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Words cannot describe the way i felt when i got that call. NO it cant be true i just spoke to him last night we were meeting today for lunch. I have three days off, in an instance I felt the heavy weight descend upon me almost crushing me. I could hear myself screaming but it seemed surreal. why was  she telling me Main was dead. No its not possible not my Main.  I stood screaming and wailing for about 10 minutes my sister had came from her room and he started calling me a liar, not in the manner of disrespect but of complete disbelief.  Then i cried some more snot tears running together down my face laid on my bed and felt a warm calming embrace in my heart.  It was as if i was putting all of my love for him in its place  of honor, i began remembering his smile his scent his voice. they way he liked his grits and eggs cooked how he didn't like being woke up.  a flood of memories encompassed my brain, my phone was ringing it was his family they needed me. I pullked myself together and into action I went.


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