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Sudden death of brother


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I lost my older brother (33yo) in a small plane crash just before Thanksgiving (2022). I'm struggling to find people to connect with about this because it was such a freak accident. There's a big investigation into what happened and it's going to take quite awhile - which I find extremely unsettling. 

I've started developing crippling health/death anxiety from the accident because I feel as if anything is truly possible now. 

Any insight or similarities welcome. 

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I'm sorry to hear that you lost your older brother =( 

Sudden and unexpected things are rough, too, and him being so young I can imagine is even more difficult.

Sometimes, as humans, when we start coming to terms with our own mortality it can feel unsettling. We see it happen to someone else and think, "What if it had been me?" or, "One day it will be me." Anxiety can come with this. It's true, like you say, anything is possible. Some people find it's a big relief to be as prepared as possible whether it's putting together their own last will and testament, power of attorney forms, gathering financial info, etc. and putting it together in a "legacy box". Some people have a "living funeral" - a funeral that happens, but the person is alive. They're supposed to be more positive experiences because they are saying, "Let's enjoy this time we all still have together." 

Everyone processes these thoughts in their own, unique way. 

There's nothing wrong with becoming comfortable with your own mortality. I also don't believe there's anything wrong with fearing it, either. Sometimes it's a matter of deciding, "How can I do my best to live my life to the fullest today?" 

But with grieving, definitely give yourself time. Grief is a process of it's own and takes time, and that is always okay. 

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