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Clever Pennywyze

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Hello and welcome



Welcome to the Soulmates Center circle, Annie. I'm grateful that you chose to join. It is truly very much appreciated you joined this circle. Feel free to post whenever you are ready.

The main reason I wanted to create this circle is, so that those of us who have met, loved, fussed with, and lost our soulmates can have a place where we can talk about our soulmates, and our  special kind of love, with others who are grieving in much the same way as the next person in this circle.

The bond and love between soulmates is, the most beautiful thing (in my opinion), and sharing our stories can be tricky. In my case, people have made make me feel completely awkward, when I would talk about my soulmate, Jeremy. Now, I'm sure there wasn't ever any intent to make me feel bad, but (unfortunately) they did exactly that. So, this circle is dedicated to soulmate love.

Have a great day, and remember you have been blessed with soulmate love. That's something very few others will ever experience.








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