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How do I see the newest responses?

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When a thread has several pages.  How do I see the latest responses?  Sometimes I am interested in the topic but I don't want to go back to the 1900's and just want to see the latest replies towards that topic.

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Are you entering with a cellphone or a laptop?  If with a cellphone, mine goes to the first page (oldest), if with laptop, it goes to last page (newest).  When I use my cellphone, I click on the last page and read, might have to go back one.

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If you look at a list of threads, to the far right, you'll see a date or time (if it was on the same day) that the last post was made for each one under the name of the person who made it; click on that date/time to go to it (not their name ). If there are other posts that were made that you haven't seen yet, they will be above it, with a yellow line separating the ones you've read and those you haven't.

But usually I just click on the last page next to the title and scroll down about where I think it is. :) 

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