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There is a loneliness that comes with grief; a now hollow and jagged heart that comes from being ripped in half. I call it the Death-Star-Heart. No joy. No hope. Just loneliness. There is a song lyric from decades ago that fits my heart since my Father died: Talkin' to myself and feelin' low.  I feel it every day. There seems to be no moving past it. No comfort. My Father would say to stay close to God; but I do not feel His presence the way I did before MAYDAY, the day my Father died (May 2, 2018). It is good to be able to come here and find people who can relate to the torment caused by grief; who get it because they are in it with me. My wish is that those here would know peace--but at the same time, there is company for the lonely, and for that I am grateful.

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Dear TLN,

Thank you for sharing your words. It is so true. Grief is horribly lonely. I am so grateful this forum is here and I have met so many kind and helpful people. It saved me.

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