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Hi Everyone,

I am still learning how to navigate this website and have a question....

Is there any way to save posts on here?

On most of my social media apps/websites, I have started saving posts into private collections to come back to when I feel I need them, for example I have saved collections on instagram titled "grief", "let's be happier", "stuff i'd send to Jerry", and one of my personal favorites "therapy topics".  Also wanted to note that only I can see the posts I have saved and they are not public. 

As I am scrolling I usually save posts into those collections and then when I am feeling down or whatever the reason may be I can easily pull out my phone and have all the posts right there. 

I see posts on here that  I would love to reference back to when I am going through a certain emotion or having specific thoughts, but am unsure if there is a way to do something like that! 


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Not individual posts that I'm aware of (other than highlighting them and doing a copy/paste into an editor), but you could save the whole page by right-clicking your mouse and choosing "Save as"

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