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I lost my dog and it's tearing me apart

Tammy Elaine

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Tammy Elaine

I miss my dog Oreo so bad.  He passed away at home 2 weeks ago and it was the most traumatic thing I have ever witnessed. It just happened suddenly and I can't get the picture of him passing out of my head. I love him so much and am so lost without him. He was like an emotional support dog fore after I lost my grandma. He was always by my side and just a happy and loving dog. I'm just so angry that he got cancer and died , I feel like I was shorted the time I had with him and it could have been much longer.  I also feel like I failed him. He should not have died that way and it will forever haunt me. It was only me and him for most of 10 years and he was like a child to me.  I would do anything for him and wish I could just have him back. I've been crying every day since he passed and have been throwing up and just feel so empty and numb. The silence in my home deafening.  I want my sweet boy back. I don't know how I am going to make it without him.

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It was five years ago I lost my Arlie to cancer.  He was my constant companion and soulmate in a dog, my best friend.  I am so sorry you lost yours, I know the pain all too well.  4 1/2 months later I lost 25 1/2 year old Kitty.  We were a family!  Arlie was 11 1/2, I  got him when he was nearly a year old.
Comfort for Grieving Animal Lovers







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