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First Father's Day without him


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Hey everyone,

My father passed away earlier this year on February 14 very suddenly at the age of 54. It was such a surprise as there was no illness that we were aware of until he was just.. Gone. I'm only 22 and it's killing me that he is going to miss so much - all the milestones. Some days are worse than others and tomorrow will be the first Father's Day without him. All week I've just felt a knot in my stomach and my emotions have been all over the place .. Really doesn't help seeing all the Father's Day advertisements and merchandise out there either.

I was hoping for some advice on how to get through this tough day tomorrow and any coping suggestions?

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Welcome Daddysgirl! I'm so sorry for your loss. It breaks my heart to hear your loss at such a young age, but at any age is very devastating. I know that it's hard to be happy on Father's Day, but just think about the good times that you shared with your father. It was extremely hard for me when my mom passed. It's been 15 months since mom passed. It was mom's first of everything without her----first birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Mother's Day. Everyday is hard, but it gets better as time passes. It hurts a lot still. I still cry, but not as often as I used to. Everyone grieves differently. 

So, just reminisce about the good times, the fun times and the silly times with your dad. I think that's what your dad would want. I know that he's proud to have a daughter like you. Please take care.



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Daddy's Jen Jen

Hey Daddysgirl93

So sorry to hear about your loss - I too had my first Father's Day without my Dad this year as well.. He passed away 5 weeks ago suddenly (no illness) & similarly to yourself I'm only 24. 

I can assume from your screen name you're as much of a daddy's girl as I am! There are no words to describe how tough it is & like you say about Father's Day, all the constant reminders make coping seem impossible. 

I hope you're holding up though? May's suggestion of reminiscing is a lovely idea - I hope like me you spent your Father's Day celebrating him 

All the best

Jen x

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