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Loss of dog, how long off work to grieve?


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Hello, just looking for some experiences and advice as I’m at a loss. Unfortunately I lost my childhood dog last Wednesday due to sudden illness, I am absolutely heartbroken and struggling to fulfil my basic needs (eating, washing, drinking) etc let alone go to work. 

I am just wondering how long you took off work or did you quit your job altogether to grieve properly? I have enough savings for 3-4 months and just want to spend my time with around my loved ones not at work with a bunch of strangers. Please share your advice and experiences!

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Places vary but for grief a lot are two weeks, for a dog, some allow none.  Regardless, it'll take a whole lot longer that what you're allotted.  Take off what they allow and then try to make it through your job, most will be understanding, but not all.  You have the law and policy to deal with.

With my Arlie, it's been nearly five years and I still miss him.  Every loss and every person is unique.

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I think it depends on your boss.When we lost our 16 yo cat Jim,I simply couldn’t go to work.I couldn’t function at all.I know the company I worked for would have definitely not recognized grieving for a pet but my particular supervisor was an animal lover and completely understood when I asked for the week off.

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