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what now?

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Tonight I lay in my bed, surrounding myself with self pity. I hate feeling sorry for myself. Everytime I think of myself as some sad story I hate myself. All I can think is I may have it bad, but there's plenty of people in the world who have had it even worse. Some have it way worse. So I lost my parents, everyone has to eventually. Why does it feel like my life is being ripped away from me? why do I feel so alone? There's people in the world who get past worse, why does this feel never ending? how does grief find a way of making you feel weak and helpless?? People constantly tell me how strong I am, but I don't feel strong at all. I'm 26 years old, and tonight I feel defeated by life. I lost the two people in my life that are my biggest supporters and role models. How do I grow from this?? I know I have to go on, but how?? Who do I go to when somethings not right? when I don't have the answers? Who do I tell about my plans? my accomplishments?? Who is going to love me unconditionally?... how do people get past this?


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