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You saved my life when I was diagnosed with Leukemia at 4 years old.. I have so much guilt that you weren’t able to come home and be with us when you passed away.. 

But Mom, I’m so scared right now and I need you so much! I need your words of wisdom, your support and I need to feel your arms wrapped around me and telling me everything will be alright and that you will be there every step of the way just like when I was 4!! You would call me your Million Dollar Miracle Child because I survived!!

Mom, I’m so scared about this biopsy on Tuesday! I’m scared I’m going to hear the words that you heard, when I was 4!! I honestly don’t know what to do if I have breast cancer! How do I go through this without you! I’m hoping it comes back normal and there’s nothing to worry about. But you knew that since I already had cancer at a young age that the chances of developing a second cancer later on in my life was a high possibility. If it does come back as cancer, can you please watch over me and please send me some sort of sign that you are near. 

💜I love you Mom💜


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Hi Altrav82,

Your entry brought tears to my eyes as I imagined your sweet, loving mother comforting you as a child. She must have been afraid too, but was strong for you. You sound like a survivor but I can only imagine how scared you are without your mom to help you through this next challenge in your life. I'm 56 and I still feel like I need my mom too! 

I have hope that they're able to come through when we really need them though. The signs maybe subtle or so uncanny you can't believe it. 

I will pray for your health and wellness. I will pray you find comfort and I am thinking of you. Xo

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