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we didn't do anything at all yesterday as I was feeling sick all day. (Ulcer/hiatal hernia and i ate a bunch of stuff I shouldn't have) we did take a nice nap though and went to bed super early too. I feel beter today. good thing too. we just got back from errands..we have plans to go out tonight too. I have 500 things to do before then of course.

it's sunny here. but cold! brrr! I think it's in the 50's or so!

Anna- I am pretty sure  my friends are not going to the fair. it will be just me and the kiddos.

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I just want to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas. I have been running around like crazy. The house looks as if a bomb hit it. Everything is scatterred throughout the house. Packing is a big chore for me. I always overback. My problem I always want to take everything with me.  My flight is at 8:40 AM tomorrow morning. I am truly excited. I hope and pray I have a good time and leave my tears in Pittsburgh. At least I won't be lonely. I have alot of celebrating to do and that is my plan. John Robert gave me a Christmas present today.............a red IPod.........already downloaded a few movies and alot of CD's. So I will be kept busy on the plane....

Linda, you will continue to be in my prayers.  You have had too many problems. Try to keep you strength and spirits up. God Bless You.

April and Anna.......................if you go to Sedona remember to include me.

I have to run out one more time. I forgot to get VEET for my legs. I don't think I would make a good impression with hairy legs.....lol........

Drink wine and eat all kinds of goodies for the holidays. Take care of yourselves........

Love and Prayers,


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Dorothy, I hope you have a great time in PR. I am jealous of the sunshine you'll have on Christmas although living n the midwest all my life, I can't imagine it not being winter weather. It will be fun to hear what you have to say when you get back.

April, do you need a winter coat? I could probably scare one up. The dog and I went around the lake again today - over a mile with temps in the teens and quite a wind but as long as I bundle up I do ok. I usually handle cold better than heat, after all you can always add clothes but you can only take so many off!

Anna, sounds like it is a good evening to be inside where you are. Maybe a glass of warm mulled wine? I have a bottle of "December Nights" that I bought at a small winery in Wisconsin to share with my friends on New Year's Eve.

Decided to go to a nearby town to the W store just to get out. Bought the new Groban Christmas cd and it is wonderful but driving home under a beautiful pink & purple evening winter sky and hearing beautiful music I kind of lost it... I think mostly because I wanted to share it with Rod. So I went out to the cemetery, opened the car window and cranked it up. No one arrested me so I guess it was ok.

Just think in 4 days we will all be past Christmas!! Mary Jo



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mary jo...

a couple of nights ago i went to this house about a mile fron ours...more lights on it than you can even imagine! Tom and found it accidently one night, it's on a side street, and every year we would go, with our son, and just sit there and marvel, and wonder what their electric bill must be! Anyway...I went by myself, played christmas music and sat there talking to tom.


i haven't even gotten out of my pjs all day, been reading, cleaning for my family coming over xmas eve, and made soup..a real cozy day. A friend of tom's who sort of adopted our son as his "nephew" gave him a new game system (i don't know which one!), so he's been playing with the kid across the street. it's been lazy and nice and sad and lonely.....so many emotions all the time, no matter what i do. I have no plans for tomorrow either, and may just do the same. it's getting me thru, that's for sure. Christmas eve and day will be full..i may as well veg while i can!

dorothy, i can't wait to hear how your trip was....have a ball!

anna..enjoy your vegging in the weather, and i'm sure your last singing with your group will be bittersweet...i hope it goes well.

And linda....i'm so glad your daughter is with you, and so sorry for all the things you have to go thru. i will keep you in my thoughts, and am sending huge hugs to get you thru all this mess. please stay on here as you can and keep us all posted.....you have a lot of people pulling for you!

i hate not being able to refer back in posts in this new system!

i'm thinking of everyone here, wishing you all strength thru the next few days.

and me too!



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I've started just opening up a second window with the posts on it, so I could look back and see what folks have written.

Dorothy have a great time!  I think you might have misunderstood the messages between me and April - we've been talking about her visit to Oregon next summer.  It would be nice for all of us to get together in Arizona sometime though! 

I have just had way too much fudge...I did make hot eggnog last night when Shems and Crystal were here.  I only went out to return library books today, and to get a few groceries at the local health food store, and even on that little trip I had somebody right on top of my bumper like I was keeping them from getting where they were going any faster!  People get so crazy this time of year sometimes!

I decided to go tomorrow night to the Sufi Healing ritual that one of our teachers holds every Sunday night.  He's also a great acupuncturist and a Tai Chi teacher, and he brings those elements into his teachings.  So I'm having a friend pick me up from rehearsal and we're heading over there.  It should help.  I feel so trapped in the winter sometimes...I have impaired vision (blind in my right eye and really bad in my left) and I can get around on my scooter at night in the summer when the weather is better, but I don't drive a car at night because my vision is even worse in the dark.  And with the nasty rainy weather it's no fun to try to take a bus or bike or anything.  So I have to rely on friends for rides, or take a cab.  It drives me crazy sometimes, because I want to just get in the car and go and I can't. 

This Christmas is starting to feel a lot harder than the first, mainly because I was with Ishaq's family - my adopted family - last year and this year I'm here by myself.  But you are right Michele - only a couple more days and it's over for this year! 

Hope everyone has a peaceful night.



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LInda- i so know the feeling of drinking being the easy fix. I hardly ever drank before kurt died and after i found myself drinking more and more, now i just try to think " will it help or just delay it?" Sometimes i just dont care. I wanted to tell all of you that are struggling with cancer in one way or another to keep the faith if not in god than in yourself. The teacher i work with was diagnosed in october with lung cancer. She was fine and walked out the door for lunch and started coughing up blood and at the hospital they told her it was cancer. The tumor was in her right lung and was so large it had collapsed the top half of her lung. She also had it in her lymph nodes and a small spot in her left lung. This put her at stage 4. There is no stage 5. She started chemo as soon as she was able and her left lung collapsed and her white count was in the critical stage. On Friday she had a body scan and the cancer is gone from her lymph nodes and her left lung is now clear and the tumor has shrunk to half its size. A lot of people were praying for her and she is sure that is why she is doing better. I also think her attitude helped her. She never doubted that she would get better. She says believe it and you'll live it.  Her mother also passed a week after my friend was diagnosed. So i wanted to say keep the faith in something or someone. It doesnt matter who or what just keep it.

Ive been finishing my shopping and it is so hard to do alone without Kurt. Im not going to his family's house for christmas. Haven't heard from any of them in the last three months. Dont want to go so im not. I'm shutting down for the holidays. Its just too hard. It takes all my energy to do it for the kids and i have nothing left for any one else. I dont want to completely lose it and i dont want to shut myself off but i dont know what else to do or how else to do it. I will make sure my kids are enjoying the holidays as much as possible but when im not doing that im finding a cocoon to hide in for a while.

I hope all of you have a peaceful Christmas and the New Year brings you your wishes.



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I can't get in gear. I need to clean my house since my son is bringing his girlfriend, I haven't wrapped any gifts or bought all the groceries I need and tomorrow is coming really really fast.  All I want to do is sit on the couch and flip channels. I promised myself at noon I would start working and here I am at the computer. I'm really looking forward to seeing my kids but I wish we could skip past the Christmas thing and just go right to having a good time together. I did so well through most of December...guess I was pushing off reality.  Oh well....time to put on my game face.

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postscript for my last post....just after I signed off a friend called and wanted to go to lunch. I whined about not being dressed and the cold but she said "15 min. I'll be there - be ready." And so I was. A welcome kick in the butt to get me off the couch and on my feet. Whether it's in person or on this board, that's what we all need sometimes...a friend who can help us move along when we aren't able to do it ourselves.

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Good for you Mary Jo.  I have been so close to calling and cancelling rehearsing today and playing with the band tomorrow, but I need to get out and do it.  A lot of friends know it's my last gig with them, at least for now, and are coming to see us tomorrow, so I need to get it together and do my best to spread some light in the world through music.

At least the Seattle Seahawks are kickin' butt right now....It's not even four o'clock and it's getting dark here, from the stormy weather.  Yuck.  I can't wait till spring and warmer weather!



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Hello everyone ..just stopped in to wish you all a Very Blessed  ~~~Merry Christmas~~~

May you all have peace and good health and the Blessings of our Lord smiling down upon  you all..

Hugsssssss and my Prayers are with you always!

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Thank you, Crushed Heart. I hope you have a Christmas blessed by your faith and family. I'm glad to see you post and look forward to seeing you do so again.

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Thank you, Crushed Heart. I hope you have a Christmas blessed by your faith and family. I'm glad to see you post and look forward to seeing you do so again.

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Hi everyone...the sun is out today, that always makes me feel somewhat better.  I had a wonderful time at the Sufi healing class last night...it's a class where we do practices and listen to readings, have some discussions and then do the healing ritual, which is focusing on people who have asked for healing through this ritual.  It felt good to focus on other people who need healing (if any of you are interested in being put on our healing lists, send me a PM and I'll explain more about it).

I came home and watched some of the CBS special "In God's Name".  I taped it so I can watch all of it.  What I saw was beautifully done.  When I lived in Berkeley, California I had the blessing of being able to go every year to see Ammachi, who was featured as the Hindu religious leader on the show.  I did wish they had also shown a Native American or other indigenous leader, but I thought it was a pretty broad spectrum as they did it.  Did anyone else watch it?

I play with the band today for the last time, at least for now.  I'm not ruling out that I'll play with them again, just need a break.  I also decided not to go out and do any grocery shopping until after Christmas...I have stuff in the freezer and I'm going to make a big thing of black bean soup today that will also last me a few days. 

Hope everyone is doing ok - I'm so glad we all found each other, even though I'm not glad for the events that led us here.



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Anna- isn't that the truth! so thankful for this board! black bean soup sounds yummy, I haven't made that in ages.. my kids would love that though! thanks for the idea! oh now you hav eme thinking of black bean and sweet potato nachos too.yum!!! feeling a black bean kick coming on here.. good thing I buy my beans in bulk.LOL. still haven't done the cannoli..ahh well. maybe tomorrow. I am going to freeze them anyway.

otherwise I am kind of feeling like I am coming down with a chest cold or something. lungs feel all funky and my throat and one ear hurts..ugh. I am going to be up all night tonight doing the whole santa thing as I've procrastinated all week long..I still have to run to the PO and make organic chocolate suckers.  wrap presents, assemble toys,etc. still haven't found those stockings either! eek!

btw I finally figured out dried cherries are a no no for ulcers! ouch! (I am hooked on this stuff called triple C mix, it's organic cashews,cherries and chocolate) I ate about a pound of it this weekend and paid for it for 2 days! burning pit in my stomach. I feel sooo much better now that I stopped scarfing it down.lol.


happy holidays everyone!:D


baca-congrats on your GPA! awesome!

maryjo-LOL> you are too sweet! yes I have a winter coat! (I am just spoiled and prefer 100 degree wheather!) thanks for thinking of me!


Dorothy-can't wait to hear about your trip!

Becky- that's an amazing story. btw I hope the holiday is over quickly for you and me both!!! right there with ya.

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Today has just been another day of the tears I just can't seem to  stop doing this. My son's and their families are coming over tonight I just want this holiday to be over with. I hope u all have a nice Christmas.


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the stockings are lost!!! I am just going to not stress it. I think santa will do a treasure hunt instead. lol. should be interesting. you know i'll find the stockings somewhere tomorrow or the next day too! ackkk!


lela- sorry you are having a rough time. hopefully your grandkids can cheer you up a little.

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rodless- its not paxcal its Zoloft been working well i just have to remember to take it and i'll feel better..

just wanted u tal to know im thinking of u tomorrow on christmas. And to thought who dont celebrate happy holidays from canada. it doesnt even feel like holiday time. if i didnt know the date i'd have no idea it was tomorrow. i feel like im still in May when the accident happened.

good luck to u all tomorrow and hopefully we  can all get through it


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April- I e mailed the OPP (ontario provincial police) about the accident report - they said they only give them to the insurrance companys and the people dirrectly involved thus i get nothing... but i know a lot i mean the guy who did the investigation told my friend everything even though he wasnt supposed to so ill have to go with what i know.

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Hope everyone has got through xmas. Its nearly over here in australia and thank God for that I just want it over.

Harrison was overjoyed with his motor bike and montanna with her digital camera,and other things. we had a seafood lunch but couldnt really eat but of course managed to get down 2 bowls of triffel. and chocolate.

was really diosapointed with My husbands family not one of them called until 9pm tonight. they said they were out all day and didnt get a chance. Mal dad didnt even call I tried to call all of them but they were all out . Kids wanted to talk to nanna and grandad this morning. It was upsetting for them to not be able to speak with them I have realised that the daughter in law just doesnt hold the same weight as the son. I am sorry for the kids. In laws just didnt think about it I guess.

My mother sat in the chair and went to sleep showed no interest in the kids for the whole 3hrs she was here..I dont know why she bothered. Have decided next year they can all go and ............(do something else.) Wanted someone to come to crematorium with me but of course its to hard for them. so I went by myself.I did enjoy some quiet time but very sad.

I feel so horrible and alone tonight, where the hell is my husband and why isnt he here. I am so sick of doing it by myself.I think I am turning into an ungrateful bitch. I should appreciate what I have left, but I do expect them to make an effort and I hate the fact that they dont.

Having a sad and angry day. Feel like nobody cares. But I know you do.

was going to delete this but what the hell.


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Im with you beck a cocoon sounds great . do what I have to for my small kids but thats it. Am sick of every one and every thing. want to shut everything off. I to have learnt to drink since Mal died. Not alot but it takes the edge off some nights.

I hate xmas.


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Naz & April, It's amazing what we can do when we have small kids to take care of. I went through Christmas 2 months after my ex left in 1983 when my kids were 4 & 6. Most miserable Christmas of my life trying to keep it together for them when all I could do was cry. Christmas can be the worst when your family is not complete. Thinking of you both!!

I need to get busy. Went to "Christmas in the Barn" with a friend yesterday afternoon. COLD but very moving sitting on hay bales, smelling the animals and singing. Then had a nice Christmas Eve with my daughter. So now I need to get busy and finish up some things before my son and his girlfriend come this afternoon. Still won't be done as my mom & her husband will be here Wednesday. This year I am handling everything better.....concentrating on family instead of gifts, hoopla etc., but I will still be relieved when it's over.

Hope everyone find some joy today! Mary Jo

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naz- im with you on the inlaws we havent heard from them hardly at all except mil calls to let me know she hasnt heard from us. I made an effort at first but i felt it was all one sided and what the hell they werent there for me when he was alive so why should i be for them now that he's dead. They used to plan their phone calls or visits when they knew i would be at work. Ok so next year i'm not doing the Christmas thing at their house and if my kids dont want to go then they dont have to. They dont want to this year but i think we will try one more time. Your right the daughter in law doesnt hold the same weight and neither do the grandkids/nephews and nieces.

my cacoon will be a big fuzzy blanket in front on the fire and a book tonight. Maybe a glass/bottle of wine.


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Well it's christmas day and I woke up sick!

We got through last night the boys and I had a good cry after they open the gift that their dad had bought them. Yeah I put his name on it he bought it for them. We had a good supper and the grandsons had a blast with their presents. Today I am cleaning up the mess didn't care to do it last night. I have some music playing and just doing nothing really. Randy's brother came by with gifts for us he is still  not handling this very well.

Thinking of all of you today and hoping the day goes ok for you. And fast if it needs to. Enjoy all the little ones in your life because they grow up all to fast and enjoy making new memories that will last the next lifetime.

Merry christmas Lela

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Hi, everyone.  I'm having a very quiet day and it feels fine.  Ishaq's younger son and daughter called me this morning, as did his sister, and my dad, so that was good.  It's very cold here and is supposed to snow tonight, maybe even stick.  I'm feeling pretty peaceful here with my cats and my tree and my beloved Ishaq watching over me from the spirit realms.  I'm thinking of you all today and wishing you peace.

Love and Blessings,


PS, Naz, to add your picture to your name click on the "My Account" button, then click on "Avatar" and there will be a box to browse your computer for the picture you want to upload.

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Hey Anna- Glad your day is going well! We have just been hanging out. Going to clean up now..


btw what does everyone do as far as new years rituals? I am really looking forward to the coming year. would like to do something to celebrate! any ideas? I am going to smudge my house NYE but looking for other ideas...

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Quiet on here today...

April, as for New Year's Eve, I'm going to a friend's house and we're going to have a potluck and hang out...she asked us to bring divination things like Tarot Cards to do readings for each other if we want.  At midnight we're going to open the door and bang pots and pans.

I always count Winter Solstice as my New Year - the pagan part of me coming out! - so New Year's Eve was never a big deal for me.  Seems like a good excuse to get together with some friends though.

No snow on my house, though a dusting in the hills around town...tomorrow they say it could be on the valley floor in the morning.  I'm hoping!



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Anna- oh tarot! fun!!! I think we are going to cozy up and have an all night movie marathon with lots of food! (just me and the kiddos) I also found the perfect smudging/sweeping/blessing jar ritual we will do as well! (before the movies and food!) DH and I always used to go to SF for NYE so I always get kind of sad then. :( feeling like staying home and just being with my kids so that's what I'm going to do! maybe we will play games in between movies  too..


btw I think we will do the opening the door at midnight and banging on pots and pans too. the kids would LOVE that! it's funny because where I live if you go outside at midnight you willl hear lots of stuff (I am in the country but surrounded by canyons so it echoes) it's fun! except for the folks who shoot off guns of course..


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got through xmas kids had a good day. I didnt feel much except anger and sadness. a few glimpses of a smile when the kids opened the presants. new years think I might ignore that one to. maybe a movie with the kids.


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Naz, nice picture and cute kids!

We banged pots & pans one new year's eve in Kansas City at my brother's. The whole neighborhood was doing so...you wouldn't believe the noise. Dogs were howling, kids were screaming. It was fun and something my kids will always remember. I'm not so sure it would go over very well here. I had never been aware of that tradition, but my sister-in-law's family had always done it. I'll probably hang our with my "gang", eat too much junk and drink too much wine. We're planning to go to a movie or plays cards, dominos or some game.

I've been home all week...love it. My kids are here and we've had a good time. Big dentist appt. tomorrow that I'm dreading but has to be done. I hope everyone came through Christmas ok. It was much better than last year for me but parts were still difficult. Looked at some pictures today and tears started but managed to get busy. After everyone goes home, I can concentrate on myself. New Year's Eve is almost harder because we used to go dancing a lot and after he wasn't able to do that, we smooze in the basement and enjoy being together.

Saturday will bring a different type of sorrow. I was married the first time on 12/29/71 (we opened gifts on new year's eve) and I always think about how things could have been different, what my life would have been like, what my kids would have experienced etc. etc. But then I would have never have had Rod and I can't imagine that either. New Years is not my favorite time of the year but I wish all of you a happy one.

Mary Jo


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Hi everybody, We had a pretty good Christmas. Had our ups and downs but got through it. My boys were spoiled as usual which is what I think Christmas is about. The puppy ate some of the wires for a new video camera which sucked! New Years will be worse, it would be my 14th wedding anniversary. My sister is having a party so that they can keep track of me! My boys are both having a hard time right now with the holidays and getting closer to the anniversary. My oldest just doesn't know what to do - he wants to be happy about celebrating his birthday but feels like he needs to think about his dad. That part really stinks. I will probably try to get us all into the therapist this week. Glad to see most of us did ok.

Angel, is that a new Christmas puppy on your photo? What good stuff did anyone else get? Have a good day girls. Lisa 

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:X (((Hi All)))

Haven't been posting recently, just seems who cares. . .just existing....blahh.....glad Christmas is behind me!   It was very hard and the 10 days to 2 weeks prior were also.  Did more crying than I have for awhile. . . .It was my 2nd Christmas without Tim, was I on auto-pilot last year?   I have so many loving/understanding people around me, why do the jerks always stick out or have to say something?????????

Sometimes the emptiness runs so deep within me I think I could bleed.   Then, there can be times I feel such closeness to the Lord and peace can wash over me.  Its the most wonderful thing.

Been very busy at work, exhausted and just blahhhhhhh - the food Christmas Day the atmosphere everything was  BBllahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I am praying: I have had the opportunity to be able to spend a week in Florida, Jan 3-10, I live in Minnesota, it was a very reasonable offer for plane fare, lodging and rental car.  My prayers are that I will be able to get relaxed and ready to try to regroup abit.  Thank you, Lord for this great blessing you have put in my path!

Well, Happy New Year to all-----

GrannyCheryl   ^j^ ^j^ ^j^


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Hello everyone ..Like you Granny I haven't been posting much either..been on my knees Praying a lot during these painful Holidays..

Thanks Mary Jo...YES my Faith in MY God did carry me through ! I am so Grateful that I know HIM.. 

Have a wonderful New Year everyone ...sending you all best wishes and Praying for peace from our Lord for you all...

Hugs and Prayers...

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Hi everyone...Crushed and Granny, sorry you are having hard times, but glad you have your faith to carry you through.   I know I certainly wouldn't have been able to do this without my spiritual practices and beliefs...

Been a quiet day - and no, we never got snow on the valley floor, but a little up in the hills.  I was going through Ishaq's old flyers and newsletters yesterday and found some wonderful writings of his that I've started to transcribe.  I made a little postcard of one and took it to our Sufi zikr last night and gave them out to everyone; it felt like he was speaking to our community...funny, I'd been through this one folder several times during the past year and never seen these...it was like it showed up yesterday just for this purpose of his giving a little New Year's message to his friends and students.

I'm trying to get outside and walk a little every day, just to keep some sunlight, even if it is diffused by clouds, shining on me.  There's a lot going on in the Sufi community in the next month or so, and I'm helping to plan a couple of the celebrations, so that will be good and keep me busy. It's also Ishaq's oldest son's birthday, and Ishaq and my 12th year anniversary.  Plus I want to do something for Imbolc/Candlemas, which is February 2 - it's the halfway or cross-quarter day between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox; also a Celtic holiday dedicated to both the Goddess Brigid and St. Brigid.  I thought I might have  little gathering, do a little ritual, have friends get together.  I'm feeling like I want to honor all these different traditions that  make up who I am, both spiritually and ancestrally, in a more public way than I did last year. 

Sorry this is long...I'm rambling a bit...

Hope everyone has a peaceful weekend,

Oh, and April, have you heard of the soapberry nut tree?  I've ordered some off eBay to try and grow and to use...the fruit/nut of the tree is high in saponin and is a natural, safe cleanser and you can use it for all kinds of things.  Let me know if you are interested (anyone else too)  and I'll PM you the links to info.  It might grow better where you are than where I am - something else for your homestead!



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I finally have a break in the action. The last kid left this afternoon and my brother is coming late tonight but right now it's just me and a quiet house which I need for a little while. Just came in from a walk with the dog...beautiful night sky full of bright stars. It used to make me cry thinking about Rod and how we loved to go out in the country to see the stars, but now I am really enjoying them again. Thinking about that made me decide instead of new year's resolutions which I never keep anyway to make a list of things I can do or find for myself that make me happy. In no particular order:

starry nights, clean pajamas & sheets, taco pizza, being in the middle of a good book, butterscotch coffee, smell of pine trees, fresh pineapple, Sunday crossword puzzle, 50s rock & roll muscic, the feeling I have after a swim and a hot shower 

2007 was such a bummer and I really want to make 2008 better. I can't bring Rod back and I have to face the rest of my life (which looks really long sometimes) so I'm going to start with the list I made and try to get through January without going into the deep hole I was in last year.

Any one else want to share a list? I'd love to see us all try. Mary Jo

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:shock:My list would be:   Peace in my heart, just complete peace beyond what our little human mind can imagine, Family together, Friends, my ability to get back to always having people over. . . Couple good books, flowerbed with out back pain, being a friend to all the ones that need a friend, especially those in tuff situations,  some crafts to work on, more finished in my house e.g. basement bathroom/painting the rooms that need to be.   And, just a level existence. . . . .And a closer walk with my Lord and Savior, Jesus.

Granny Cheryl

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my new year resolution is to only have  good luck all the bad luck  is gone. to have 1 night peacefull sleep. to get a gardner, loode weight and do some excersixe. I want my son to have some peace in his life as well.


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HEY EVERYONE!! i had christmas and his 24th bday all in a few days.im pretty ok actually. i feel permanently crushed and like im missing something but thats the new me.=). lol. anyway right now im working on confronting someone because theres a nice rumor going around that im apparently in rehab. thats nice. whoever made that up has no fuckin life or respect for that matter. but so just checking in. hope everyones doing better.


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here are just a few of my new years resolutions (from another board) of things I am working toward in the new year.

I am really excited about 2008!

~become a better listener

~spread more light & love in the world

~live a more authentic life~ be true to myself above all~

~rennovate and open my shiatsu/massage studio

~become a reiki master

~continue working on writing projects

~run Irongirl in December 2008 (5k!)

~sign up for a house share (this is where you trade houses w/ folks from another country-we won't be going until 2009 but there will be lots of planning and choosing involved) and I need to get another bed,passports,etc.

~spread some of DH ashes

~start camping with the kiddos

~dental work (ugh!) need a wisdom tooth pulled and a scaling. ick!

~yoga 3x a week at the least-thinking about doing yoga teacher training eventually.

~grow our own food ala food not lawns~ recconect with B and get him to come do a consult n my property  (permaculture designer)

~find some homeschoolers in my area

~continue to declutter my life (physically & emotionally)

~crochet 300 hats for hats4thehomeless

~homestead stuff- I plan to breed my one goat and add 2 beehives this spring. oh and replace the flock of chickens I lost!

oh and the BIGGIE for 2008 is to cut out all refined sugar and coffee! nut.gif (I know I can do it because this year I cut out soda!)

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It is amazing how some people spread rumors around.  Bacafly, good luck with getting it under control! 

I just spent a couple of hours digging out the blackberries on the side of my house.  Got almost done and it started to pour, so I'll finish another day.  I'm looking towards having a really good garden this year, with lots of vegetables and flowers all over the place - front yard, back garden, side yard!  I kind of let gardening go last year, but this year I'm feeling more like getting back into it.  It felt good to be out there working in the dirt. 

As for the new year's list, April's is an awful lot like mine!  Wanting to get the clutter in my house under control; wanting to keep doing my Sufi practices on a daily basis.  I'd like to learn to meditate more, or better...stilling my mind is really hard for me (I have one of those Gemini hamster-brains - always running around the little ball and never stopping to rest!); I want to do more of my art and create more; write more poetry and try to write more of the book about living with the loss of a partner in a magical and spiritual way; I also want to get back into exercise and yoga.

As for a list of what makes me happy right now:  the wonderful dream visitations of my beloved Ishaq, and talking to our friends and family about him, and listening to his voice in the recordings I have of his music and classes; feeling my hands working in the soil; the sound of the rain coming down outside; the flocks of birds that have been coming every day to my bird feeder; singing Sufi zikr and going to the various Sufi classes; listening to music; curling up with my cats and a good book; hot baths with essential oils to relax with; chocolate; coffee (two things I'll NEVER give up!); looking forward to picking fresh berries in the spring and summer and swimming in the rivers and lakes.

I know there are more things, but that's enough for now! 

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