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Has anyone tried apps like DayNew/Empathy/etc. to cope with grief?


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It feels like I'm seeing more and more ads for apps meant to help with grief, and I'm wondering if anyone has tried them and what your experience has been. My mom died at the end of 2019, so kind of right before this grief app boom that seems at least in part spurred by the pandemic, and I often find myself wondering if any of these services (emotional support, digital estate management, etc.) would've helped me cope, or if they might've made things more challenging in some way.

I'm also a writer, and I've found talking and writing about grief to be really helpful. I'm interested in learning more about people's experiences with these apps, and hopefully writing about them. In that vein, if anyone who has used any grief apps would be interested in talking about what your experience has been like (good, bad, both, neither), I'd love to hear your thoughts.

This should go without saying, but I'd absolutely never use anything anyone has said without clear permission for any kind of story. Ultimately, I hope these can be meaningful conversations about what kind of support people find helpful.

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