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Clever Pennywyze

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The Vaccine



It has come to my attention that, the shot protects us from dying, but not from getting sick. Okay, I can deal with that. I mean, at least it will help preserve mankind for a while longer. I am blessed due to the fact that I have O- blood; but my girl, Autumn has bronchial asthma, and my one and only sibling has COPD (first stage). Besides, I really don't want to get sick. I've been the type of person who gets chronic bronchitis and upper respiratory infections on the regular since I was little. If I'm not mistaken, that causes my immune system to be compromised 4 times per year. Which, is how I very well COULD get the virus in spite of my blood factor???? I think…I'm not sure. I hear about the virus every day, but since Jeremy passed away, there have been times when I can hear what someone else is saying, but the words do NOT register with my brain. 

I've been telling people that when I found out about the accident, I not only went into immediate shock, BUT I also "felt" my brain escape from my head. It's been 2 years, and even though I have been capable of saying things without my words coming out all jumbled up, I still have issues with: 

1. A stutter in my speech which I never had before, 

2. My sentences are still coming out wacky from time to time, and

3. My brain is does not always compute what others are saying. 

Will these ever get back to a level of normalcy? Even if they're not at full capacity? Will I still be able to get a Doctorate? Or am I doomed? I really, really, really want to get my Doctorate, and not have to worry about leaving my kids with the burden of having to pay my final expenses. There's nothing like having a loved one pass away, and leaving you homeless because they were 34 years old, and NEITHER ONE OF YA thought you'd need life insurance within the next 20-30 years. 


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