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Laughing and Crying


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I heard a person that I hadn't seen in a while died and it disturbed me. So I sorta prayed about it and even though there is a mourning process I kinda was laygh8bg abd crying at the same time. Sonetines it  is both when you are mourning. I just keep  a thankful and prayerful 🙏  heart. Please pray for my healing physical limitations. GOD Bless 

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What else can one do?!  🙏

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Yah I know mostly it's keeping yourself busy and making sure you do healthy things. I am am artist, and I am doing stand up comedy. I am also reading a couple of books . 

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I'm sorry for your loss and the complex emotions you're experiencing. It's natural to have a mix of feelings when mourning, and maintaining a thankful and prayerful heart can be comforting.  May you find peace and comfort in this challenging time. God bless you.

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