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How to move on?


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I lost my father at a young age, 18, I understood what happened to him and went through the grief process. My mother was with me but never went through the process she blamed herself everyday for my father's death and blamed me as well. She went into hospice care (her liver was failing) and I had no clue that she was so close to dying until one of her nurses sat down next to me and explained what was going on. My mother passed away a few days later, I still remember I was out with a friend and kept trying to contact her and when I finally was able to make contact a friend of hers told me she had passed away.

She was my best friend, my father was abusive and we always stuck together. Loosing her, it's like the world is turned upside-down I don't know how to keep going. I'm still here but I mourned for my father and cried for him I let him go, my mother blamed him for leaving (dying) and I always thought that was ridiculous, but now that my mom is gone I think I blame her for leaving me, the way she blamed him, and I don't know how to get past that.

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Dear Morrison,

My deepest sympathies and condolences on the loss of your mother. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know this is a painful time. I hope your friends and family are supporting you the best they can. I know its a great shock to lose your parent. Its only natural. I also blame my father for leaving me. I know its hard to accept, but our parents loved us and did the best they could. Please take care of yourself. And give yourself time to grieve.

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