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Losing my father from covid


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Losing my mother 5 years ago was painful and still feel the pain. However, suddenly losing my father from covid within one week just made the pain a lot worse. Not even sure how he contracted it, as he never left home other than to walk. It turns out I had covid as well and just don’t know how I got it. After all, I would work from home and just left the house for grocery shopping. So now I’m living with guilt knowing I must of gave my dad covid some how. 

My dad was so strong and healthy, just before he contracted covid. Even got to have a bbq with him just before. He was not just my dad, but my hero and best friend. Just feel so empty and hollow now after losing both parents.

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Dear Chemex,

I'm so sorry for your loss. Our deepest sympathies and condolences. 

Please know you are not alone. We are with you. (((hugs)))

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Helena Louis

Dear Chemex,

this virus took a lot of lives. I have lost my perfectly healthy father to it too.

You can't blame yourself for this, it was meant to end tihs way. Even though my whole understanding of world has changed, I still believe that the sonnection between us and our parents are so strong they don't go away and even death can't take away the amount of love we have. The pain and sorrow is the payment of our big love.

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I dont udnerstand Life at all. Gives us wonderful parents whom we have great relationships with. Then we have a parent taken away from us not only abruptly , cruelly, but with a huge dose of guilt that crushes us. So many people suffer this way - the agony and anguish is unbearable. Why is life designed this way ?? 

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Helena Louis

It should be that way and I guess it puts even more value to life, to every second and moment we have with our loved ones. I cry every time I say this but I can't appreciate enough the time we had together.

I still get angry and want to blame someone for what happened. But the truth is it's no one's guilt, that's just how life works. It would happen regarding your role in it. 

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Dear Chemex,

My situation is almost exactly the same as yours.  I, too, suffer from guilt because I may have given my dad Covid.  He was in good health, still working, and taking care of my mom (who had a stroke two years ago).  Now, she is alone and unable to care for herself.  It's very sad.  And my dad was so much a part of who I am - he was part of me and now part of me has died. 

It is hard to hear about Covid daily on the news and all the people vaccinated.  My dad was about two weeks away from getting the vaccine when he got sick.  

I am heartbroken.


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Dear Chemex,

I understand what you are going through. I lost my healthy and active dad to covid a month ago and it all happened within 5 days!! I’m in guilt since I was unable to travel to see him one last time. How I wish I could talk to him once before he left us. He succumbed despite having taken the first dose of vaccination and he was due for his second in couple days. The worst part was he didn’t show any regular covid symptoms, but the virus had silently created 90% damage to his lungs. And he finally passed away from cardiac arrest! My family and I have been so devastated with the unexpected events that happened. I’m still in a state of shock and unable to accept the loss. I’ve always believed that nobody in this world can love us as much as parents do and now I feel so hopeless.
I hope we all get strength to cope with the loss of our beloved parents :(


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On 5/26/2021 at 11:02 PM, unluckydaughter said:

Dear Chemex,

I understand what you are going through. I lost my healthy and active dad to covid a month ago and it all happened within 5 days!! I’m in guilt since I was unable to travel to see him one last time. How I wish I could talk to him once before he left us. He succumbed despite having taken the first dose of vaccination and he was due for his second in couple days. The worst part was he didn’t show any regular covid symptoms, but the virus had silently created 90% damage to his lungs. And he finally passed away from cardiac arrest! My family and I have been so devastated with the unexpected events that happened. I’m still in a state of shock and unable to accept the loss. I’ve always believed that nobody in this world can love us as much as parents do and now I feel so hopeless.
I hope we all get strength to cope with the loss of our beloved parents :(


Never had I ever underestimated this deadly virus. At the same time, I never thought my strong dad would succumb. Everything just happened so fast, as I’m still in a state of shock like yourself. However, I’m in denial as my father was living with me and sometimes still think he is here. Was able to see him in a zoom call on his final day and looked like his exact self. For that reason as well, I am in denial. It is going to be very difficult to cope, considering my father was the rock and how my mother had passed away. I hope as well, we somehow find strength to cope in this very difficult time. 


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