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I have often wondered  why it feels like pain comes in waves? Why does it seem like as soon as you fight through one another one comes?  Think on this one moment you are standing in the middle of a peaceful blue ocean, all around you is calm. There are no ripples or even the slightest hint of a wave. You are smiling and enjoying the sweet kiss of the warm sun on your cheek. Suddenly you hear the cry or the call of someone on shore. Are they calling you? You try to make it out but you are not certain so you decide to go back to enjoying the beautiful ocean. As you turn around you are side swipped by a unexpected wave. As you struggle to recapture your breath another violate wave hits this one more intense than the frist. This process goes on for awhile stilling the very life of you till you can no longer move. Making it to shore seems impossable and far from reach. You start to sink into the dark deepiness of the ocean but just before you take that last breath and sink to the depths below and reaches out and pulls you. A soft voice wispers kick your feetand move your arms I know you are tired, it seems impossable but you can make it if you just trust me. With every ounce of strength you can find you start to kick, than you sway your arms keep in mind the waves are still hitting you, you can feel every crashing blow. The pain is terriable but you kick, you push you reach. Listening to that sweet reasuring voice that continues telling you you can make it. Tears in your eyes you can barely breath. But wave after inteanse wave you kick. A strong hand on your shoulder and a voice in your heart. It seems like you are down for the count but you see shore, you finally make it. You look a mess, tears in your eyes , hurting from top to bottom, you think that you are alone but when you look up there is the face of the one who loves you and cares more for you than his own life. He stayed with you with each crash of each violate wave and he never left. He trusted that you would find that something that was place in you to help you make it through the waves of pain. God is so good. I do not understand his methods but I do know his love. God bless to all of those that have walked the valley of loneliness, or felt the harsh blow of a wave of pain. You might look a mess and feel twice as bad. But know this you have made it and you will make it. Sometimes before a garden grows it looks so empty and vacate, it  flowers might not bloom till winter is over, but when it does your flowers washed and feed by tears will be so wounderfully beautiful. To the walking wounded I love you!:?

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I loved this analogy. It really does put everything into perspective. We are hit by waves but we soon realize we can still swim. We don't have to give up because we are strong. Yes, it is hard and we do have to fight over and over again but we make it. And we are not alone. We are not the only ones being hit by these waves, all of your loved ones are standing right beside you also being hit by waves, maybe they aren't as hard but they are still swimming and reaching for you to help you swim. Be strong because no matter how deep you sink you will be thrown a life preserver.

Thank you for sharing this I am going to add it to my myspace page!


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