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I am so sorry.  I responded last night on my phone, don't know what happened, why it didn't post.  They had some website issues yesterday I know.

I know what it's like to lose everyone, I've lost my parents, grands, aunts & uncles, cousins,  niece, nephew, two sisters & BIL, 25 dogs & cats, husband 19 years ago, have lived alone since with whatever pets I had, now I have my service dog and feral (outdoor) cat, that's it.  My heart goes out to you.  I was my sister's caregiver, she had disabilities and dementia, she died two years ago.

Am hoping this will be of some help to you.  Keep reading/posting, it helps us not feel alone.

Parent Loss: Continuing Their Song

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Ferals count, we grow attached whether in the house or not, mine claws huge shards off my posts and exterior and is nocturnal which is why he can't be in the house, but we have a relationship all the same and he loves my dog and vice versa.

1 hour ago, Daisy12023 said:

I do feel that unresolved grief comes back when you experience a new loss and in turn makes it harder to process the new loss/trauma.


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I have neighbors down the street and across the street that do that, the one across from me has a cat rescue, and down the street, he takes them in too.  Panther adopted me!  As cats do.

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