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Cannot cope up with my baby's loss


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We lost our 11-month-old DD. It was a car accident and we survived with minor injuries but couldn't save her life. I was actually driving the car and I feel that it was my negligence which led to the accident. If I were more careful, my child would be with me. We are trying to conceive again, but we are not sure whether she can be replaced. I feel as if she is with us, But I'm not sure whether I would be able to conceive again. I had undergone a breast augmentation surgical procedure in Toronto post my delivery. We thought that we are done with having kids. I am not sure whether it is recommended to conceive again after this procedure? My husband is also craving for a baby. Should I go for surrogate pregnancy? Any thoughts?

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Hello, so sorry for your loss.  It is so devastating to lose a child.  I encourage you to seek in person grief counseling or individual counseling to help you through this if you feel it would be helpful.  It is likely impossible to "replace" your lost child, but you should not give up on being a parent if you feel it is right.  I have heard nothing about breast augmentation impacting fertility.  I wouldn't worry about that. As far as the method for conception, only you and your husband can decide that.  Best wishes to you and your husband.

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