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Bottomless Pit of Rage


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If anger is one of the stages of grief, I am right in the middle of it. My dad has decided to go off dialysis and I am told we have to respect his wishes, but I think it is the most supremely selfish and cowardly act. My dad said he wanted to hear what all his kids had to say but I guess he doesn't care at all about what I think because he hung up on me when I told him what I thought. And now the nursing home where he is won't put my calls through. I have had to pretend to be my other siblings just so I could continue my conversation with my dad. I am flying there tomorrow and I know he doesn't really want to see me but as far as I'm concerned he doesn't get to chose whether or not he sees me. This is affecting me and I should not have to suffer in silence or pretend I am not suffering. He needs to know I'm suffering and angry and ta not right for anyone to keep me away no matter how unhinged I am.

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I am so very sorry I didn't see this post before now. I completely apologize. I would like to ask how old your father is and what made him make that difficult decision? Is he suffering? What did your siblings say? 

What happened when you showed up at the nursing home?

We will be with you,


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