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Job loss


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Hi there, my name is Nou, last year, in September, I got the most amazing good news of my life. I got the job of my life, the one I have been waiting for. Unfortunately in March 2024, due to exam failure, they terminated my contract. this event devasted my life. After that, my life was a hell. I could bearly get out of my bed. Its been 4 months but I still have the traumas.

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I went through that, my favorite job of all time (Safety, Office Mgr, Bkpr, Quality Control) working for a local place that made military airplane parts.  Bush was going out as president (son) and didn't want to owe a lot when he left office so he suddenly cut all contracts and use the ten year supply of stock our gov't always kept so he could look good.

We all lost our jobs and were out of business, just like that.  I got six months unemployment and barely got one 5 1/2 months later, commuting 100 miles a day, for an idiot, worst job ever.  Seven years I did this, that job suddenly ended, no notice, didn't get my vacation I was going on the next week.  It took me 13 1/2 months to collect the three months pay he owed me (he got behind paying me only, no one else).  I knew if I filed with Boli they'd shut the door and I'd never collect it.  I didn't file unemployment that time because I already knew...they'd think me too old and not hire me.  You see, I'd already looked a year.  I used up savings and when I ran out of $ I filed soc. sec., taking a year's penalty for life.  The gov't lost two years of my paid in soc. sec.  They wouldn't do anything about it.

I can honestly say I've never missed a payment and haven't starved to death.

Please, if you can, pull yourself up by your boot straps and do what you need to do to get another job and survive.  I tell you that out of the kindness of my heart, not because I don't understand.  I do.  I drove a stick shift car with a torn miniscus for a year.  I had a broken fibia and kept going.  I'm nearly 72, surrounded by wildfires and in heavy smoke.  I shovel snow in the winter, seven months a year.  I have 10% strength due to the 16+ major hand injuries (most dog  bites, a hard yank, burns, and a botched surgery) all since Covid.  My injuries are disabling but barely visible but very debilitating.  I keep going.  Put one foot in front of the other, it's needed for survival.

Do I have empathy for you?  You betcha I do!  Probably more than anyone, I've been there.  Sometimes it's not the glistening job but the one that pays the bills...


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