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My lovely Dad passed away on  24th May this year, ir was a shock as we were told he would be home from hospital in a few days.

He was the nicest decent kind person I ever met and I was/ am proud to say that he is my Dad.

I miss talking to him so much and cry most days and still can't believe he is gone most times. Life is so very sad.

I miss you Dad.

Thank you for reading.




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Hi jay123 .... I am so sorry for your loss.  It is obvious in what you have written how much you love and miss your dad.  The loss of a parent is one of the hardest things that I've ever been through but that love that I had for both of my parents is what got me through it ... and still gets me through it to this day.  I am grateful for the countless wonderful memories.  At first those memories were painful to think about because I knew that there would be no more memories building up but as time goes on, the memories that I do have are so precious that I can actually feel good in thinking about them now.  Sadly, so many people don't have good memories which makes me cherish mine even more.

Time really is healing.  As the days, weeks, months, years go on the pain of missing them lightens.  Hang in there and think of ways to honour your dad...be the kind of person that he was.  Take care

Cindy Jane

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I agree with finding ways to honour him, cindyjane.  It kind of helps.  It makes me feel closer to my dad when I do stuff he'd have liked.  Recently I've started doing something he used to do to me to a very good friend: my dad used to send me jokes almost every day.  I miss having my inbox empty.  And now I've started doing this to a friend and only yesterday realized I was doing what my dad used to do: try to make me smile.  Now I do it for someone else.  Wow, just writing that makes me tear up.  Anyway, he had a great sense of humour and I try to keep that going.  

Jay 123, find a way to incorporate the goodness he had into your life.  It will make you feel closer.  It hurts and it will hurt for a long time, but I'd rather have the hurt and memories than no feeling at all.  I'm sorry for your loss.  

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Alive Ginger ... I love that you are doing things that your dad did.  Especially doing something to make someone laugh and feel good. Sounds like your dad was thoughtful and now you are as well in spreading some cheer to others.  Good stuff!

Cindy Jane

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On 11/1/2016 at 6:26 AM, jay123 said:

My lovely Dad passed away on  24th May this year, ir was a shock as we were told he would be home from hospital in a few days.

He was the nicest decent kind person I ever met and I was/ am proud to say that he is my Dad.

I miss talking to him so much and cry most days and still can't believe he is gone most times. Life is so very sad.

I miss you Dad.

Thank you for reading.




i know exactly what you mean , its been 11 months for my dad January 21, 2016 4:44 p.m. and he was supposed to come home 2 weeks later from the nursing home doing physical therapy , but it didnt happen , it just happened out of nowhere and sometimes , most days i just cry , and cry , but i mean it should get better right? at least thats what everyone says  but honestly its hard there are nothing but memories everywhere.

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