you and your son were as thick as thieves. I wish I could have had the same relationship with my baby boy. I love the pictures. God bless you and your family. I can feel your hurt right now. Lean on us. 


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KJ mommy: I am 38, my kids were 14 years apart. I don't know how I would feel to have another child now.  I know it wouldn't replace my daughter,  but I know I am not ready.  My mother had a child  1 year after my brother died (my brother died Feb 1976 and my other brother was born March 1977). I wish she was here to help me with this,  she died in 1999.  I know our kids watch us and want the best,  I hope you feel your son around you. 

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KJs Mommy Always

Hi NiquesMom,

I want my son more than anything right now. I could never replace him, and my heart is hurting so bad right now and maybe I’m not thinking clearly. If I had another child I’d still be grieving and nothing or no one will be able to take this pain away. My 21 month old daughter looked up at the ceiling yesterday and said, “KJ.” I feel him in my heart. 

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so i took a walk around the block with my grandaughter shes 3 years old tomorrow her and her sister 7 will be going back to florida with there parents they have been here over a year another hole in my heart my sons doctor called today to tell me how sorry she was and that shes thinking of me oh this journey we are on im praying for us all thats one thing about victor he would always say lets pray mom im glad you guys liked the pictures i have been a vikings fan since i was a little girl and victor since he was a little boy well since the day he was born thanks to his momma you could hear us screaming and shouting oh and swearing during the games like all of you im trying to get through this 

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KJmommy: I believe that babies Can see spirits,  my son was  4 when nique died,  he said he has seen her walk through the door,  I told him if he sees her again to let me know,  hold your babies,  I know KJ is around you all.  I have lots of babies in heaven with Nique (I lost 3 babies after having Kyle). I love being a mom,  and if it happens again,  I believe it was meant to be.  But this path is so hard,  I want to be more "me" because I know I am not me yet. 

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4myM&J: I love that smile,  such a handsome young man.  

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Donnamaria: I love how you speak of victors faith.  I was a questioning person when nique died,  and my faith is stronger than ever after her death.  I know I will see her again,  I need to complete my tasks here.  I know my son needs me,  and I still have learning and growing to do. 

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KJs Mommy Always

Hi NiquesMom,

I believe babies can see spirits also. My baby didn’t really like her brother too much when he was here because he was always in my lap and she’d get jealous:) Thank you. I miss that beautiful smile of his. 

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Brendan's Dad

Hello friends.  Haven't been here in a week or so.  Just been working hard on myself trying to get my mind right again.  Working through the guilt.  Saw some great posts regarding guilt and trying to work our way through it.  I know that I am not alone there.  It is always so hard to come back here and see all the newbies.  My heart breaks for all of you.  

4MyM&J my heart breaks for you.  What a beautiful little boy.  I too lost my seven year old son in a tragic accident.  My Brendan has been gone almost eight years now.  I am so sorry for your loss.  

I may not be here a lot, but I do pray a lot and all of you are and have been in my prayers.  I am stronger today than I was a few weeks ago when I came back to this site.  A few weeks ago I felt like was at the end of my rope ready to stop fighting.  Today I am stronger.  I am not where I need to be.  Not even close, but I am taking steps in the right direction.  Thank you to all of you who have reached out.  


Brendan's Daddy

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My friends,

Today is my 30th Wedding Anniversary.

Colleen, Brian's Mom forever 

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Tommy's mum

brendansdad glad you still read and have posted. Ok you know you are not going to magically heal in a couple weeks because you are in contact with our group,especially when your grief has been delayed for such a long time but I love that you say you are stronger today and taking steps in the right direction. as time goes by, everyone else in our family and friends group goes back to their normal lives and do not realise that losing a child is like losing a part of your own self. it knocks you off balance and you dont know how to be the person you used to be when everything has turned upside down, inside out. One has to learn how to adapt to their different self. It is hard because you dont know how to be where you find yourself. I have deeper depression, also anxiety and social anxiety that I never had before. I am overcoming agrophobia that I never had before. I was social quite extrovert a pretty happy person before losing my son. Now I rarely leave my house find music hard to listen to, prefer to be alone in my garden, and not have to interact with people and have to make an effort to be "normal" for my family so they dont worry about me. I am also more grey haired now! Some people on this site may have something in common with you in your grieving, for example self hatred or blame or guilt or anger or whatever,( not that I am assuming you have any of these) and others maybe   have not so much in common. However we are all dealing with our losses as the unique individuals we are and just being able to vent, or ramble, or comment, or share stuff about your child is beneficial. We go on this journey together knowing support is there if we need it and no one is on their own or crazy and no one will be judged for the way they do things. It is a safe place to come whenever you need for all of us.

I have something unpleasant going on in my life at present that I am trying to deal with and will share with you all at a later date. i hope it will be resolved soon. I am grateful for the friends who have messaged me privately for their support it is appreciated. So i will not be able to respond to everyone as often as I usually do ( yes I know it is because I dont really have much of a life!! and I have  lost friends because of my grief so you are all the friends I really have who understand) but it does not mean your posts are not read and that I am not thinking of you all each and every one of you and wishing you all the best. i will check in soon.

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KJs Mommy Always


Happy Anniversary. 30 years is a long time. I hope you and your spouse enjoy this day the best you can. God bless

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Happy anniversary Shorty16 do any of you go to the chat room on the tcf website or on there facebook

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Colleen, Congrats to you and your Husband, you worked through your hardest times and came to this momentous time. My hats off to you.

Leslie, I am sending extra hope and prayers as you travel through an unpleasant time.

Brendan's Dad, glad to see you today, glad to know that you are feeling stronger.

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Happy anniversary colleen. My you be blessed with many more.

In topic of having more kids. I spent 4yrs with just two kids. Once I had my infant daughter 5 months ago, life with 3kids was my new "normal". Now that my Nezzy passed being back to having two kids doesn't feel normal anymore. Even though I have only took care of 3kids for a short amount of time. My husband and I have talked about having more kids. We agreed that now is not the time. We are not in the right state of mind and we don't like the idea that Nezzy would of never gotten the chance to meet a new baby if ever that happens. Before I had my 5month old I was suppose to get a tubal ligation but decided against it last minute and just ended up going on birth control, so not sure if that coincidence or not. But lately I'm missing having my son and daughter together. I see pictures of them growing up together and love the bond they created. They were so close in age that people would ask me if they were twins...I loved that. And now I will never hear it again. My son and infant daughter are years apart and fear that they will not be as close as I woukd like them too. That's another reason my husband wanted to have another baby. So my 5month old could have a sibling close in age but I just turned 29 in May and hoped I would be done having babies by 30...it's just too fast, too soon. But even if I did have another baby and was back to my new "normal" of having 3Kids, it will not fill the void, the empty space, or the now quiet house we have.

I have attached a picture of my "twins", even though my son Ethan is the oldest, Nezzy was more mature and passed him up on the growing chart. She 2asnt a picky eater like him. More of a reason she stayed healthy so losing her to some unknown illness still gets my mind wondering what happened and why.


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Colleen,  happy anniversary! I hope today is wonderful for you. 


TCF is the compassionate friends.  It's a support group for parents who lost children.  I go to the actual support group, the facebook page overwhelmed me. 

So, I got the job in Florida! I start august 1st. I think I have also found a place to live,  but if it's right will see in a couple days,  if not I still have time to look. 

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Bea, i know what you mean.  My daughter was the only child for 14 years.  It was normal.  Then my son came along.  Weird for maybe a month,  and then it was normal.  I had 2 kids.  Now my son is an only child. No siblings,  no built in friend.  I had no choice in my daughter being an only child,  and no choice in my son being an only child.

Perhaps we will be able to have another child,  but I feel old. 38, Kyle is starting kindergarten.  They will have a large age gap,  I don't know.  Makes me sad. 

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Happy Anniversary, Colleen! I hope that you and your husband will have a wonderful evening celebrating!

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Beautiful children Bea  Kj mommy they have a chat on tcf there will be one tonight at 9 pm you can go on there web site to find out more it helps me to chat with others when my husband passed away the widow chat room i went to helped me alot like this forum helps me so much i keep praying for strength i called about victors preliminary autopsy report they said another week theres so many unanswered questions just trying to take this one second at a time 

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Virginia, I am thrilled for you getting the job! Congratulations. Goodness knows this is a move you have longed for.

As far as babies and young ones seeing our angels???I do believe. I am good with kids, kids have always been comfortable around me, comes in very handy as a teacher...but there are times when  child or baby stares hard at me, and smiles deeply, and I am quite sure it is Erica sitting on my shoulder, making faces and smiling out at the kids...she also worked with children.

I have known many young women who have lost young ones and either were pregnant when the loss occurred or had infants when the loss of a toddler occurred, and I have seen great resilience. Some have gone on to have more children, never once thinking that they were replacing their child, but simply growing thier family in hopes of goodness and good health. Having a child after a loss is a deeply personal decision, you needn't make a decision today or tomorrow, just follow your spirit. Sometimes it is hard to hear what your instincts are telling you when there is so much clatter and noise in our grieving heads, so take your time for quiet. I do think however, that this baby that came to you Bea, somehow was a heaven sent child.

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Brendan's Dad...it is good to see your post. I glad that you are making progress. Thank you for keeping us in your prayers. 

Lesley, just know that we care and will be here to listen when you feel up to sharing. Good luck with everything!

Bea, beautiful picture of the kids. Terrific smiles on them.

Niques Mom...so glad that you got the position in Florida. How exciting! I hope you get the new lodgings you had hoped for.

Dee, are you enjoying your holidays so far? Our children are out of school this week. Just in time for the Canada Day long weekend. Celebrations all around.

Louanne, so pleased your home sold. What a relief and a huge concern that you now have behind you. Is it hot there? The gardens are thriving with the warm and sunny days. When you have a chance can you take some photos of Stratford? When is the big move? 

Sherry, thank you. I love to grab Jeff's camera and take it out on our hikes. You never know when you may catch something you had not expected.

Dianne, what is new in your neck of the woods?

Susan, I know times are busy. Sending love and hoping things are going okay.

Love to Everyone. Kate 


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KJs Mommy Always

Hi NiquesMom,

My mother had my 7 year old brother when she was 44. She’s now almost 51 and she’s talking about having another child. I feel as though she needs to have a seat and leave those tired eggs alone. I hope I didn’t offend anyone, but I know my eggs will be tired at 51. I want to be enjoying grandkids at 51. Don’t feel old at 38 because I’m 32 and I’ll begin to feel the same way:) 

Bea-Your babies are gorgeous. They look so happy. I got pregnant with my son when my 21 month old was 5 months. They were only 14 months apart. I always daydreamed of how close they’d be and they looked so much alike. KJ was only a couple inches shorter than Kai, and only 2lbs smaller. She is really small for her age. I was the same way. 


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your babies are adorable kjmommy what beautiful children we all have hugs to all

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Kiki, thank you. Your babies are adorable as well. I'm sure their bond would've only gotten greater as they grew up together. I also dreamed of my son and daughter's bond as they grew up. I could already picture them covering for one another as teens trying to get a way with something. Lol they would already walk around saying "no snitching...snitches get stitches" lol 

Erica'smom: my mom tried to comfort me by saying " God sent you a daughter before taking one away". I took a bit of comfort in hearing that. It's funny cause as baby #3 and "tie breaker" I did not want to find out the gender. I remember nezzy looking at the ultrasound and said "awe, it's my baby sister" she was so sure it was a girl and she was right all along. I didn't find out till birth. So I do believe that she was a God sent. I also believe that she is her sisters twin, I took this pic of them both at the same age, wearing the same clothes only 4years apart. Nezzy is on the left, my 5moth old Haley on the right..twins.

Photo Collage Maker_lPJJC0.png

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so here iam and i just said victor i dont think i seen this episode of mom yet boy i miss him but we would of been watching wrestling now 

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Oh Bea how beautiful yes twins they look so much alike 

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WOW BEA! I thought this was one Child two photos, astoundingly beautiful girls, and amazing that Nezzy knew that she was going to have a sister. Old Soul that Nezzy.

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Rebekahs mom

Hi all...

Still around and reading.


Rebekahs mom

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Thank you all. My boy is something else. Such a wise old soul in a little boy’s body. The amount of lives he touched with his smile, and upbeat attitude is one thing that has kept me going. 

KJ- Thank you. This journey is one I never saw myself on. One I never imagined for myself, but yet here I am. 

I am blessed to feel my son around me always. We had this bond, not a normal mother son bond, but this indescribable bond. I could feel when he was upset or over joyed, even if he wasn’t with me. I knew he was getting sick before he showed any symptoms. And the day before he died, I had this unimaginable feeling of dread, right at the time his accident occurred the following day. I hold onto that bond because without it, I don’t think I’d get the daily reassurances from him that he’s ok. 

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4MyM&J, I fully understand what you felt.  I too knew that my son was dying. I felt like I was struggling to breathe and my heart hurt .I wasn't sure what was happening.  I was crying and just wanted to die.  About 45 minutes later the chaplain from the hospital called with the news.  We lived in different states so physically I was not there but I know I WAS there in spirit with him. I felt his heart stop.

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I appreciate the bond y'all had with your children. I feel like that was the type of bond my husband had with Nezzy. He says a piece of him left his body when she passed. Now he feels empty without her. My heart breaks for him cause I know he misses her and the pain seems greater for him than I. I do my best to stay strong for him. When he gets really sad, I tell him I have to be strong for him and get him out of the hole he goes into. He has talked about wanting to die but I tell him if he leaves I will be left in that hole with no one to bring me back.  So thankfully he holds on and bares the pain with me. The more you loved and cared for you children, the greater the bond is and the more it hurts. I love that my husband has plenty of video and picture to remember her by,  (he's not ready to view them but) where I only have a few together with her. That's why I look at them whenever I feel the need to. I'm afraid to forget her so writing to her in my journal and watching her pics and videos help with remembering her. 

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The bond one has with their children is beautiful i think that everyone has the special bond with one child mine was with Victor how i miss that closeness how i could tell him anything i miss our talks sometimes when i get ready to go somewhere which i rarely do unless i have to it tears me apart because i know victor will never do this for me its so heartbreaking because victor was unable to walk and also suffered from a chronic stomach illness that would leave him vomiting all the time and with other stomach issues but his goal was to try and get out this summer he had and appt with a new gastrol dr lots of plans so when i do go somewhere i think of all he missed doing and i feel very guilty its not the same when i lost my husband or my parents and i went somewhere because they were able to go places and enjoy life but for victor his last years he wasnt able to im not sure what im doing today i will go to  the cemetary this i do know i do have something else to do and will do it just little tasks have become so hard so many unanswered questions and decisons i need to make sometimes life can be so cruel but we all know that but what is one of the cruelest things i have heard is you took care of your mother and victor now its time to do for you my son is dead there is nothing i want to my next door neighbors grandson was killed by his girlfriend she got 6 yrs in jail for having a firearm not for killing him and her mom posted how she was gonna miss her and my thought as horrid as it was is damn at least she alive and shes going to come home one day what about the mothers and fathers whos children are never coming home i know i shouldnt be so cruel but this life has made me this way im sorry Victor i know you would say mom i understand how you feel but thats her child he was a smart and kind young man my Victor i hope i can do him proud the rest of my days here but boy i sure could use his wisdom on alot of things right now sorry for rambling on God Bless all of you

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KJs Mommy Always


Your babies are gorgeous and they absolutely look like twins. I love how you saved Nezzy’s outfit and passed it along to your baby girl. I can tell you’re a good mommy. 

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KJs Mommy Always


Although early in the grieving process, I feel a sense of comfort. I feel the need to continue to go on. I don’t know if it’s my son’s spirit comforting me but it’s a feeling I can’t describe. I don’t know how I’ll feel 5 minutes from now, but right now I feel like I have to fight to get through this, and I have a clear understanding that I will always grieve my son. I keep looking at this picture of myself holding my boy, and I yearn for him to touch my face, I wish I could have seen him crawl and take his first steps, his first tooth, his first everything. 


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hugs kjmommy beautiful picture of you and your handsome little guy 

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so i went to the cemetary then i had to stop at the store where victor worked many years ago and i was doing ok till some one told me the remembered working with him and how sorry they were then i left and right there across the street was davita where he got dialysis at my heart is so crushed 

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KJs mommy- 

I have the same feelings. I wish I could run my fingers through his hair and have him push my hand away. To have him come running into the room just to tell me he loves me. To hug him and kiss his nose. I know that I was blessed to experience so many of Michael’s firsts, but like you I wish I could of experienced all of them. 

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KJs Mommy Always


Those reminders are hard. I’m sorry you had to feel that way today. I just wish it were something I could do to make us all better. Life is so hard. I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. 


I wish our babies were here too. I just keep wishing that this was just a nightmare, but it’s my reality now. I’ve lost a child. I always hoped that I’d go before my children because no one should have to bury their child. I’m going to pray for us all that we have the strength, and courage to move forward in our lives..not to forget our children because we never could, but to to hold our children close to our hearts as we did when we carried them while we continue to live, and until we see them again. 


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Sarah, how are you? I hope you are doing okay, let us know what you have been doing?

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today must be a day of triggers just got a phone call reminding victor of and up coming appointment  thank you kjmommy for your prayers i will pray for you also i will pray for all of us 

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KJs mommy- 

I pray the same. And for comfort. And for all the reminders of our children to be joyous reminders one day. 

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