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Consumed by my Brother Death


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It's almost been 6 months. The actual date, I'll never know. How he actually died? I'll never know. How can it be ruled a natural cause of death with there was nothing left of him? She left his body in the bathtub for atleast 2 weeks while she drank herself to death. She let her dog starve to death. How is this okay? No inquiry. No investigation. Nothing. I spend my time searching and looking for answers and nobody cares. The detective wasn't even going to tell me he was that far gone. I had to ask the questions. I miss him so much, why doesn't anyone care?!?! Even if I do find out what really happen there is no justice, no peace in knowing, and there is no bringing him back. I miss him so much. I miss his voice. His terrible jokes, his hours long conversations about nothing but they meant everything. He served his country, he gave everything he could to everyone and nobody cares enough to give his tragedy a second glance. My heart is completely broken. Our memories are now only mine alone. Why can't I just let this go like everyone else? 

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OMG, how horrible!  I am so sorry. I lost my beloved sister last year, she was my closest (there's six of us) we were in each other's lives daily, living in the same town 45 years. She was disabled and had dementia, I was her caregiver. It was sudden and came as a shock. She died the way she always wanted, in her easy chair, just stopped breathing.  

You ask why no one cares, they view death as if it's something contagious and now you have it on you.  I'm sorry.  When my husband suddenly passed 18 years ago my two BFFs didn't even come to his funeral two weeks later, they hadn't had plans, just didn't bother.  Grief has a way of rewriting our address book.  

The weekends and nighttime seem the hardest to get through. 

How can she get away with just doing nothing!  Seems there should be a moral decency law, there are some places.  I am just so sorry.


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