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Why keep going?

Why Bother

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Right now I feel extremely depressed. In 2000 I lost my wife and daughter and then in 2005 my wife's grandmother and then my father just a few months later. Then in 2009 I lost my best friend and then in 2012 I lost my wife's grandfather. All these people were very close and special too me. Now my Mom has cancer, she's had it for two years and I'm just not sure how long she has, but she's doing fine for the time being. My current fiance and I are having troubles, I just can't give her right now what she needs the most, so I'll probably lose her soon. If I do lose her I just have my mother and when she is gone I have no one. I feel like there is no hope left, but I've been here before and survived and I'm sure I'll do so again, just don't know if I care enough to bother.

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