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Losing both parents before 30 within 5 months

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Shock is an understatement when I write this as I’m not entirely sure where to even begin. I lost may father unexpectedly in February this year (he was found dead in his flat by his neighbour.) 2 weeks before my mothers birthday. They haven’t been together for years but everyone would call them would mates. I managed to pick my self up went back to work after a week and got on with it all, maybe trying to have a normal life as much as possible. We have just got the new my mother has suddenly passed found dead in her flat two weeks before my father’s birthday. I’m not sure if this time round I can pick myself up and get on with things like before, all I wanted to do was call my father after hearing about my mums passing and I guess it’s all really hit me at once.  I’m only 27 and an only child and not sure on what to do now, I live with my grandmother ( my mums mum) and need to be there for her during this time as we don’t really have any other family now, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to do it all over again.  

both my mum and dad lived reckless life styles which eventually caught up with them and there health so have been mentally preparing for this moment for most of my life but never thought it would happen so soon. Im worried I won’t be able to be there for my Nan and uncle or what to do now.  My dad is who I would call when I was confused or needed guidance. Everyone keeps telling me I’m strong but I’ve been strong my entire life and I’m really tired. I’m not sure if anyone has been through anything similar, but thank you for taking the time to read this and any advise is welcomed 🤍


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I am so sorry.  My mom was mentally ill all her life and highkly abusive, she lived to 92, dementia...my dad was alcoholic but the sweet one, yet ineffectual and never stood up for me...he died when I was pregnant with my first child and still in my 20s.  Grandparents not close, esp. not my grandmothers.  One grandfather died when I was 4 or 5, my other lived to his 90s.

I am glad you and your grandmother still have each other!

I hope you find this helpful:

Parent Loss: Continuing Their Song

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