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The Youtube thread got me thinking it might be fun to see what everyone likes to watch on the tube.  


Netflix.  I always find something there

I just finished watching the Mole.  I am a sucker for the reality tv stuff.  

Romancehub has some good movies I just fall into there because it comes up when I first turn on the tv. cheesy sometimes but light. 

youtube-  I can't sing worth a darn.  My daughter always tell me to stop.  LOL  but.... I have been YouTubing some karaoke stuff and giving that  a go for something different to do.  My taste in music always flips between pop stuff to new country with twist of this and that mixed in.  

What are some good movies or series, or shows everyone likes?  I always have the tv on at night for wind down time usually am multi tasking with doing something else at the same time.   


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I use the search feature a lot on Netflix, Prime, Disney and Roku. My tastes run to detective and action and historical.

i would also suggest documentaries. You can find a lot of cool stuff by searching generic terms like history, science, astronomy etc. Makes you feel like you’re learning something instead of rotting your brain on the same old thing.

Happy viewing!

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10 hours ago, Bou said:

I can't sing worth a darn.  My daughter always tell me to stop.  LOL  but.... I have been YouTubing some karaoke stuff and giving that  a go for something different to do. 

lol. I think just about everyone on the planet would love to be considered a great singer, but so few of us are. :)  And so what...if you enjoy it, do it. I find my voice aligns better with some songs vs others, and once in awhile I really feel like "hey that wasn't Godawful" and happy with that. 


What are some good movies or series, or shows everyone likes?  I always have the tv on at night for wind down time usually am multi tasking with doing something else at the same time.   

One of the first things I do in the morning is turn on the TV and last thing at night is turn it off; it's always on during the day just for some background noise. But I watch little of it these days; I haven't even had cable for a long time as I couldn't justify the cost, so just got rabbit ears, which gives me local channels and a variety of others which is more than enough. I sometimes catch re-runs of earlier TV series I liked and sometimes watch cooking channels or documentary/nature/travel type things. Big Rick Steves fan. I watch movies off and on too....the last few have been underwhelming to me. The last one I saw I really liked was Maleficent, which I'd seen years ago but had forgotten much of it. 


3 hours ago, BohoKat said:

i would also suggest documentaries. You can find a lot of cool stuff by searching generic terms like history, science, astronomy etc. Makes you feel like you’re learning something instead of rotting your brain on the same old thing.

Amen to that. Youtube has given me many hours of worthwhile viewing that way.

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17 hours ago, BohoKat said:

I use the search feature a lot on Netflix, Prime, Disney and Roku. My tastes run to detective and action and historical.

i would also suggest documentaries. You can find a lot of cool stuff by searching generic terms like history, science, astronomy etc. Makes you feel like you’re learning something instead of rotting your brain on the same old thing.

Happy viewing!

I love stuff like that as well.  Love learning new things.  Most of the time I am doing something else while watching whatever.   Thanks for the suggestions.  keep them coming.

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