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Trying to be strong

Janice 252

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Hello to all my lovely friends who have helped me so much over the last few weeks. I'm now back home and don't know if I'm glad or not. Somehow being away I could almost pretend this awful thing hadn't happened but  now I'm back in this lonely house. We went for a  meal today and our 5 yr old granddaughter ate prawns and calamari and seabass and wanted to try everything.  Bill would got such a kick out of that. He was their educator. He loved to watch them developing and it breaks my heart that both he and them are going to miss out on so much. KMB I hope you can in time enjoy your new grandchild. Children are a joy and I have a very close relationship with all 3 of mine. Right now I don't have any energy to look after them as I used to but hopefully I will be able to in the future. Hope you all maybe found some moments of peace this day. Sending hugs and thanks for being there. X



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